Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: nomo8 on April 17, 2010, 07:29:27 PM

Title: carte blanche
Post by: nomo8 on April 17, 2010, 07:29:27 PM
by permission of the editors, this web article, (,)  may be of interest. The politically correct official left doesn't usually discuss pedophile homosexuals in high places.  How many "Boys' Town" operations (catholic church run - not "illuminati satanists")have been running in Africa over the years?  Still, the man is dead and cannot defend himself, that should be taken into consideration upon review of the above.  It appears from this article at least that the defense is prepared to argue in bahalf of the alleged killers that the crime was motivated by retribution for abuse rather than wages.  Considering the seeming neverending scandals in Britain over this type of thing, perhaps the rush of some elements in the great British press to mantle the victim with heroic status is understandable.

Here is another interesting link, somewhat controversial, (,)  perhaps putting some perspective to this thorny issue. N8

Title: Re: carte blanche
Post by: gman on April 18, 2010, 01:24:18 PM
Kill all child molesters, gay or straight, black or white... off with their heads! Simple tings...
The British press (and other presses) will of course defend their fellow white oppressors around the world. Why do you think they hate Mugabe? Many Black Zimbabweans may have very legitimate reasons to hate Mugabe, but those are NOT the reasons why he is vilified in the white press... otherwise they would have been vilifying him for human rights abuses BEFORE he seized the land from the thiefing settlers, and they would also be vilifying the many, many other world leaders (including their staunch allies) who have committed just as bad, or worse human rights abuses.

Title: Re: carte blanche
Post by: nomo8 on April 20, 2010, 02:54:06 AM
Yeah, no flowery prose necessary to decide what to do with them.  If you review the penalties these people actually receive compared to penalties in USA (minimum mandatory) for "drug offenses" it's even more shocking and obvious this crap goes to the very top.  Boys are nailed because they don't talk and people don't seem to care much about them.  Mostly the victims reveal abuse later in adulthood when they are having problems, family and friends shun them or are incredulous and they commit suicide. Rape gangs around the world who violate girls and women, take heed.

Racist ideologies and extreme religious bigotry can create justification for these crimes(talmudic,etc.).  Some extremely twisted people do it for the power they think they will gain from the horror and fear exhibited by the victims, who are considered only as domesticated animals.  This translates to another form of mass child abuse, torture and killing, namely dropping atomic bombs on defenseless civilians and similar acts underway right now around the world, decided upon by our great leaders.  I am afraid your suggested call for action would fill a soccer stadium with the heads alone, all the way to the top........