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Author Topic: BLACKNESS  (Read 9707 times)
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Posts: 2063

« on: April 06, 2005, 08:47:15 PM »

I view Rastafari as Vodou, Yoruba, Lukumi, Condomble,Shango,etc., they are the manifestations of the spirits of black peoples! They are black African based religions, so if we loose their purity to share them with white folk we are lost! This message by Baron articulates our pain and the long-lasting beating, arrogance, theft of religion, brainwashing of White Supremacy. Let’s read what Baron has to say.


Message from the Loa
Baron Criminel
Sunday, September 7, 1997
LePeristyle Haitian Sanctuary
Philadelphia, PA


I am Baron Criminel and I am going to say, you are in a ******* battle. Everybody's *** is getting kicked. Everybody. Understand me, but the blacks in this are supposed to prevail over all. You don't understand me. You got a ******* problem within this. All of the problems that you are having in this is that the whites are coming to you. The whites are telling you what to do. The whites are controlling this. The whites are doing this. There is a rule in Haiti. No whites get initiated into the Voodoo. Why? Because the whites have brought slavery. The rule also says in Haiti that the whites will come to this and learn a few things and become experts in this and use it to enslave you again. Today, you are ******* slaves in all this ****. Why? Because no black person practicing this **** is letting them know that they are white. Why? Because you got the ******* whites telling you what to do and what not to do! Understand me. Understand me! You all are walking around from a position knowing what is happening and you say "I'm not going to touch that ****. I'm not going to speak on that ****." The **** is yours! Understand. How can you have a problem like this? I'm going to say. I'm going to say. You are letting the whites get initiated without telling them, the whites, the **** is mine and you want it! You are not letting those mother******s know their place! But you know your ******* place in the white world. You know your ******* place. You know just how ******* far you can go. Why? Because you are ******* black. Mambo just don't know how to ******* explain this ****. That's why I came, to explain this ****.

Understand me. So why are you crying? Understand me. It's not just that ******* mambo, that ******* Racine San Buts, attacking Mambo. There are a lot of people attacking this house. Why do you think it is so ******* hard for the people to come through the door? Because there is a lot of bad talk about Voodoo! This is why you need your building. Set that mother****** out there. Understand me, there is a ******* problem. The wheel of Coufou is turning and the **** is turning against you (the Black). Why? Cause you allow the ******* laws of the ******* land to tell you that everybody got freedom and you can't bring no ******* discrimination, they can come into your house, your sanctuary and you can't, understand me, there is a ******* law that says there is a ******* separation between church and state and you need to tell the state to stay the **** out of the church.

If the lesbians want to **** each other, then tell them to go the **** on over there and **** each other without the Voodoo. If the homosexuals want to **** each other tell them to go over there and **** each other without this ****. You are not telling them that we are not ******* each other and that you know their "*******" agenda. If you are a lesbian and you got this ****, if you are a homosexual and you got this ****, if you are white and you got this ****, then you should know how the **** you got this **** and know your ******* place. I'm telling you your problem. The black Haitians in Haiti, they understand. They understand. They're not ******* stupid. They understand that they're *******. They understand that ****. They understand. But the black ******* Haitian is going to play a ******* game with them and take their ******* money. Then they send them to this ******* land (U.S.A.) and those same whites will use their white ways in your own religion and tell you what the **** to do. And tell you "Don't touch me, because I will lead a revolt against your ******* ***." And that's what the **** you're up against. You're up against the white to lead a revolt to take your ******* religion, whether it is the Orisa, whether it is the Condomble, the Voodoo, all of it. And then we'll see who is going to win this ****. We'll see who is black and who is trying to be black. Who is Cuban and who is trying to be Cuban. Who is Puerto Rican and who is trying to be Puerto Rican. Who is African and who is trying to be African. Who is trying to be what they should be against those mother******s. But you must remember, the Cubans and the Puerto Rican ancestors got this religion because the Blacks didn't want it. Understand me. What the **** you talking about? Kick up some ******* dirt! **** it! Yeah, once you get this **** organized, then bring forth what you are talking about. I'm not going to keep repeating myself. No one is ******* with the ******* Indians. No one is ******* with the ******* Chinese. No one is ******* with the ******* Jew. Why? Because they make the whites respect that they are white. That's your problem. The whites are not being made to respect that they are white coming to get this from the blacks. It's not racism. If they call this **** racism, then how can you tell me that this is racism when it was black from Day One! Black from Day One! The newspapers people know that ****. The television people knows that ****. When they search for the raw ****, where do they go? They don't go to no white person initiated in the Voodoo. They don't go to no white person initiated in the Yoruba. They don't go to no white person initiated in the Akan. Where are they going? They are going to the blacks. Why? Because those white people know that it belongs to the blacks. Do you understand me? They're saying racism. How can they call that ******* **** racism? Tell me! Do they go to the Jew and say racism? **** no! Understand me. Mambo did not know how to say this, and when she comes back, then you can talk with her and everybody will understand. If you understand this, then you will talk from a position of strength knowing that this is yours.

For the problem that Mambo is having, tell Mambo to tell that Mambo Racine to "meet me." In any part of this country, I will fly you and myself there for an open discussion and invite the public. Tell her if you think that I am a fake, if you think that I don't know what the **** I am talking about, tell Mambo to tell her I will meet your ******* *** wherever you ******* wish. Tell Mambo to say that to her. Invite the world, invite the Orishanet people. What the **** are they hiding behind, what is that called that **** (computer). Come out, goddamit. ... A ******* computer! And we'll see who is Black and who is white. We'll see who is white trying to be Black. And we'll see who is Black trying to be white. You can talk a lot of **** with that (the computer).

That's what your problem is. You don't know how to tell them white mother******s the **** is yours! Sitting up here talking like a ******* white person like them. You understand me? You're allowing the ******* laws to tell you "Watch out! Discrimination!" Where the **** is the discrimination? How is the ******* church going to come and allow the laws to go into the ******* church and tell you in the church "Give that White that Black ****. If not, you're in violation of the ******* law." **** those mother******s. Challenge that ****! Take that ******* **** to the Supreme Court.

If anyone wants to know who brought this message, you tell them that I am Baron Criminel and I brought this message.

~ Baron Criminel


We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
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