Title: Break away from it Post by: Iyah55555 on June 27, 2008, 02:13:53 AM well im not trying to justify how one should go about such things,but to those bredren and sistren on this message board who are decendant's of slaves brought to the west in shackles who were kings and queens, and princes and princesses and at one time the most powerful and wisest in the entire earth and were the most respected people in the entire earth amongst civilization,being that africa is where civilization first came about.But through time much of what we have learned about our history of africa has been written by liberal europeans yes white people who have been teaching us there opinion of africa im nothing close to a racist but the conservative religious minded white person its there mentality i dislike not the color of them,these racist liberals have made it impossible for many african people to know there history and be proud of being african rather they believe there american when american is not a race just a place,another thing i cant stand is how these insanse people how they have tryed to fit themselves into our history and put themselves higher than africans only because of inferior feelings that they aren't apart of africas glory.Rather they say "well all people come from africa so im african to",the religious bigotry that european so-called "african historians" have put into our history is so ridiculous they have tryed to make it seem that africans who looked different were different races,and have gave us ridiculous names like pagans,negro,black african,niggers,un-civilized,savages.most african people are predjudice against other african people who are lighter shade mostly in the west when they don't know all africans are not the same color but are still african,and how some bredren's considered themself a black african when there is no such thing, to me it's degraded to all african people because it's a racist title of european historians,when one except's a specific racial title that europeans have created your separating yourself from other africans when african people are one not separate is how i see it because africans in africa saw no differnce in each other whatever you looked like, you think the pyramids and great temples could have been built with people who were disenchanted? no they worked as one......im not trying to burst nobody's bubble here but just to encourage people to re-examine such things and info we all debate on,because so much of it is irrelevant to reality
bless |