Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: Brendan on June 24, 2007, 07:44:27 PM

Title: Meditation?
Post by: Brendan on June 24, 2007, 07:44:27 PM
Well I am sort of a newbie rasta and today I was meditating(no ganja) for about an hour to an hour and a half and my hands became numb and felt like they were shaking this eventually spreadthrough my arms and into my upper chest and down my torso until it stopped at my waist. then my legs went numb.  When I stopped meditating I was light headed(sort of in a good way like i have heard people discribing what they felt like when they smoked ganja note i was not using ganja) is this supposed to happen?  O and also I couldnt move my hands it was like I was paralyzed from my elbows to my finger tips but that went away after a few minutes of not meditating.

Title: Re: Meditation?
Post by: Brendan on June 25, 2007, 10:32:14 AM
Could some one please tell me if this is normal or not?

Title: Re: Meditation?
Post by: TohioAst on June 25, 2007, 03:44:31 PM
Were you using the bellow breath, or a simimal technique (hyper breathing)?

Title: Re: Meditation?
Post by: Brendan on June 26, 2007, 11:22:33 AM
ok details are I was sitting in a cross legged position on a foldout chair for about an hour or more taking deep slow breaths with my eyes closed this was outside the temperature was about 25 degrees C and there was a light breeze(just enough to cool you down a bit.)my wrists were resting on my knees with my palms face down and my hands hanging limp and when I stopped meditating I sat in a car breathing normally listening to bob marley and shaking my arms avery once in a while until I got feeling and movement of my hands back.  there thats every detail I can think of.

Title: Re: Meditation?
Post by: Brendan on June 26, 2007, 11:30:12 AM
And how often I meditate the elast iv meditated in a day was 20 mins and the most i have meditated was about 1hour and 30 mins. So far I have meditated every day since my decision to become rasta

Title: Re: Meditation?
Post by: TohioAst on June 30, 2007, 10:53:15 AM
Not exactly sure why those sensations occurred. They seem more connected with bellows breath. Did you experience any sensation of blockages within the Chi paths (microscopic orbit?)

Title: Re: Meditation?
Post by: Shiva 108 on July 03, 2007, 06:12:57 PM
Yeah, I sometimes get numb tingly feelings after doing bhastrika (bellows). You say you were doing slow breaths? Wouldn't think this would cause the sensations you describe. I think its just your circulation in your hands being cut off by having your hands drooped off the end of your knees, try having you palms upward on top of your knees, not drooping, this produces smoother deeper breaths.
The numbness in your legs is caused by being crossed legged, try adjusting your legs so the are folded in but the lower parts are on the floor rather than crossed.
You'll probably get some numbness still, but keep practicing and this will lessen over time. If there is any discomfort welcome it without a condition, but if its really distracting adjust your legs outward for a bit.
Also folding you thumbs under your fingers and pressing (not to heavy) your knuckles on the floor, leaning forward, while on your knees and feet are on the floor works well for ridding numness too. Hope this helps.