Title: When remote learning has halted and experience is necessary Post by: Iniko Ujaama on July 08, 2007, 06:23:16 PM When remote learning has halted and experience is necessary
Food undigested becomes a nuisance Similarly Knowledge unassimilated becomes perhaps a greater nuisance. I have grasped many lessons since my christian days and have found that "The ALL" is just that "ALL". The material existence is relative. people like Deepak Chopra say that you create reality every moment and that which you experience in your creation. I can begin to wrap my head around this. I have gone to the illusion of atheism(I say illusion because it usually cannot fully explain itself and ends usually in a paradox. Also I think Atheism arises largely from a rebellion against a misinterpretation of higher truth which then comes across as a constraining concept of The ALL/ GOD). I keep reading and seeing more and more to reinforce what I know, atleast in the conceptual sense, of what reality must be in a more profound or higher sense. However my plight arises in my inability to confirm with experience that wich I believe must be truth. That I am really part of the ALL and therefore connected to everyting else. Additionally, I'm an African and I do identify with the cause of upliftment of my people not only because I identify with the race but because I think that the world is running currently anti-man and Africans are among the worst hit. I do not believe there are any accidents. neither the fact that i am born African,nor the state of affairs of Africans I think is accident. But I still need to Rationalize it. Why are we Africans situated where we are currently and for the last few centuries? (Some say that all in our life is a consequence of actions in this or other lives) Why was I born among those worst hit ?(and this is in no way a show of regret). in other words what determines what race you are born in? and Were those who are born African necessarily African in their former life(lives)? Is it our duty as African to concern ourselves with the fate of other Africans? or are we here simply to re-member our selves(like Neal D. Walsch says)? Or are the two synonymous? If so why? The folllowing question may not have an answer now What is the experience like being one with THE ALL? is it a constant state or is it a momentary glimpse? How does one move from knowling that one is part of THE ALL to actually experiencing this higher nature? I do give thanks to all who may help forward my development in this regard as these are aged questions in my mind. I have met reasonings sometimes with a very stern and perhaps aggressive response and I wonder sometimes whether one cannot be enlightened without such harshness or perceived harshness(as it may just be my own insecurities) Thanks in advanced for the reasoning Blessed love to ALL and THE ALL Iniko Ujaama Title: Re: When remote learning has halted and experience is necessary Post by: wezekana on November 16, 2007, 08:57:30 PM You wish for reconciliation. You are right where you need to be.
http://www.lalhost.com/pdf/holy_dhammapada.pdf Title: Re: When remote learning has halted and experience is necessary Post by: Iniko Ujaama on November 25, 2007, 12:20:11 PM Give thanks for the strength.
I will check out your link. I continue to seek the learning but am increasingly aware that experience become. Iron sharpen Iron blessed love Iniko Ujaama Title: Re: When remote learning has halted and experience is necessary Post by: Bennu Ausar on December 04, 2007, 04:56:38 PM Peace Iniko Ujamma,
You ask some very pointed questions that deserves real answers. In no way do i purport to know a definitive answer to your deeply thought out inquiries, but i will offer some thoughts on the subject. i have also been taught from my own studies (and agree) that we are each part of the ALL (that which we refer to as GOD). In my tradition, we are taught that the totality of Being is made up of the Self and the Spirit (Spirit consists of various gradations, including the physical body). In order for indivduals (indivisible duality) to exist in the physical world, there must be a partnership between the two (Self and Spirit). But since who we truly are (meaning our true essence) is Self and not Spirit (Spirit is the material form, including the forces of nature which reside within us once we come to earth), and that Self is what we know as Consciousness (which there is only one of in all existence), we must be part of that same Consciousness, i.e., one with ALL! The illusion that Deepak Chopra speaks of is the apparent separation that seems to exist between beings (called Maya). But is is only an illusion because even though we are appear separate like the fingers on a hand or the trillion of cells in a body, we are all connected as Consciousness and Will. Simply a dispensation of the infinite Consciousness that exists in all things (like a drop of water taken from the ocean -- all of the essential properties of the water is contained within that drop). To address your questions: Why are we Africans situated where we are currently and for the last few centuries? (Some say that all in our life is a consequence of actions in this or other lives) As for our condition, everything moves in cycles. Africa is still the richest continent on the planet. It only needs good leadership to develop into a powerhouse. Despite all the negative images projected by the media, Europeans are still clamoring to get there because they see the opportunity. I believe that it is true, though, that our conditions are a consequence of our past actions (karma) but also, regardless of what condition we are born into we have the opportunity to realize of reason for coming to earth in this lifetime. Why was I born among those worst hit ?(and this is in no way a show of regret). in other words what determines what race you are born in? and Were those who are born African necessarily African in their former life(lives)? In my tradition we are taught that our destiny/divine plan was shown to us (by God) prior to coming back to earth and we agreed to it. The implication is that we chose to whom and what condition we would be born into in order to learn the lessons that must be learned in order for us to complete our spiritual growth and realize our true Self, unity with the ALL. Is it our duty as African to concern ourselves with the fate of other Africans? or are we here simply to re-member our selves(like Neal D. Walsch says)? Or are the two synonymous? If so why? Yes. If we are all one then the fate of all are interconnected. If by "remembering our selves" he means realizing our true Self (Consciousness that is conscious of being conscious but nothing else since there are no other things to be conscious of), then yes, they are synonymous. What is the experience like being one with THE ALL? is it a constant state or is it a momentary glimpse? How does one move from knowling that one is part of THE ALL to actually experiencing this higher nature? This can only be answered thru direct experience. i have not yet achieved this state, however, i would dare say that it could be either constant or momentary depending on the goal of the practice. It has been said that those who have obtained this state, even though they do not need to re-incarnate for spiritual growth, often do in order to lead the world back from ignorance and the brink of destruction. i believe that some of your questions can be answered with more detail in the book Metu Neter Vol. 1 by Ra Un Nefer Amen. In it and other books by him, is a step-by-step procedure that can aid one in reaching these objectives. Also, the Qabala (Kabbalah) or so-call Tree of Life deals extensively with providing answers to these questions. A very good understanding of it can be gained in Metu Neter Vol. 1 as well. Also, check the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita whose origin predate the Aryan invasion of Indus Kush. i do hope that this is somewhat helpful. Feel free to ask for clarification on anything that has be stated. Hetep (Peace and Blessings)! Title: Re: When remote learning has halted and experience is necessary Post by: Iniko Ujaama on December 08, 2007, 07:47:20 PM I give thanks for the assistance
I have ordered the Medu Neter Vol I and II, so hearing this from you is a pleasant coincidence. I have felt for sometime and have been advised that direct experience may be the only or best way for me to progress to further overstanding. I did have resistance to it before, depending heavily on intellect rebelling somewhat from a prior time of being highly religious and steeped in beliefs with little overstanding. This was one of the defining periods/stages in my life. As it it took an intense progression (belief...almost fanatical) it impacted all my relationships but I embrace it as essential to my path. What happened after that was, as the rapper Common would say "Curiousity killed the catechism". I got more inspiration then from people like Neiztsche and Bertrand Russell...there is much more to this story though... However I think I am becoming less resistant to direct experience and understand the need. Much of the separations of self and consciousness are things which I do need to experience in a deeper sense so that it becomes more overstanding... blessed love and big thanks Iniko |