Title: How the Black soul counts to all -------- ! Post by: lado on November 14, 2009, 06:17:01 AM In the year 1917 Hans A. Bishop was the one spokesman, who was sent to Copenhagen by the black community from the West Indien Islands/Danish. He got an obtained audience by King Christian the 10th Amalienborg castle and discussed with the finance minister EDUARD BRANDES. BISHOP was overwhelmed by this big arrangement, welcoming and understanding. Went home happy to his Island ST. CROIX. Even if we did talk about our black countrymen, a NIGGER/NEGER-danish ( the word is still in use 2009) was not our equal. Equal with a white Dane. Inspite of pretended politeness, we sold the BLACKS and the COLONY to the US in 1917.Bankrupt. NOT TO FORGET, the people we ask for help are Christians, have only 1 life to live. 1 chance and 2 possibilities. HEAVEN or HELL. Hindus have 846 lives. No wonder they are not in a hurry. That is why they become less and less people, nobody is coming back.One life thinkers are all over the planet trying to change every body/thing to their liking/ways. Maybe, that is why Blacks are so little understood or not at all. What is the outcry of the Blacks for ? Title: Re: How the Black soul counts to all -------- ! Post by: nomo8 on December 28, 2009, 03:24:34 AM one life thinker = radical impatience? Must make one's life "count for something". Missionary zeal?
desperate to impose ? "A calling"? I wonder if we can want to understand one another too much. Relating to the foregoing, "Improvement" can mean eugenics. Still, reincarnation seems a very oppresive concept. Some religious orthodoxies use it to enslave castes of people. Are Heavan and hell so much different than reincarnation? Each dooms a captive or "saved" soul or exalts it, for eternity, with variations proscribed by a religious orthodoxy of some kind. Maybe I would rather not think too much about all this and just scratch the dirt, go fishing, hang out in the village For a lot of us, that is what we are really fighting for. Soon, the wealth of a culturally rich subsistence life in an unspoiled place of natural beauty will be gone, described as a state of poverty (doesn't pay taxes) that must be remedied (misssionary zeal), or both players and played will go to hell or be reborn repeatedly as tape worms in the gut of sewer rat. n. |