Title: The shoot... Post by: Bukenya on June 05, 2007, 10:13:11 PM The Shoot Before the light there was darkness Awaiting the awakening of consciousness For a seedling to become a shoot There must first come the root That feed upon life itself Inspiring the higher self To elevate above the blinding earth To honour that which may give birth Illuminating the power from within For underground, light is hidden Before it may grow It is first to know The source of all things being Those that are, without seeing Guiding each soul through consciousness To the path of essentialness By the mercy of Jah bless Then only the shoot may rise To that light beyond the skies Beyond the darkness that it knew Above the ground to taste the dew A youthful existence that is true The sprout of life in all its wisdom A fledgling of its future kingdom One day a tree to become Unified with the only one That sustaineth life in eternity The roots of a binding unity For guidance to its destiny Gradually time will unfold The story still to be told The branches with an ultimate goal Stretching forth the key they are to hold To reach for the infinite sky For in this, answer truly lies The source of all that is known Of all that was...all that is... To perish and be grown By Robin Kasozi Bukenya ------------------------ |