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Author Topic: On Racism ( white supremacy)  (Read 11329 times)
Posts: 18

« on: February 12, 2006, 05:51:42 AM »

Ifayomi note* Many have sadi we have come a long way since slavery, many have said we have equal opportunity today. I beg to differ.
From The Isis Papers by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
"... Fuller explains that racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or institutional practice; it is a universally operating "system" of white supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world's white people participate. He discounts the validity of theories that recognize the evolution of economic systems as the origin of this state of affairs (Ifayomi* white dominance in the world) Instead, he reveals the inadequate analysis of such theories by suggesting that various economic systems - such as capitolism, communism, and socialism - have been devised, used and refined in the effort to achieve the primary goal of white domination. In other words, the goal of the white supremacy system is none other than the establishment, maintenance, expansion and refinement of world domination by members of a group that classifies itself as the white "race." Fuller then suggests that the word "race" in this sense, has little biological validity but is translated more correctly as "organization"
Ifayomi* here is the kicker pay attention
" Of great significance in Fuller's work is the description of relationships between "non -white" and white peoples. Fuller defines and elucidates these relationships as a means of accounting for and illuminating many past and present observable social pratices. (Ifayomi* LISTEN UP) Also, this examination reveals that, despite all kinds of programs and announcements to the contrary (Ifayomi* you are free , you can do anything the white man does, nothing holds you back but you etc) for the past several hundred years, WHITE SUPREMACIST SOCIAL CONDITIONS HAVE REMAINED INTACT AS THE DOMINANT SOCIAL REALITY (caps mine)
Posts: 18

« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 12:44:03 PM »

The Color-Confrontation Theory states that the white or color-deficient Europeans responded psychologically, with a profound sense of numerical inadequacy and color inferiority, in their confrontation with the majority of the world's people- all of whom possessed varying degrees of color-producing capacity. This psychological response, whether concious or unconscious, revealed an inadequacy based on the most obvious and fundamental part of their being, their external apperance. As might be anticipated in terms of modern psychological theories, whites defensively developed an uncontrollable sense of hostility and agression. This attitude has continued to manifest itself throughout the history of mass confrontations between whites and people of color. That the initial hostility and agression came only from whites is recorded in innumerable diaries, journals and books written by whites. Also records indicate that only after long periods of great abuse have non-whites responded defensively with any form of counter attack. This perplexing psychological reaction of whites has been directed towards all peoples with the capacity to produce melanin. However the most profound aggressions have been directed toward Black people, who have the greatest color potential and therefore are the most envied and feared in genetic color competition.

    The experience of numerical inadequacy and genetic color inferiority led whites to implement a number of interesting, although devestating (to non-white peoples), psychological defense mechanisms. The initial psychological defense maneuver was a repression of the initial painful awareness of inadequacy. This primary ego defense was reinforced by a host of other defense mechanisms.

   One of the most important of these defense mechanisms was reaction formation, a respomnse that converts (at the psychological level) something desired and envied but wholly unattainable, into something discredited and despised. The whites, desiring to have skin color but unable to attain it, claimed (conciously or unconciously) that skin color was disgusting to them, and began attributing negative qualitiesto color- especially to blackness. Interestingly the term "non-white" is a double negative resulting in a positive statement.....
Whites desire to have skin color can be observed at the very first signs of spring or summer when they begin to strip off their clothes (as many pieces as the law will allow) often permitting their skins to be burned severely in an attempt to add some color to their pale bodies and rendering themselves vulnerable to skin cancer in the process. Most cosmetics are also an attempt to add color to white skin. Such coloring makeup is provided for the white male as well as the female. And finally untold millions are spent annually on chemicals that are advertised as being able to increase the tanning potential of whites

More to come Ifayomi
Posts: 9

« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2006, 07:16:18 PM »

Putting in to mind and trying not to believe the truth that exist still towards this day and age. Bringing to the blindnessthat exist in my part of the world ,my place I call home where I am suppose to belong , to service my opinion but what surface all "skin".White supremacy don't exist here due to the low percentage of that phenotype but what more dissruptively exist is the caste system not based on religious belief but on shade difference the "light brown supremacy" foolishness is what it is .People view better than others because of their complexion.One heirtage background one culture one Race.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 80

I am the living incarnation of my ancestors

« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2006, 06:39:19 PM »

We have come a long way from physical whips and physical chains
Gone are those days
Now are the long days of mental whips and mental chains
They bind us in a trillion different spiritual ways
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