Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: exiled on September 12, 2003, 06:10:57 PM

Title: Presidents Make Generals (Livicated to Peter Tosh)
Post by: exiled on September 12, 2003, 06:10:57 PM
Presidents Make Generals and Generals Make Funerals...

pres-i-dents make gen-e-rals / and gen-e-rals make fu-ne-rals /
the facts no longer fact-u-al / as the killing be-comes rit-u-al /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
the crime is ha-bit-u-al / real criminals stay in-vis-i-ble /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals ....

one man kills another man / you judge him with life or death /
multiply his crime a million times / and tell me how you rest /
don’t put i in your treachery / don’t tell i of your plans man /
to me you are a mock-e-ry / and here i take my stand /

presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
seeking anwers in the phys-i-cal / when the problems Lord are Spir-i-tual /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
your world,yes it is temp-or-al / but the crimes committed are e-ternal yeah/
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals ....

billions and billions of dollars you ask / to keep the blood a-flow /
while hungry children are dying / your pockets filled to overload /
so don’t put i in your treachery man / don’t tell i of your plans /
to me you are a mockery / now hear i take my stand...

presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
at every door stands a sent-i-nel / total control is grad-u-al /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
just bus-i-ness as u-su-al / with a message sent sub-lim-i-nal /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals ....

i-nad-I nah take dat swim / in a pa-tri-ot-ic wave /
feel the under-tow a pullin / and who will drown in this cha-rade /
don’t put i in your treachery / dont’ tell i of your plans man/
to me you are a mockery / and here i take my stance ....

presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
the concept is his-storical / as you cut the cord um-bil-i-cal /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
now the problem is be-hav-io-ral / in the hearts of the in-div-id-u-als /
as presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /

so gwaan fight your man made wars / live in your greed and hate /
kill in the name of God / but someone will have to pay /
and don’t put i in your treachery / don’t even tell i of your plans /
to me you are a mockery / now ya know where i-and-I stand..

cause presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
the facts no longer factual / as the killing becomes ritual /
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
and everyone knows the crime scene / but who will name the crim-i-nals..
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /
everyone knows a crime seen..
and who will name the criminals...
presidents make generals / and generals make funerals /

(((Livicated to Brother *Peter Tosh*.. 10/19/1944--9/11/1987..
Freedom Fighter and Reggae Artist EX-TRAORDINAIRE..
"Tell me who are the criminals".....
i-and-I Give thanks for de Rasta Bredren..
Jah Bless..
ex ....)))