Title: Biblical Story Post by: influence on September 11, 2007, 01:03:29 AM I have a biblical story of
How raining bullets Have young brothers wading in bloody waters Young girls drop there garments Clubs have become the place to bathe in communion wines As young boys on the block scream holla because They can't get out halle-lu-jah While running- Being the product of there Environment Trying to be the first prodigal son to make it home Before the streets of satin takes them under See rap-rap has become there benediction Thugs are not suppose to have faith in religion There almost indigenous So check this I had a conversation with god the other day He said he had more heart felt prayers from street corners Then he had from people that kneel at altars He had more hethins Trying not to falter Then he had Sunday morning saints Claiming not to be Saturday nite club hoppers I spitt this pain that has been blessed by my deity Burning a path-way of truth Through this land of hypocrisy, because Believe -it - or not Hell is the place my uncle got shoot Purgatory is were a infant body has to decide To be the addict is was born to be Or Clean-up and be a productive member of society Exodus is the story of how we're still trying to escape Poverty , being treated grossly Inhumane As Deuteronomy is the explanation of how Every generation before me, looks down on me But refuses to stand up and teach me A generational gap that allows todays cops Masters of homicide Slap cuff on me---- and say It's because I have nothing to do in the community See I--- don't- --like--- fantasies I want to hear nothing Noah's ark saving animals Because they ship us from Penitentiary to penitentiary and That's how they treat us So we hold tatoo's of david's star's Crosses and become pork free Jail houses are like Praying in the Mosk Sitting in the synagogue And walking through the sanctuary And our souls still aint free I--- want --- to --- be --- fed-- the -- truth!!! As closed minded people Will call the Blaspheme Acid poetry Well I hope it burns open the eye's of Churches that won't see the gaping holes In our community Regardless of your denomination My God made one nation So I will spitt this until My body --mind --and--Sprit Becomes a walking prophecy My faith takes the face of Abraham Each scripture I rewrite Will make my dreads loc 352 times greater than Enoch's I--CAN'T--STOP!!!!!! That's 352 books I will have to write Until my father say's come yee sit right here beside me See this is deeper the religion It's the pit of Sprituality So I will give unconditional love and Every drop of my integrity Until he send me back just to see I no longer have to write these Biblical Stories.... Title: Re: Biblical Story Post by: Azania 7 on January 10, 2008, 01:40:54 PM Pure Fire!!! this Truth must be kept alive for all 2 know the hypocrisy of re-legion.