I must concur with that statement, as it is a very relevent point to be made...specifically with regards to "Africa Speaks."
Though all are welcome to contribute their views on these boards..it has become my learned understanding that it is for Africans to speak in authority about African related issues.. and not the other way around.
One can be quite learned through much study of books. But the bottom line is...it is only experience that can speak on behalf of itself, for itself with an authentic breath. Otherwise, it serves only to superimpose one's point of reference into an area where there are no legitimate experiences to back it up...head knowledge vs experiential knowledge IS quite a difference....(self determination)
Can Euro/White people comment on African/Black issues? Of course they can...but only from their own genuine reference point as it relates to them.
To me, that creates authentic dialogue between one another, offering the proper space and respect to say and speak what comes natural from each own's experience.
Of course this is only my opinion...and where I choose to speak from.
Christian missionaries, European-Israeli teachers, Muslim Jihads, Caucasian historians, archeologists, anthropologists, scientists, white Liberal Africanists or whatever else so-called AUTHORITY on Black philosophy and African studies can brainwash individual or society as long as the Creator Source permits. They go making comments full of reeks and false accusations of our character, for we have the guts to promote our own ideals for leadership to restore a gender, spiritual, cultural and material BALANCE. As above, so below though to all whom now see Creator's Truth I commend you!