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Author Topic: Weed saved my life, seriously.....  (Read 7840 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« on: March 06, 2008, 12:43:03 AM »

My last post for awhile, who on this forum needs to hear about which white oppressor is worser than the other?  Sometimes I laugh bitterly looking at white websites arguing about which "evil" conspiracy of white men is "really" responsible for all the world's horror.  I think it is called finger pointing, which yeilds......nothing

But the reason for this post is to reason about the medical attributes of cannabbis (am I spelling that correctly?) and that for those of us through a life of hard work who have injured our bodies through difficult dirty dangerous work and also through accumulation of toxic materials, ganja is the relief we are willing to fight for in place of all the other toxic mind destroying chemicals offered up for a big profit by the usual suspects.

The writer has two serious medical conditions probably caused by a single large exposure to dioxin and long term exposure to toxic chemicals in the landscape construction business.  Both conditions have neurological manifestations and the underlying cuase seems to be hyperactivity of the immune system and internal inflammation.  Ganja basically cures my condition and gives me a normal life.  I do not have to smoke or vaporize it all the time.  Mellow, warm tropical climates, salt water immersion and clean air to breath lessen my need.

I did not want to be hurtful to people expressing artistically through mannerisms, dress and appearance a lifestyle that includes the smoking of ganja.  Let's face it, Rastafarianism is attractive to many not just for smoking some weed but because it is one of the most important social movements in modern history and has results to show for it .  Even though it is an AFrican nationalist movement, it is so powerful in its vision and method that others are naturally drawn to it.  The writer is - but I draw back respectfully after a certain point .
All attempts by the FDA to fund studies showing the harmful effects have failed.  The most stunning results can be found in O'Shaunessey's, a periodical published by physicians for safe access.  When the gov gave its own hand picked researcher gobs of money to prove a link between cannabbis and lung cancer, not only was there no link, but the data showed a protective effect against lung cancer in tobacco smokers who also smoked ganja!  This perhaps has to do with the well known "cooling" effect of the weed and its cancer fighting properties preventing the growth of bundled blood vessels.

In AFrica, so important, is lower GI tract health after ravages of amoebic dysentary and parasitic infections, bad water related, that destroy the lining of the gut and make nutrient uptake difficult if not severely impeded.  Cannabbis not only restores GI tract health, as we all know here from our own expereinces, it actually repairs the intestinal lining that has been damaged!  Cannabbis therapy is thus essential for children suffering from such maladies!

There is perhaps a danger in smoking too much and cooling your body too much which may invite cancer, since it is known that high temperature is not conducive to its formation.  But that is not very important in the larger picture.  Furthermore, on brain effects, the only long term effect seems to be enhancement or growth in fact of one of the Brain's more important glands that is part of the higher reasoning process.

IN Aids treatment, cannabbis seems a must.  Peter Tosh in one of his songs mentions its traditional use in TB treatment.  I know from personal experience that vaporizing pure clean ganja enhances my abitilty to take deep breaths.  for those of you who know real pain from inflammatory diseases, arthritis, fibro myalgia, cannbbis saves your life.  The Hindu sugar cane workers knew .  We who work shoulder to shoulder literally in the trenches and in the dirt know.  A little weed at the end of the day to take the pain away and to reflect on life a bit is a whole lot better than stewing in booze and pills.

Some of you may know about the phenomenon of "chem trails", which are really gas attacks with variuos compositions sprayed from airplanes on unsuspecting populations.  My friends, the people of Switzerland are not stupid and they are outraged, along with many other physicians and scientists from the western united states who are outraged at this horror.  Speaking only from personal experience, I think that smoking ganja definitely helps in relieving the upper respiratory distress and depression and anger that often is associated wit this spraying.

By the way, Iran is a ganja/hash safe zone!  How many know that?  It's an accepted part of life there.  These are not stupid people, these are Persians.  One wonders if their expample as a cannabis nation that eschews alchohol is one reason for the intense propaganda aimed at destroying them and thier continuous civilization?  The Israelis certainly don't want competetion for ecstasy and meth amphetemine.  Israel is a hard drug pill popper nation.  The current govt in Iran frowns a bit on cannabbis/hash use but it is simply ingrained into life there.  The Sufi Muslims have used cannabbis for centuries. 

Please be cuatious about the the posts to this site that despite all facts to the contrary claim that evil muslims must be held accountable by an "international force" for the "crisis in darfur".  ON one hand they condemn AFRICOM, yet on the other invite it's very entry into the horn of africa through promoting civil war between christians a muslims spawned by the genocidal wars in Iraq, AFghanistan and next Iran?  Foreign policy analysts who know better do not "support" what the ganja-weed (oops, spelling off there)are doing in thier raids, yet the bombed out villages look surprisingly like modern warfare air strike sites that we are shown.  Hollywood is a sickening pit of filth with dirty liars and theives , is this not known? yet it is they who are promoting this fiction?  There is room for a peace when the Americans and Euros leave the horn of AFrica, leave Iraq and Afghanistan and the people's of those agressor nations demand accountability from thier own "leaders" over these holocausts.

Yes, there is good reason for bad blood between Arabs and black AFricans based on history and some current events, but in relative terms, why exhaust yourselves on that angle when another so abhorent and immediately threatening is at your door stop NOW.  Personal testimonlals about arab racism against blacks hardly is valid in discussing the greater issues we must all face.

So, good luck to you all in your struggle and people of all races cannot help admiring Rastafarians and some of us appreciate as visitors and colleagues the company of AFricans from time to time on this small planet.

Just visiting:  N8  Smiley
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