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Author Topic: The Beginning of Oppression of the Original People  (Read 12116 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 592

Higher Reasoning

« on: October 20, 2003, 08:50:02 AM »


I have re-read a text by Gerald Massey and came to a very interesting place which may explain some of the beginnings of the oppression of the original people's of the earth by those who felt their way superior. The root of this oppression seems to comes from the SEMITES in their re-telling of the mythologies with MAN as the HEAD, overthrowing the OLD ORDER which held WOMAN at the HEAD.

"The field of Babylonian Mythology is one vast battle-ground


between the early Motherhood and the later Fatherhood--that is, the Mother in space, in the stellar and lunar characters opposed to the later and solar Fatherhood, which became more especially Semite; indeed, where the Akkadians wrote the "female and the male," the SEMITE TRANSLATORS prepensely reverse it, and render it by the "male and the female." This setting up of the supreme God as solely Male, to the exclusion of the female, has often been erroneously attributed to a supposed "Monotheistic Instinct" originating with the Semites! In Egypt the solar Fatherhood had been attained in the sovereignty of Atum-Ra, when the records begin; but this same battle went on all through her monumental history, more fiercely when the Heretics, the Motherites, the Blackheads, were now and again reinforced by allies from without.

When the Elohim said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," there were seven of them who represented the seven elements, powers, or souls that went to the making of the human being who came into existence before the Creator was represented anthropomorphically, or could have conferred the human likeness on the Adamic man. It was in the seven-fold image of the Elohim that man was first created, with his seven elements, principles, or souls, and therefore could not have been formed in the image of the one God. The seven Gnostic Elohim tried to make a man in their own image, but could not, from lack of virile power. Thus, THEIR CREATION IN EARTH AND HEAVEN WAS A FAILURE. The Gnostics identify these seven as the Hebrew Elohim who exhorted each other, saying, "Let us make man after our image and likeness." They did so; but the man whom they made was a failure, because they themselves were lacking in the soul of the fatherhood! When the Gnostic Ialdabaoth, chief of the Seven cried, "I am the father and God," his mother Sophia replied, "Do not tell lies, Ialdabaoth, for the first man (Anthropos Son of Anthropos) is above thee!" That is, MAN WHO HAD NOW BEEN CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF THE FATHERHOOD WAS SUPERIOR TO THE GODS WHO WERE DERIVED  FROM THE MOTHER PARENT ALONE!  For, as it had been at first on earth, so was it afterwards in heaven; and THUS THE PRIMARY GODS WERE HELD TO BE SOULLESS, ***LIKE THE EARLIEST RACES OF MEN*** because they had not attained the soul of the individualized fatherhood. The Gnostics taught that the spirits of wickedness, the inferior Seven, derived their origin from the great mother alone, who produced without fatherhood! It was in the image, then, of the sevenfold Elohim that the seven races were formed which we sometimes hear of as the pre-Adamite races of men, because they were earlier than the fatherhood which was individualized only in the second Hebrew creation. **THESE WERE THE PRIMITIVE PEOPLE OF THE PAST,--THE OLD, DESPAISED DARK RACES OF THE WORLD**-who were held to have been created without souls, because they were born before the fatherhood was individualized on earth or in heaven; for, there could be no God the Father recognized until the human father had been


identified--nothing more than the general ancestral soul of the fathers, or the soul of the seven elemental forces. These early races were first represented by Totemic zoötypes, and were afterwards abominated as the dog-men, monkey-men, men with tails, mere preliminary people, created in the likeness of animals, reptiles, fish, or birds. Warriors with the body of a bird of the valley (?), and men with the faces of ravens, were suckled by the old dragon Tiamat; and their type may be seen in the image of the twin Sut-Horus, who has the head of a bird of light in front, and the Neh, or black vulture of darkness, behind. Ptah and his Seven Khnemmu are the Pygmies.


As the black race was first on earth, so is it in the mirror of mythology. These are the "people of the black heads," who are referred to on the tablets, and classed with reptiles, during a lunar eclipse. These typical black heads were the primeval powers of darkness, to which the old black aborigines in various lands were likened or assimilated by their despisers. In the Babylonian prayers we find the many-named mother-goddess is invoked as "the mother who has begotten the black heads." These at times were intentionally confused and confounded with their elemental prototypes. Seven such races are described in the Bundahish, or aboriginal creation, as the earth-men, the men of the water, the breast-eared, the breast-eyed, the one-legged, the bat-men, and the men with tails. These were the soulless people. They are also referred to by Esdras as the other people who are nothing, "but be like unto spittle"--that is, when compared with those who descended from the father, as Adam, or Atum, on earth, and who worshipped a father, as Atum, or Jehovah, in heaven. There were seven creations altogether; seven heavens, which were planetary in their final phase, seven creators, and seven races of men. And when the one God had been evolved he was placed at the head of the Seven. Hence Ptah in Egypt was called the Father of the fathers, who in India are known as the Seven Pitris. So Ahura-Mazda, Ialdabaoth, or Jehovah, was placed first in the later creation.

The chief of the Seven Ali = Elohim as supreme one of the group became the Semitic Al or El, designated the highest god, who was the seventh as Saturn; so that El and Jehovah - Elohim are identical in their phenomenal origin, whilst El-Shadai is the same son of the old suckler who was Typhon in Egypt and Tiamat in Assyria."


