Black Nationalism (what it means to you)
In my opinion, any religious movement which tries to create a common platform for all afrikan peoples at home and abroad, in order to gain our independence from the white supremist regimes will fail. Religion is a sensitive subject and the minute a discussion arises from a religious perspective we all have disagreements due to our religious points of views. I myself, as a Rastafarian don't consider Rastafari a religion, although many of I N I brethrens and sistrens do, I see it more as a spiritual highway and a guide to a more healthy and righteous livity. I believe in Haile Selassies divinity, that he is god manifested in man, but some of the I them view him simply as a prophet sent from god to light the pathway to righteousness. These simple difference between our perception of Rastafari can cause us to disagree and chant each other down, I've seen it countless times, this house chanting that house down because of differences of practices. What i'm getting at is that Rasta is one of the most free and self expressive culture/religion, but it is still plagued by this disease of religiosity, which brings me to the point of this post. "BLACK NATIONALISM" this is the common platform needed to create the foundation of the Unification of all Afrikans at home and abroad. I say leave your religion between you and your god. With that said, I'd like to ask my original question,
what does black nationalism mean to you?JAH IS MY LIFERas Nevoe