Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: Bantu_Kelani on January 09, 2008, 02:10:31 PM

Title: Pan-Afrikanism in play: California Afrikans speak in Ghana
Post by: Bantu_Kelani on January 09, 2008, 02:10:31 PM
Pan-Afrikanism in play: California Afrikans speak in Ghana

Title: Re: Pan-Afrikanism in play: California Afrikans speak in Ghana
Post by: will on January 10, 2008, 05:56:58 AM
That's a GREAT VIDEO...  It's very informative.. Makes one think about all the possibilities, in a positve way...

Thank you so much for bringing it here....


Title: Re: Pan-Afrikanism in play: California Afrikans speak in Ghana
Post by: Bantu_Kelani on January 12, 2008, 04:23:20 AM
Yenge tata WILL a.k.a MFUMU MOBUNDI!
We need to see A LOT of videos like this one..... A LOT! We need to see more Afrikan-Americans go back to Afrika to build the continent, instead of living the fantasy in Amerikkka. There are thousands Chinese immigrants enjoying economic benefits in the DR Congo. If Europeans and Asians can do this, why shouldn't Afrikan Americans consider this?? A mass scale repatriation..

Title: Re: Pan-Afrikanism in play: California Afrikans speak in Ghana
Post by: will on January 14, 2008, 06:55:34 AM
We need to see more Afrikan-Americans go back to Afrika to build the continent, instead of living the fantasy in Amerikkka. There are thousands Chinese immigrants enjoying economic benefits in the DR Congo. If Europeans and Asians can do this, why shouldn't Afrikan Americans consider this?? A mass scale repatriation..

You asked:

"If Europeans and Asians can do this, why shouldn't Afrikan Americans consider this?? A mass scale repatriation.. "

i really don't know.... My thoughts about this are that  African American have the greatest chance of doing something really positive in AFRICA, if they were so inclined... i say this because of the sheer number of African-American  youngsters that have entered the American school system... When you consider the number that have graduated it and have gone on to work closely with white-Americans, while learning, studying & participating with them in this system, they would know best how to undo much of the damage that has been done, and could exercise the right amount of diplomacy & political expertise to make repatriation go smoothly....

i believe presently if there was a move in this direction by not only African-americans, but by Diasporan in general, we could go along way towards alleviating much of the pain and devastation that's still taking place... But so many of the AFRICANS raised in the WEST, and those recently immigrated in, are so "in-Love" with WHITE PEOPLE on the one-hand, but at the same time very 'FEARFUL" of them on the other-hand, that they are just cannot take a chance on antagonizing the WHITES... So they say NOTHING... And they do NOTHING..

We all just sit silently, looking the other way, as our people & our lands are consumed by WHITE GREED and it's CAPITALISTIC EMPIRE....