Title: Crusader Submarines - a parable Post by: nomo8 on September 18, 2009, 03:21:02 AM Long, sorry:
Crusader submarines – a parable One day, the German queen decided that she would convene a meeting of her fellow kings, queens princes, and their most important scribes and assistants in order to fill them in on the progress of the plan they had all agreed to centuries before and how its final fulfillment was at hand through the instrument of two crusader submarines she had built and gifted to their created Crusader instrument, Zionist Israel. The notables at hand included the British Queen, with her loyal Irish Tea Master in attendance, who served the attending royalty with utmost perfection, the Italian King, who at his side sat his secret agent and grand imposter who had previously been King of Japan, the Rus king with his Scandinavian master of weapons, and the new American King, who had no seat at the conference table and was given a broom and a dustpan with which he was ordered to use to clean up any speck of dirt that might be found in the grand hall of the inquisition where the meeting was taking place. At the German Queen’s left hand side sat the Pope, looking dour and imperious. His right hand, out of sight, rested on the German Queen’s back, where, implanted by his Jesuits, a fleshy keyboard that no one in the room could see was his to play upon. Alone and by himself, working for all the attendees, was an old Jewish scribe who took the minutes. “Fellow Crusaders” the Queen of Germany spoke, “our wily plans are at last to bear final harvest with our Zionist Jew slaves playing the part we have made for them. The crusader submarines, two of them, have been allowed passage into the Indian Ocean by the King of Egypt, who we threatened if he did not obey. Here is the plan to bring about our total control of Asia and Africa (we already control North and South America sufficiently) and reclaim our religious and moral destiny as ordained by God. The submarines carry nuclear cruise missiles. They will launch two false flag attacks. One, in the Persian Gulf, against the American naval fleet there, blamed on Iran, will precipitate nuclear war in the region, devastating most of the middle eastern oil producing area, depopulating it of those horrible Muslims once and for all, allowing our robotic machines to occupy the area and take out all the oil we want. After we are through, no human will be able to live there anyway, which is, after all, the plan we all agreed to. Only those with sufficient technology will be able to get the oil – our robots will do the job for us, much better than human slaves, which they will ultimately replace.” The Pope, whose right hand moved furiously behind the German Queen’s back, shook his head in dismay for all to see, but said nothing. The others in the room nodded in agreement and here, here’d the German Queen. The Irish Tea master lost his grip on a tea tray he was carrying and spilled a cup on the floor, causing the American King to rush over to clean it up. The old Jew took down the words, but was troubled. He wondered to himself what had happened to the Jewish scribe before his own appointment, as he had never heard of this plan that did not sound so good for the Jewish people. The British Queen spoke then, “tell us, sister, what great plan for the other Crusader Submarine?” The German Queen chuckled, “ I will let the Italian King let you in on that one.” The Italian King addressed the group, “ my friends, my able agent and imposter who was previously the King of Japan has set everything up for us in order to re-colonize and totally dominate Asia once more. He has acted in a way, in league with the previous American Kings we controlled, including the one you see sweeping up the floor, to set up a false flag attack on America’s naval fleet in Japan! This will be blamed on the North Koreans, and once again, we will have a battle royal engulfing all of Asia. Those pesky Japanese are getting restless anyway and they recently found out about how The British Queen installed their imperial family for their own uses. The Jewish scribe turned his head toward the British Queen and said, “this is not what we bargained for!”, sure that his outburst would bring about his sudden death from the Rus King’s master of weapons, who snarled at him and made as if to rise from his chair. Oh well, the old Jew thought, they are going to kill me anyway after this is over, I might as well speak my peace and be done with it. But, to his surprise, the Irish Tea Master threw his tray at the snarling Rus attendees, spilling them with hot tea and they were taken aback, the master of weapons not rising further, the Rus King’s hand on his arm, restraining him for the moment at least. The Irish Tea Master looked long and hard at the Pope and said “ I see what you are doing behind her back! and like the Jew over there, this isn’t what WE bargained for either!” The proud Irishman approached the Pope and pulled his hand out from behind the German Queen’s back, whereupon the German Queen gasped and shuddered, her eyes cleared to a singular sharpness and she rose up out of her chair suddenly. “At last,” she cried, “our people are free from your spell and we can regain our vital German culture! We don’t want to be enemies of the beautiful Muslim or Black African or Asian peoples! But what to do now!? The submarines cannot be called back by us, only the Zionist Israelis, who are temporarily insane and willing to go through with it.” She looked over at the American King, still cleaning up the spilled tea cups and shook her head. “No help from that quarter, unfortunately.” The Jew wrung his hands, “not again! We have been tricked into doing your bidding. Once, Jews and Muslims fought together against you, now we have been perverted. Damn you Crusaders!” The British Queen looked sorrowful, “I give up, I hereby abdicate to the Irish Tea Master, “ and she gave up her seat and went over to help the American King clean up the mess near the Rus and his master of weapons. The Irishman said, “ I will be no King, for we are a Republic and stand with that poor slob over there, the American King, who should abdicate immediately in favor of Lowell Wiecker as new president of America.!” The other attendees grumbled at that one, but looked resigned to a new world NON-order along the lines that seemed to be forming. “All well and good,” cried out the Jew, “but it won’t amount to a hill of matzo unless those crazy Israelis surrender the submarines and come home! They might trust me if I tell them what transpired here and do the right thing, I am a scribe, no doubt, and trusted for my veracity.” The pope suddenly bent over doubled in pain with a sick look on his face and vomited up the skeleton of Abraham Lincoln. “We thought so,” said the British Queen, “it wasn’t our doing, really.” The Pope looked aghast at poor Lincoln’s skeleton. The Italian king and the imposter former King of Japan looked horrified. Lincoln was killed in part so the Pope and the British Queen could bargain for control over Japan while giving up its former colony of Hawaii to America. Well, here was the skeleton for all to see now. “Shame on you!” said the Irishman to the Italian King and the imposter. “I guess we will have to transform again, “ said the Pope, “I hope it’s not too late on those submarines, I fee terrible, what got into me?” At that moment, the door to the chamber of inquisition burst open and a black man appeared, with long flowing locks of braided hair. In one hand, he held a scepter and upon its hilt was a golden representation of the sacred herb, in his other hand a book with no writing in it or title upon it. “I have been sleeping!” her roared like a mighty lion, “what have you foolish people been doing, what a disaster, I take a brief nap and look what happens!” He turned to the old Jew. “You, outside, someone is waiting for you, go at once, I command you to save yourself and your people and to denounce forever Crusader Zionism!” “I will, oh most ancient of Hebrew prophets!” cried the Jew and he leaped for the door. Outside, was a stair of polished jade and at the top of the stair were two prophets. On one side was an Asian man, the old Jew did not know who he was, but on the other side was clearly the prophet Mohammed. The prophet Mohammed addressed him thusly: “Old Jew, here is my magic carpet for you to ride upon with utmost haste into the land of Palestine. Take the message of what transpired here to your people and the people of all Palestine and do your best to bring back the Crusader Submarines.” “I will prophet Mohammed, peace be upon you!” and the old Jew climbed aboard the magic carpet and off he flew. Jesus the prophet, who was just then coming up the stair of jade addressed the other two. “Whew, that was close, I hope he does his job well.” At that moment, a group of Native Americans were sitting in the sweat lodge, observing the whole Crusader Submarine affair through the smoky mist of dream vision. One shook his head and said, “we tried to tell them this has all happened before but they wouldn’t listen. Well, maybe the African was in time…….this time.” The End |