Title: PAN AFRICANISTS , DON’T JOIN TO SING THE SONG IN THE NAME OF RECONCILIATION --- Post by: lado on January 31, 2008, 12:47:46 PM PAN AFRICANISTS , DON’T JOIN TO SING THE SONG IN THE NAME OF RECONCILIATION AND CHRISTIAN CHANGE CHARITY WHICH IS ONLY MEANT FOR CLOUDING THE AFRICANS PEOPLES MIND . One thing that can turn the stomach of even the most seasoned Warrior ” African Freedom Fighter “, involved in the work of ending oppression and awakening human dignity in oneself and ones comrades, is the incredible shamelessness of those who profit and thrive off the suffering of their own people. The mind boggles at the blatant callousness of individuals who really and truly do not care about the pain and the suffering their tricknology causes. Not even a “I didn’t know” or the usual denial of hard facts. No, the shameless ones are so versed in their insanity of Greed ; they have no need to protect their psyche through such defence mechanisms. Instead they tend to be totally clear and aware of what they are doing. Take a look at the much talked about African Elites the so called admired Leaders of today’s Indepenedent African Countries . What have they truly done, for Africa, and African people ? Have they done anything, in aiding Africa to realise wholesome, balanced societies and communities ? Have they guided Africa in the constant rebirth of our roots and culture ? Have they partaken in the process of finding out what we as Africans can learn from other cultures and what we should avoid like the plague ? The obvious ( though not quite correct ) answer is : They have done nothing. The truth is though, they have done far more than enough in misguiding, decieving and misleading the people of Africa . If it only they had done nothing, the situation wouldn’t be as tragic as it is. No, they have not merely idly stood by. They have gone beyond the level of the useful fool, who due his/her misconditioning, ignorance and good old fashioned pigheadedness can be used to destroy his / her society and implant the values, norms and governance of the imperialist . They are now willing fools . In effect, they collaborate with open eyes with the destroyers of humanity for the sole purpose of getting a slice of the cake for themselves, and their little circle of friends and family, or those who share the same social status as themselves. Truly , a fitting title would be accomplices to the crimes of genocide, enslavement, terror and the rape of the collective mind of an entire people. There is no excuse only arrogant greed, lack of remorse, lack of compassion and shamelessness . Just see for yourselves : Who goes to Paris, London, Washington, etc and signs away the land underneath the feet of their own people? Who agrees that their people should work for nothing under inhuman conditions for multinational companies in the name of foreign investment? Who agrees to ethnically clear an area of unwanted tribes, so the global economy, or rather the global monstrosity can gain access to the resources that lie in Ancestral Lands? Who swears by , obeys and enforces ridiculous Colonial laws that still are in place in many so-called independent African countries, as Administrative law? Who continues to pay off loans which are nothing more than economic entrapment designed to keep us locked in the ideology and practice of poverty? Who continues to obey the thinking, that we must grow and export agricultural produce for western markets instead of cultivating food to feed ourselves? None other than the African Elite. And why ? So they and their little clique can get rich and fat without doing an honest days work. So their children can go to fine European schools and speak French and English with the proper accent. Not giving a damn about the blood split to ensure their material living standard and status as elites. Take Azania (South Africa). As the Racist regime came to the end of its overt power, - now it just rules covertly -what happened ? Was their justice, was their liberty, was their redress, was their a redistribution of Land? Far from it, there was - to be blunt - A BIG FAT LIE !!!!!!!!!! More than 70% of the Land, which the Racist government had seized through the 1913 land act, has remained in the hands of the white farmers. The entire biological warfare research program targeted at the black populations was placed under lock and key, so the people should never know what was planned against them. The agents of Apartheid, the butchers who had tortured and killed with impunity for years were allowed to do a confessional song and dance and let off scot-free. In the name of reconciliation and Christian charity. Some of these criminals are now mercenaries in places like Iraq, where they can practice their sadism on other peoples, due to the cowardly and treacherous betrayals of the African Elite, those who dare to call themselves our leaders. It is simple in mind; whatever academic title or social rank they hide behind, the majority of African Elites are nothing more than an imperialist fifth column within African societies. Until Africa gets rid of the mentality that infects these twisted minds, until it is forever barred from all affairs that touch on all African collective wellbeing all talk of change remains just that, TALK these black Prefects for the Whites domination still on Africa till todate . RONALD INSTITUTE OF SUDANIC - ISS LADO - OCCUPIED KINGDOM STATE HEART OF AFRICA Title: Re: PAN AFRICANISTS , DON’T JOIN TO SING THE SONG IN THE NAME OF RECONCILIATION Post by: melaninmagic on February 11, 2008, 02:37:25 PM Who goes to Paris, London, Washington, etc and signs away the land underneath the feet of their own people? Who agrees that their people should work for nothing under inhuman conditions for multinational companies in the name of foreign investment? Who swears by , obeys and enforces ridiculous Colonial laws that still are in place in many so-called independent African countries, as Administrative law? Who continues to pay off loans which are nothing more than economic entrapment designed to keep us locked in the ideology and practice of poverty? Who continues to obey the thinking, that we must grow and export agricultural produce for western markets instead of cultivating food to feed ourselves? None other than the African Elite. And why ? So they and their little clique can get rich and fat without doing an honest days work. So their children can go to fine European schools and speak French and English with the proper accent. Not giving a damn about the blood split to ensure their material living standard and status as elites. Sounds alot like some so called leaders right here in BARBADOS. There!! I said it. B. A. R. B. A. D. O. S Title: Re: PAN AFRICANISTS , DON’T JOIN TO SING THE SONG IN THE NAME OF RECONCILIATION --- Post by: Horus on February 16, 2008, 07:47:32 PM Quote Sounds alot like some so called leaders right here in BARBADOS. In in BARBADOS :o?,do you mean that in BARBADOS the gouvernment sell land to Europeans?or any other white aliens?There!! I said it. B. A. R. B. A. D. O. S Title: Re: PAN AFRICANISTS , DON’T JOIN TO SING THE SONG IN THE NAME OF RECONCILIATION --- Post by: lado on February 20, 2008, 07:52:04 AM Quote Sounds alot like some so called leaders right here in BARBADOS. In in BARBADOS :o?,do you mean that in BARBADOS the gouvernment sell land to Europeans?or any other white aliens?There!! I said it. B. A. R. B. A. D. O. S I presume the BARBADOS really don 't do that . But I know for certain in Africa it is happening . South Africa is the tyoical example , where the Land belongs to the whites . All other , the so called Independent African Countries are tuned on re - selling the Lands to the Europeans under such denominations of Multinationals taking over the Lands . Right now under our eye brows is Uganda for example is busy doing that . What a tragedy !! . Poor President Mugabi of Zimbabwer is the only African Leader trying to show the Africans not to do that . Bravo Mugabi . To hell with all the African Leaders who are betraying Africa . Let us be aware of tht . Lado Occupied Kingdom of Lado in Africa . |