Title: Britain to help tenants pay off Landlords in Uganda : Post by: lado on March 22, 2008, 08:05:27 AM Britain to help tenants pay off landlords in Uganda : click on to read and pass your comments on please . Very interesting indeed this topic http://allafrica.com/stories/200803110005.html My comment and yours for discussions please to see what is going on in Africa ? Poor Africa [smiley=bigcry.gif] !!!!! No wonder Britain is involned in giving Money for the Land issue in Uganda . Uganda is a British overseas Territory still under British Sovereignty . Who says NO !!! M7 as is refered to by Ugandans " The President of Uganda ( PRESIDENT MUSEVENI IS JUST A BLACK BRITISH GOVERNOR GENERAL " like most African Leaders of today still of his type " IS DANCING TO THE TUNE OF THE BRITISH POLICY OVER HER OVERSEAS' LANDS -( see the term Commonwealth = where the Queen of Great Britain remains the Head of State of Uganda ). Period . By Lado |