Title: New Video: Barack Obama - White Power in Black Face! Post by: UhuruRadio on February 08, 2008, 04:19:37 PM "He hasn't said the word black out of his mouth, not even to talk about the color of his suit or his shoes! He cannot address the suffering of African people."
Watch the video here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ALXhG1o620g (http://youtube.com/watch?v=ALXhG1o620g) (http://www.uhurufiles.org/oy-youtube.jpg) Check out this first in an ongoing series of vignettes by African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela on the U.S. presidential candidacy of Barack Obama. "When you talk about a presidential election where they're going to spend more than a billion dollars, a lot of forces with a whole bunch of money are promoting him for their own reasons. Not because of what's important to Africans, but because of what's important to this element of the ruling class. "So he's important, because at this time of crisis, where you might be looking for revolution, where you might be willing to talk about overturning the system, he brings Africans back into the safe embrace of the Democratic Party." More info: www.uhurunews.com Title: Re: New Video: Barack Obama - White Power in Black Face! Post by: nomo8 on February 09, 2008, 12:37:14 AM Mr. Yeshitela sure pointed up the fact that anything can be done with enough money and power and the appearance can be deceiving, racial identities included. Mr. Yeshitela is out there face to face talking to people in person, not on the chicken -s internet. It's hard to speak off the cuff like that , not being able to spend hours perfecting some clever prose on the internet anonymously. Ha!
That talk pretty much summed up the Obama candidacy. I think the fact that Mr. Obama is part Luo may have a very devious underpinning in his selection by the powers that be. Seems also that he may be being built way up to crash back down in flames over some salacious rumors and testimonials about his personal life, along with having Brezinski mentor him. With a lot of people in Kenya probably excited about Obama, could such a fall from grace only create more angst between the factions there? It seems Condolesca Rice was picked to fail catastrophically as Sect of State under the "worst president in history". to hell with it all, people need to get together physically again and see each other. The internet is not nearly enough and provides a targeting device to take us out gradually one by one as we huddle in our sorrow and lament indoors. It's easy to get isolated these days. My tail is sore Nomo8 |