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Author Topic: LADO VIEWS ON WORLD GLOBALISATION  (Read 7905 times)
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« on: March 10, 2008, 06:06:46 AM »


Up isn't down, a horse isn't a cow, slavery is not liberty and free trade will never get Africans paid. It is in short a hustle, a scam, a scheme designed to fill the pockets of an elite, residing mainly in the western world, at the expense of everyone else, especially us Africans.

So how do they run this game? Simply put, through the spread of the false religion of global capitalism, known more commonly as globalisation.

We are led to believe that the triumph of capitalism is inevitable. That this system will connect the world, through the free movement of trade, capital and labour forming a community of peoples united in brotherhood, equality and liberty. Capitalism we are told will lead the human race into a glorious future transforming the planet into a virtual paradise for all.

And for the more sceptical, the argument employed is that it's inevitable and irreversible, so get with the program. To this, all that can be said is "Bah humbug ".

In human affairs, whether it is running ones own life or running a country the decision maker or makers envision how they wish things to be. Based on this they initiate action to achieve this aim. The institutions and systems that govern human societies are ideas which human minds have perceived, systemized and then communicated to others. These others are then convinced, inspired, fooled, forced or bribed into joining the task of realizing what has been perceived.

What I am saying is, things are the way they are because somewhere along the line, decisions where taken by a person or group of persons that this is how things are going to be. A decision of this nature always involves protection of an interest. This process maybe conscious or unconscious but is a basic law of human interaction.

Today's global capitalist system didn't fall out of the sky. God didn't hand down stone tablets, on which were engraved the laws of globalization. It isn't a higher cosmic law. It's an idea, thought up by a group of people to defend their interest: to get paid and powerful and stay paid and powerful.

The religious disguise is a trick as old as the hills. If god, the laws of nature or the all powerful market forces have decided that you must give me everything you own and work for me for next to nothing, who are you to question the transcendent laws of being ? If that doesn't work, the next step is to declare you a heretic and burn you at the proverbial stake. Effective, yes; sane? NO!!!!

Free trade is preached with a missionary zeal that makes TV evangelists seem rational and objective. God moves in mysterious ways has become the market operates in profitable ways. The miracle of free trade will distribute wealth, satisfy all wants and needs and eradicate poverty. To question this assumption in any way is blasphemy.

The truth is that free trade is a disguise for the business relations between the Western states and a few Asian states. The rest of the world is nothing more than an enormous slave plantation, supplying cheap labour and resources for the chosen few.

The slaves are given not even enough to keep them from starving but the mass hypnosis they are subjected to; the promise that this is progress, keeps them subdued and docile. The overseers who enforce this world order or rather world slaughter - our politicians, intellectuals and business elites - get their piece of the pie while we die like flies.

A definition of a slave owner is a person who through force (be it physical, economic, social etc) can gain control of the labour of others and use it to fulfil his/her long term aims. It is using people as a means to achieve one's ends. The process of enslaving others involves destroying any sense of independence, self worth and knowledge of self, within the psyche of the intended slave, in order to create a mentality willing to accept a life of slavery. This is why, for example, the transatlantic slavery involved such violence and brutality. It was a process of dehumanization, designed to reconstruct the psyche of the African into that of a slave.

This is why we accept the horrendous of consequences of globalization, why we blindly accept to open our markets, privatize our health services, our education sector, kill ourselves for consumer products and work for nothing and believe that it is prosperity. A human being conditioned into adopting a slave mentality, tends to be the staunchest defender of slavery

We are tools in realizing Western interests. The Western elite has decided upon a course of action, the false promises of the false religion of globally extended capitalism, is the tool by which the majority are lured into cooperating in their own destruction. The stubborn who cannot be fooled, are starved or terrorized into compliance. If they still stand firm, they are killed. Therefore, don't fall for it. Understand it is a matter of interest and if something isn't in your interest why should you accept it?



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