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Author Topic: Fornication  (Read 80855 times)
Posts: 7

« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2005, 07:12:18 AM »

 If Jesus is the son of God , then God himself is a fornicator , for no where is it mention that he married Mary , instead it says she was betroth / espoused to Joseph(Matt:18-25) . It was Joseph duty and the dictates of Mosiac law that she should be stoned to death(encourage/tempted by the angel Gabriel , to break the law a sin of omission)  , for being with child that was obviously not his , an undeniable proof of fornication and possible adultery . So if this be the Law of God here we see him breaking it , to bring us the Saviour . What does this say of the law ? is God above the Law ? bearing in mind the Law is his WORD .

No Fornication is no sin , to sin means to break an oath made before Man or God(your WORD) or to(a lesser degree apparantly) break one of his Laws .

The Laws of God as seen in the bible , are all broken by God himself and most of his great proponents( patriarchs kings judges ,prophets ,disciples) ,from this what do we learn ?
1 .  That the writers or translaters of the bible  has or have messed up .
2 .  That God is whimsical , and does not feel binded by his own recommendations or injunctions.

I believe there is only one law - The Golden Rule , and all others are recommendations that are put in place to maintain civility , a peaceful society  and the orderly and fair transaction of commerce and social interactions . When this is threaten or found lacking or no longer relevant , the laws are abondon , so as to protect and maintain those whom the laws were made to benefit .To paraphrase a famous bastard child , "Man was not made for the law , but the law was made(to benefit) for Man" . As far as that is true Man holds dominion over the law and must use it to suit his higher purpose .

Always remember it is we who create  God , for we are God and God is us . So it follows that one must love the Lord thy God (Man) with all thy heart , mind , soul and body , that my bredren and sistren is the whole of the law and the prophets .

According to I
Posts: 1

« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2011, 09:43:34 AM »

We must consider the fact the marriage did not always consist of a ceremony. It seems as simple as bedding a virgin. 'Taking a wife' in the bible simply meant to have sex wid di woman who was a virgin.
Posts: 29

« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2013, 07:21:44 PM »

 I understand what you're saying about marriage but to me it is a patriarchal institution where the woman's body most times becomes a possession of the man. It is construct of the Western Society, a vestige of colonialism.  Additionally, a concubine or courtesan status is equal to that of a prostitute & according to the Bible- such behaviour is sinful- my question is  - will the souls of these women who were the concubines of King Solomon be saved? As in this era of the bible - there was no forgiveness from God or will their souls be saved for being the concubines of King Solomon ?
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