Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Ras Rebel on January 24, 2010, 11:33:04 PM

Title: A Prayer for Haiti
Post by: Ras Rebel on January 24, 2010, 11:33:04 PM
This is a prayer to the Most High
To the Most High of the Most High
Hear the people cry

We are pleading to the Most High
The Most High of the Most High
Hear the people cry

Many days the people suffer
No food no water
Many children orphaned
No Mother no Father

The widows them weary
Don’t know if they make it any farther
They pray for strength to face tomorrow
amidst towns drowned in sorrow

Crumbled by an earthquake
How much more can Haiti take?
In 1804 Toussaint L'Ouverture
Lead revolutionary war
to break the chains of slavery
in this former French Colony

Standing firm without apology
through oppression and poverty
The Haitian spirit triumphed
industrious and defiant

Now in the face of destruction
The people hold faith for reconstruction
The rebuilding of a nation
A symbol of liberation
That’s what it means to be Haitian

A people rocked by devastation
yet patient and resilient
singing freedom songs in Creole accent

So many put in a casket
even more in mass graves
these are troubling days
Heaven the people are in trouble

Men Women and Children
all buried in the rubble
lives shattered, dreams distorted, futures forever altered

buildings broken, collapsed, and deconstructed, left smoldering
devastation, desperation, and death in the rubble
Heaven the people are in trouble

They need your healing spirit
Speak to the conscience of those with means to help
and may they adhere it

Bless the people of Haiti
Give them love and grace
Bless them oh Most High
Hear the people cry

Heaven the people are in trouble
Give them peace,
Give them strength
Give them faith in their struggle
Let them rise through the rubble
Let them rise
Let them rise

~Ras Rebel I~