Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Books & Reviews => Topic started by: seshatasefekht7 on October 18, 2003, 08:26:36 PM

Title: the negro a beast
Post by: seshatasefekht7 on October 18, 2003, 08:26:36 PM
peace and hotep,

.....or 'in the image of   g o d'  [smiley=lipsrsealed2.gif]1900. rpt. new york: books for libraries press, 1980.

----the tempter of eve---or----the criminality of man's social, political, and religious equality with the negro, and the amalgamation  to which these crimes inevitably  lead.

st. louis: adamic publishing co. 1902

this is really a disgusting book. it should have been censored or burned years ago. and we just wouldn't know...

biblical and scientific  proof that the negro is not of the adamic family....yes ingnorance abounds.
