Title: rastafari Post by: kurtflirt15 on August 24, 2007, 06:43:51 PM yes greetings i wanna know how do we pray to selasie is it through jesus name
and what is rastafari and how can i learn about it peace Title: Re: rastafari Post by: empressiternal on November 12, 2007, 03:09:25 PM Greetings in the Name of the Most High Jah RasTafari
Blessed Love when InI hol a meds [pray] to Jah InI ask In Jah's Name Holy Emmanuel I King Selassie I The King of Kings, Lord OF Lords, The Conquering Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah Jah RasTafari. Love and Raspect Empress I Title: Re: rastafari Post by: wezekana on November 13, 2007, 03:10:10 AM Peace, Be still.
Answ. - I and I must prosper that love Jah. For love be within I walls and prosperity within I policies. For I brethren and I companion I shall now say "Love be within Jah." Because of the House of the Living I, Jah-Rastafari. InI shall now seek good for Iver. Ques. - Where is love? Earth's Rightful Ruler be praised! Title: Re: rastafari Post by: empressiternal on November 13, 2007, 06:13:36 AM Give thanks @[WEZE] an Iternal Blessing to read yuh words .The I shares so much positivity truth and Light. May the All Mighty Showa yuh with Blessings, Thanks and Ises
Love and Raspect Empress I |