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Author Topic: Bible Prophecies Stolen from African Women?  (Read 12663 times)
Posts: 5


« on: July 08, 2007, 09:58:25 PM »


The Sibyls: the First Prophetess’ [/size]


For 6,000 years, Africa was ruled by a powerful order of Sibyl matriarchs. They produced the world's first oracles, prophetess and prophets. It was the Sibyls who worked the oracles in the Black Egyptian colonies in ancient Greece, Rome, Turkey, Israel, Syria and Babylon. In pre-Roman Italy, the "holy seat" of the Vatican was originally the sacerdotal seat of the Sibyls. Centuries before Christ, the Sibyls were famous for curing epileptics, the blind, lepers and “casting out demons.” It was a Sibyl who called-up the spirit of "Apostle" Samuel. Their 4,000 yr.old, "pagan" prophecies, the oldest in the world, were used by the emerging Roman papals to create a “western theological” foundation to compete with the Kemetically learned levitical Jews. The Sibyls books of divine prophecies became the undisputed precursor for the Christian Bible. Supported by solid evidence, African women's religious history is finally being unearthed, exposing shocking revelations buried for more than 2000 years.

vist this site for more info.
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