Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Arts & Music => Topic started by: EmpresKeneilwe on December 16, 2011, 05:28:10 AM

Title: Hip sanctuary
Post by: EmpresKeneilwe on December 16, 2011, 05:28:10 AM
See, I may not know the ins and outs of it
But I have an idea of what it symbolizes
Some say it for the bling
And some for the being
At first it was a movement
Then became a culture and culture with time evolves
Something abstract
Not an accessory that which sits on your energy that resides from within, only the universe can move
Often times, more often than not
It's used to strengthen the falsification of the self
Rather than being a catalyst for the personification of divinity, the manifestation of ME.
Hip hop is a rythm, a beat, a reason, a ray, a sound resonating deeper and higher frequencies of 528Hz.
Move mountains, split the seas, we are all children of the universe, the law is on our side.
I am because you are.
Hip home! And in ME it dwells eternally, infinitely