Greetings Ayinde! Give thanks for the reasoning here:-
You offered the following opinion
If people recapture aspect/glimpses of their inner self through any activity including organized religion then that self can identify with bigger truths which if harnessed can draw one to the inner higher self.
I also agree with what you've said here. Each individual must inwardly experience the way to light, he must discover it himself if he wishes to be sure of the way.(including organized religion)Only what a man experiences inwardly, what he perceives intuitvely in all its variations, has he fully grasped! As you and i know both sorrow and joy are constantly rapping at the door to encourage and arouse man to awaken spiritually. He is then very often freed for a few seconds from the trivalities of veryday life, and in happiness or grief vaguely senses his affinity with the spirit pulsating through all that lives.
Often people only get glimpses of the inner higher self without being able to come into direct alignment. They will have to continue searching for the necessary information and instructions to do so
In getting glimpses of the higher self, one is able to possess truth! What is truth? What you still feel to be truth today you will recognise even tomrrow as error, in which, however, you will later again discover grains of truth! For the manifestations also change their forms.
Thus seeking continues,yet amid these changes you mature!
Truth, however remains the same, it does not change, for it is eternal. And being eternal it can never be clearly and truly grasped by the earthly senses, which are familiar only with the change of forms!
In order to truly reach the higher self one needs to be spiritually free. Free from earthly thoughts, and then you will posssess the Truth, will stand in the Truth, and will bathe in it, constantly surrounded by its pure Light, for it will envelop you completely.As soon as you become spiritual, you will swim in it.
This is where self discipline and firm character is essential. Because each individual must make his own way to perfection. The abilities he carries within him are his equipment for this. He must adjust himself to them and build upon them. Otherwise he will remain a stranger to his real self, will always stand beside what he has learned, which can never come to life in him, as he binds himself with all that he aspires to learn.Thus he is barred from any gain.
It is therefore essentially therefore that in meditating,one should only will what is good! in order to uplift one self to Light.Those who are aware of the power of willing/volition love and fear it.Because as i guess you already know,its never-failing reciprocal effect in all creation which manifests itself in absolute certainty.
Thats why it is good to always seek to light a blazing fire in the soul of people of enthusiam for the good, noble and perfect in others. Hard as this may seem, but seems to be the only way FOWARD.
Falseness and insinceretity rarely gets the job done.