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Author Topic: crusader bait & evil muslim "minority" in Sudan  (Read 8826 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« on: February 25, 2008, 03:05:12 AM »

Do you have another cointelpro op with staged responses coming into this site?  Inevitable, one suspects, for this type of forum, worthy though it may be.  There had been many a competent essay on this site about the divide and conquer methodology in Sudan that flies in the face of the "crisis in Darfur" propaganda pushed by  the official right and left of American and European MSM. 

Crusader Bait was an explanatory title suggested by the writer in a post of some time ago to this website under another pseudonym attempting to characterize the broader picture of the civil war advocates within  Sudan.  Basically, it described the policy invitation to Christian separatists and darlings of the American Hollywood crowd in particular in Sudan to form a separate country supported by the very genocidal maniacs and fiends now immolating Iraq and advocating another holocaust in Iran, against evil muslims .  Thus, from a muslim perspective (half of Kenya's population is muslim approximately - the writer is NOT a muslim), the Christian separatists are seen as  "crusader bait" for genocidal killers of muslim women and children.  This hit a big nerve as a simple analysis with few words and caused the writer great troubles and persecution, and probably will again after this post. 

Bush ran off to Africa to show he cared after the post about the Musharreff Treatment.....  Certainly the representative of Lado would have something to say about that.  It is doubtful that any serious person who has studied Sudan's recent history and political turmoil could so simply douse the matter with propaganda invented by western media to promote the thrust through horn of Africa into Kenya and beyond by AFRICOM (aka "the crisis in Darfur).

Please read Chalmers Johnson on Asia as model for future of Africa and US/Euro military basing - recognize the process.  Also, suggested reading: the article in Bloomberg if you can find it appearing in some newspapers about Mr. Obama's familial history, solid journalism without interpretation , yet informative and important. N8
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