Title: FLOWERS FOR I AND I TEACHER Post by: albert_tempie on November 05, 2010, 09:21:27 AM FLOWERS FOR MY TEACHER
BY RAS ALBERT WILLIAMS (c) 2010 Because The-I taught I and I the way Lit a lamp in the darkness that engulfed I and I soul. Encouraged personal responsibility… I and I brought The I these flowers today Because The I took I and I into your security, beneath the shadow of your wings. Nourished I and I with The I goodness, The I kindness, The I friendship, The I fellowship, The I affection, The I compassion, The I overstanding. I and I brought The I these flowers today. Because when all I and I friends and acquaintances stood aloof from I and I problems. Ignoring I and I successes, and mocking I and I to anger at my failures. The I bravely stood out from that demented crowd, soothed I and I aching wounds, and mended I and I broken heart. I brought the I these flowers today. Because I and I are in awe with I and I teacher, whose Personality overshadows I and Is. And Like a grateful disciple filled to the brim with gratitude, personal love flowing over into I-niversal affection, I and I brought The I these flowers today. Hoping that the beauty and the fragrance, and most of all the memories will never fade away. |