Title: Gaza Flotilla Massacre: South Wales responds Post by: gman on June 03, 2010, 07:08:52 AM Video below shows the initial response here in South Wales. Police are apparently "examining the altered billboards for forensic evidence". I wonder if they will dare try to break down people's doors Israeli-style and arrest people on ridiculous charges of "racially aggravated hate crimes", as they did when some of my comrades destroyed products from the illegal settlements that were being sold in Tesco's supermarket???
Allyo out there, post what y'all are doing in response to the latest outrage from the illegitimate settlement of gangsters called "Israel" (aided and abetted by their godfather the US of A). http://swanseaactionforpalestine.blogspot.com/2010/06/billboard-response-to-israeli-flotilla.html (http://swanseaactionforpalestine.blogspot.com/2010/06/billboard-response-to-israeli-flotilla.html) Title: Re: Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Palestinians and Israelis respond Post by: gman on June 04, 2010, 07:37:08 AM http://www.awalls.org/ (http://www.awalls.org/)
Title: Re: Gaza Flotilla Massacre: South Wales responds Post by: gman on June 19, 2010, 02:45:03 PM Ex-Israeli Defence Force soldiers speak out:
Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37MFa7ZKQWo&feature=related#normal) Title: Matisyahu rants in defence of Israeli criminals Post by: gman on June 24, 2010, 01:15:59 PM Hasidic so-called "reggae" so-called "artiste" Matisyahu has a rant about the flotilla massacre:
http://www.thejc.com/arts/music/33123/the-moment-when-matisyahu-lost-his-cool (http://www.thejc.com/arts/music/33123/the-moment-when-matisyahu-lost-his-cool) Apparently it's not enough that the IDF murdered between 9-16 people; they should have "blown the boat out of the water." Matisyahu claims that "no other country would put up with the type of crap Israel does." I wonder what other form of music than reggae would put up with the type of crap that infiltrators, pirates and culture vultures like Matisyahu infliuct on it: look at the disrespect he showed to veterans like Sister Carol and Barrington Levy: http://www.ligali.org/article.php?id=498 (http://www.ligali.org/article.php?id=498) It's time this scumbag got booed off every stage he sets foot on. If the booing don't work, go for eggs and rotten tomatoes, and if that don't work go for bottles and stones. Just get him off the stage. PS not to inflame tensions or paint a whole community with the same brush.... but some of us with connections to Guyana and Brooklyn have NOT forgotten Gavin Cato: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Heights_riot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Heights_riot) |