HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY,EMPEROR HAILE-SELASSIE I[About RESTORATION OF THE MONARCHY IN ETHIOPIhttp://www.causes.com/causes/643782-restoration-of-the-monarchy-in-ethiopia/aboutWhen the Derg, or The Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Territorial Army in Ethiopia deposed, Emperor Haile Selassie and executed many members of the royal family in 1974, it started the commencement of the destruction of Ethiopia's glorious heritage. Emperors in Ethiopia, have always claimed their lineage from Menelik I, the offspring of King Solomon and Queen, of Sheba, and traced an unbroken line of 225 monarchs. It is also a fact that Ethiopia features highly in the Bible and is one of the reasons that Rastafarians hold Emperor Haile Selassie in such high regard.
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