Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: geoi88i on August 14, 2007, 10:38:10 AM

Title: for all men.. fluoride is the enemy of the pineal gland
Post by: geoi88i on August 14, 2007, 10:38:10 AM
Breathe with me deeply, and bear with me on this one ... the population of 85%

The pineal gland was called the "third eye" by ancient people. It was thought to have mystical powers. This may be why the French philosopher Descartes decided that the pineal gland was the seat of the human soul, the location of what we call the mind
Ancient Mayans Egyptians and Yogas have achieved pineal glands twice the size of most modern human beings today, though techniques such as zen meditation and/ or sungazing
but theres a slight problem today... flouride accumulates excessively in our pineal glands as well as bones, muscles what not, the American government loves to put it in our water to "fix our teeth"
The gland controls all of our endocrine (hormones) how many of you have thyroid probs?
Brothers sisters in parts of Africa, India, and China suffer SEVERELY from crippling skeletal deformities,..u see the United Nations dug the wells to deep so the natural fluoride from the earth comes up excessively, but i said before the tamarind fruit had saved one Indian district Madhya Pradesh from this because the tartaric acid binds to the flouride and they piss it out before it gets lodged
I got brown fluoride marks in my teeth, many kids in the Bronx suffer from dental fluorosis, which they still try to deny and say is purely cosmetic
I spent 4 years in hell but the tamarind fruit as well as iodine( much is in kelp and seaweed, it also chelates fluoride as well as mercury)
The tamarind fruit originally sprouted in East Africa, and Judas hung himself from the tamarind tree, he sold out Jesus
Our government will try to gradually poison the masses til u get mysterious diseases
The toxicity of our city
detox ureself , grow ure pineal and let the prophet breathe
The beast is in all of us yet we are all one in Christ
 Allah huacbar

Do ureself a favor and dont consider these as ramblings of a madman

google up on some of this stuff