Senior Member
Posts: 610


« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 09:04:41 PM »

In The Chalice and the Blade Riane Eisler  talks about the white Indo-Aryan invaders bringing their Father God with them and usurping the Great Mother. The 'Creation Story' in Genesis is the mythologized history of that conquest. The oldest image of the Great Mother we have is that of the Serpent goddess, so in the Adam and Eve story you have the serpent as the Deceiver, but even in that very story it is the serpent who gave humans wisdom:i.e. knowledge of good and evil!
Now Eisler said that the Mother Goddess was worshiped in Old Europe and Anatolia/Turkey before the invasions, but I was reading Diop tonight and HE says the Mother was only ever worshiped in Africa.
 See how the condemnation of Black Africa and the oppression of woman goes hand in hand.
Junior Member
Posts: 592

Higher Reasoning

« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2003, 09:52:43 AM »


And to add to my previous post, I found this which will explain the origin of the "Jew" being the inhabitants of ancient Egpypt who took on a newer intepretation of the older mythologies which included the heavenly Father at the head:

". . . the worship of the Mother Typhon and her son Sut began to fall into disrepute. A father was needed to account for the generation of all things, and gradually the idea of TUM the Old God of the Setting Sun arose, and he was said to be the Father of the Four Suts. (Thus the four Quarters were established, or perhaps the Equinoctial points and the Solstices). TUM then became known as ATUM, and the Solar Fatherhood was established. Also the twin Lion-Gods assumed the type of Sut-Horus in ATUM-RA.

The quarrel which rent the monuments arose on account of Sut-Horus (Sut as brother of the Sun) and the Egyptian Amen-Ra who was identified with the Greek Jupiter-Amen. An alliance was made between the Ammonians and the Osirians against the followers of Sut-Har, or Sutekh or Sebek, and the ancient genetrix Typhon.

The taunt flung by the Osirians at the Sut-Typhonians was "Orphan", intending to brand them as Fatherless in a religious sense because they worshipped only the Mother and the Child, who became looked upon as the Harlot and the Bastard.

This led to many unpleasant things being said on both sides, and we find a period when the followers of both forms or worship accused the others of every form of immoral practice.

We should now take up a slightly different angle of the situation. ATUM was the same as the first ADAM of the Hebrews. The Rabbis taught rightly that their typical Adam, of the same name as the monkey UDUMU, had carnal knowledge of every tame and wild beast that he could dominate, and was not satisfied until EVE was made for him.

ATUM as the Second ADAM represented the first purely Human Deity without any animal admixture. We now get a glimpse of one of the reasons for the strange half-animal half-human types found in the ancient doctrines. There is another explanation of this, however, which will be discussed later. At the same time we begin to see how it was that King Khu-en-Aten, who revived the early traditions, had many purely human figures made, quite unlike the other Egyptian Images, and that these came to light in the recent discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamen, who preserved them.

We have made mention before of IU, which means Twin, or Dual being, male and female in one. As in the case of Pharaoh or Har-Iu, we again find IU as the root of the word Jew.

So, too, we find in Iu-Sif the origin of Joseph, of whom more anon.

We find in Unicorn, Sut the Sun and Typhon the genetrix, and how this type preceded the Bullock or Osiris.

Sebek (The Crocodile) was a form of IU-Sif, as well as Har-Makhu and Aten of the Disk, who were each the Iu of the two horizons, as Son of the Mother.

After the reign of King Apehpeh in Egypt, the religion again changed hands and there arose a "King who know not Joseph" i.e. who did not worship IU-SIF or the Coming Son.

IU, as the Genetrix, became IU-Pater or Jupiter; and IU the Son who Comes, became IU-Sus, or Jesus. The Ever Coming Son was the prototype of the Wandering Jew, originally a symbol of Eternal Youth.

If there is any historical Joseph to be found in the monuments he is AIU. He was a protégé of Amenhetep III."



So it seems the pre-Adamite(pre-Atum) are actually those who worshipped in the old way before the introduction of the cult of Atum-Ra or the idea of the heavenly father. So with the beginning of the old testament we see a NEW creation in the image of this new idea of the Father God.
Junior Member
Posts: 592

Higher Reasoning

« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2004, 03:03:04 PM »

There are 2 accounts of the creation of humans in the book of Genesis. In this story is the reflection of the idea that earlier man(created in Genesis 1) was soulless, as Gerald Massey states: " . . . the spirits of wickedness, the inferior Seven, derived their origin from the great mother alone, who produced without fatherhood! It was in the image, then, of the sevenfold Elohim that the seven races were formed(sic. Genesis 1) which we sometimes hear of as the pre-Adamite races of men, because they were earlier than the fatherhood which was individualized only in the second Hebrew creation(sic. Genesis 2). These were the primitive people of the past,--the old, despised, dark races of the world,--who were held to have been created without souls."

Genesis 1
"26   And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27   So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

. . . and then . . . .

Genesis 2
5   And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
6   But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
7   And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Notice that in Genesis 2, ADAM, who is the man AS A LIVING SOUL is formed AFTER god moistens the earth "for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth."

This idea is reflected later by Philo in his philosophical interpretations of the stories in the old testament. Note ESPECIALLY the equating of loose earth with that of the Chus(Cushites/Ethiopians):

"81) Why the eldest son of Ham is Chus. (#Ge 10:6). The sacred historian has here produced a word most completely in accordance with nature, saying that Chus was the elder son of evil, Chus being the dissolved and loose nature of the earth, for the earth, when dense and fertile, and moist, is full of herbs, and hills, and trees, and is well arranged for the production of different fruits; but when dissolved and reduced to dust and dry, it is unfruitful and barren; and besides it is tossed about in the air, when it is raised from the ground by the wind, by its dust making the air all alive. Such as this is the first origin and the first shoots of evil being destitute of the generation of good pursuits, and the cause of barrenness to the soul and to all its parts."

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