Title: AWAKE MY DEAR BELOVED Post by: albert_tempie on November 01, 2010, 07:30:16 PM AWAKE MY DEAR BELOVED
BY RAS ALBERT WILLIAMS (C) 2010 I and I sweetheart sleeps in the middle of a lapo kabwit. Her copper-coloured eyelids held tighter than SEVEN HUNDRED MILES OF BLACK STAR LINERS. Oh how lovely her mystic breath rushes out and rushes in like vapours from a macadam street. Her long, brown, locks flow from the crown of her head caressing her shoulders as it flows like the ancient ROSEAU RIVER that flows and flows and flows. A deep sleep seduces I beloved like a mystery, but the lady floats so effortlessly upon a sea of words. I see her heaving breasts like two mountains a quiver to the latent power that within her rests. That grows and grows and grows in every poet’s heart. That blows and blows and blows in every gust of wind. That rushes forth down those macadam streets as old as colonial history. |