Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: Queen_Samiya on June 07, 2007, 02:09:00 PM

Title: Going Back to Africa.
Post by: Queen_Samiya on June 07, 2007, 02:09:00 PM
Hello Brothers and Sisters,

 This is Queen Samiya. After I found out from my ancestors of what Nation that I came from, and I decided to go back to the Motherland. My heart is for Africa. I am also born and raised in USA, but I am a Yoruba, Ashanti, and BaCongo. I had searched to find my roots for so many years. I am also going to get married to an Ewe from Ghana in December. We will be having our wedding from over there. I am so happy to know who I reallly am, and I wish that all my brothers and sisters from America to take a look at themselves in the mirror and see whom they really are. They are Africans and they don't see it mentally. I wish all the best for those that are trying to find themselves. I will learn the languages and more of my culture. I am tired of speaking the white man's language. So peace to all of you my brothers and sisters.

Queen Samiya

Title: Re: Going Back to Africa.
Post by: will on June 13, 2007, 07:04:49 AM
P E A C E & J O Y on your Journey... May you continue to evolve... Hopefully in time, more of us will follow and also come into full realization of our spiritual beings....

E N J O Y & keep us up-to-date on your further progress, from time-to-time... [smiley=beam.gif]


Title: Re: Going Back to Africa.
Post by: Bantu_Kelani on July 09, 2007, 12:08:55 PM
Sista Queen_Samiya Yenge (peace)! Yenge!

I want to know how did you find out about your background. Did you do genealogy research on the web or with a different ressource, or did you do divination rituals? The type of divination rituals traditional priests do, calling on the MPUNGO (or the Orisha or the Loa ) and the Ancestors. Which one did yo do?

Also so you know, the proper word is KONGO with 'K'.
KONGO is also the name for NZAMBI MPUNGU, 'God' in KiKongo. The word 'Congo' with 'C' come from the Belgians.   

Title: Re: Going Back to Africa.
Post by: Queen_Samiya on July 13, 2007, 09:20:18 PM
Peace Sista Bantu Kelani,

 I found out through DNA, research, and my ancestors that told me this. I am so happy to know the real information about my heritage. I also realize that it is BaKongo instead of the letter "C". Are you still living in the America right now? When are you going back to Congo? It is so good to finally got in touch with you.

Yenge My Sista,

Queen Samiya