Title: Attention! Post by: melaninmagic on March 11, 2008, 11:06:35 AM Firstly, I'd like Barbadians ESPECIALLY to keep a close watch on individuals such as Dr. George Griffith, SCM,MS,JP and practicing physician in Barbados. He is currently functioning as the Executive Director of the largest abortion provider in Barbados and was a BLP candidate for St. Phillip North in Barbados' 2008 General Elections as well as a member of the Barbados Family Planning Association.
This suspected Racist/White Supremacist Genocidal Maniac is also pushing for the inoculation of Barbadian females as young as nine years of age against the so called HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Read this article exposing HPV as another medical fraud (no more legitimate than the HIV virus) http://www.naturalnews.com/Report_HPV_Vaccine_0.html Read about George Griffith here: http://barbadosfreepress.wordpress.com/2006/10/24/abortions-provider-george-griffith-is-barbados-labour-party-candidate-for-st-philip-north/ In the Daily Nation dated January 2006, an article complicating him in this HPV medical fraud was published. I will post the exact date of this issue in a follow-up response tomorrow, but in the meantime you may also go to http://www.nationnews.com and do a general search for "HPV" (no photos or interviews in the online version) All efforts must be made to expose individuals engaged in fertility reduction and population control amongst the world’s darker peoples. This agenda is real and must not be taken lightly! The agenda is clearly outlined in Henry Kissinger's National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) report to congress in 1974. You might also be interested in visiting http://www.blackgenocide.org/sanger.html where you can learn about Margret Sanger - noted eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood/Family Planning Institute. as well as http://www.blackgenocide.org/abortion.html where a comparison between Abortions and other traditional forms of historical genocide is made. Two MUST READ BOOKS are: An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy - by Gunnar Myrdal and Busted, The Latex Condom Conspiracy by Keidi Obi Awadu (outlines how the Latex condom and spermacide is complicated in causing cervical cancers and other chronic medical conditions) Other important articles THE AZT LABEL http://www.oldamericancentury.org/azt.htm GENOCIDE, AIDS and THE FDA - AZT Forced Treatment of Kids - Healing AIDS: no drugs/ http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/aids.htm AIDS in Africa: lies and deceptions http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/aids_part2.htm THE GREAT HIV / AIDS HOAX http://worcester.indymedia.org/news/2005/04/1119.php (National Security Study Memorandum 200) NSSM 200: blueprint for de-population http://www.population-security.org/28-APP2.html and http://www.theinterim.com/july98/20nssm.html Keep the faith! Title: Re: Attention! Post by: melaninmagic on March 12, 2008, 03:15:54 PM You may find the article I referred to yesterday in the Daily Nation January 14th 2007
Title: Re: Attention! Post by: nomo8 on April 01, 2008, 11:50:08 PM On HIV/AIDS: perhaps between the allegations of a bio weapon (the engineered virus) and the allegations of a chemical warfare agent accompanied by psychological warfare (chemo therapy for poverty diseases) there is truth. It is typical in these kinds of strategems for eugenics depopulation and other covert plans to confuse, misdirect and obfuscate on many levels. The various experts and revisionists from main stream medical establishment fight over who is right. Mbeki at least sought some kind of open forum to challenge orthodoxies beyond the usual academic posturing and mental masturbation of the experts who get money out of the whole thing.
HIV infection is NOT a death sentence without the chemo therapy. Maybe that shoudl be the clarion call throughout Africa. See how this is set up? If you say that, you are a "murderer" or "aids denialist" who should be locked up, etc. The same thing was said about vaccine "denialists" and we KNOW that much of the so called AIDS pandemic was caused by vaccine programs that were supplied with totally inadequate supplies of syringes that were used over and over again. It probably spread around an ever multiplying concoction of the usual viruses and parasites that really killed the people off. People who stop taking the AV's get better, then are scared back into it by the chemo therapy people and get sick again. If you are white and rich, you get tested again and again if it came up positive until a negative comes up and you are not infected. One or two tests in poor countries in "high risk groups" and your a dead man or woman , power of suggestion, you can die of immune shut down from massive depression in a high multiple contagious disease risk area! Title: Re: Attention! Post by: melaninmagic on April 07, 2008, 11:53:48 AM A.I.D.S is an acronym for an American Invention to Dissuade Sex amongst Black people.
HIV causes AIDS, as much as HPV causes cervical cancer. None of these so called viruses are direct threats to 'Black' People. The only real threats are the Racist/White Supremacist man and Racist/White Supremacist woman with their global Population Reduction agenda. |