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Author Topic: INDIGENOUS AMERICANS  (Read 55503 times)
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« on: March 04, 2004, 11:47:14 AM »

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Indigenous Americans
The Origin of Tribes You mentioned that the Olmecs mixed in with the Chinese to produce the American Indian, explain? In the 4th century, a Chinese missionary under the Shang Dynasty named Hsu-Shen (Hoshan) came to America in search of his people who were the East Yi (Black Chinese). When the Chinese arrived, they encountered the Olmecs who had already been living on the land. The Chinese considered the black Olmecs as the descendants of the Black Chinese "Yi" people. Hoshan's people settled and mixed in with the Olmecs and produced the "Aboriginal." The Olmecs gave the lower kingdom to these aborigines. The aborigines called the land 'Mu-Xian' which is a combination of the Olmeccan-Ashuric-Aramaic word 'Mu' which means "one", and the Chinese word 'Xian' named after Hsu-Shen. Did you know that there is a province in China today called 'Xian', and that this is the site of the only Chinese pyramids? Mu-Xian became 'Mixian' and eventually 'Mexian' or 'Mexico.' The aborigines called themselves 'Mexicans' and they re-mixed with the Olmecs, which resulted in a sub-tribe called 'Hopi'. The Hopi clan was taught the religion of the Dogon and given the secrets of the stars. Several hundred years later the Hindu East Indians arrived in Mexico and they bred in with the Mexicans and produced Mongoloid tribes like the Inuit and Eskimo who migrated far north to Canada and Alaska. The Chinese Imperial Dragon / The Olmeccan serpent Out of the Mexican also came the Aztec, Inca, Toltec, Mixtec, and Mayans which were the five barbarian nations. The Mayans rejected their Olmec ancestry and gravitated toward their Chinese ancestry. The Mayans began practicing human sacrifice and cannibalism. The Mayans were banished by the original Olmecs and were told to leave or be destroyed. The Mayan relocated and sailed east to Asia and mixed in with the Mongols of Southeast Asia and became known as 'Angkor.' Today the Angkors no longer go by their ancient name; their modern day name is 'Cambodian.' Yes, the Cambodians are really the Native Americans that were banished. This is why the ruins of ancient Cambodia are identical to the ruins of the Mayan Empire. Historians claim that the Mayan civilization just vanished. The word 'Maya' means "illusions", because it seemed as if they disappeared over night. The Mayans didn't just disappear; an entire ethnic group just doesn't simply vanish over night, they simply packed up and moved to the other side of the planet. So you're saying that the Red Indian is an aborigine? The Red Indian is a result of mixing between the Olmec and Chinese. This is why you have some Native Americans with dark skin with Negroid feature and some with light skin and Mongoloid features. 1. Olmecs - Indigenous Americans 2. Chinese - Immigrants 3. Mexican - Aborigines who were the combination of Olmecs and Chinese 4. East Indian - Immigrants Native American with 3/4 Negroid blood / Indian with 3/4 Chinese blood What about the tribes of North America, where did they come from? The tribes of North America were a result of Olmec and Mexicans; however, some of the Mexicans continued to mix with the remaining Chinese and produced yellow tribes like Pueblo and Manso. The yellow tribes mixed in with each other and produced tribes like Chinook, Tutuni, Calapuya, Chumash, Oynut, and others. Tribes broke off from each other and produced even more tribes that settled in California. The darker skinned tribes were the tribes that managed to contain much of the Olmec blood like Arapaho, Arikara, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Crow, Apache, Mandan, Pawnee, Shoshoni. In the 15th century all of this changed, the Europeans arrived for the first time (Spaniards, French, British, Italians, and Portuguese). The Europeans mixed in with all of the tribes (black, red, and yellow), and they produced even more stocks. Today you will find white Native American tribes. Tribes that did not wish to mix with the Europeans were destroyed. The Incas were destroyed by the Spanish who stole their culture and are now calling themselves "Hispanic." What about the black tribes? The Olmecs migrated into two directions. One group of Olmecs migrated to the Eastern islands near the Bermuda Triangle and settled in the islands of Jamaica, Haiti, Bahamas, Trinidad, and Barbados. The Olmecs set up colonies on the islands and became known as 'Arawak.' These were the people Christopher Columbus encountered. The Spaniards and British mixed in with the Arawaks. The Olmecs of Haiti went back to their African roots and began practicing their religion of Yoruba which was mistakenly called, "Voodoo." The Arawaks mixed in with the Portuguese and produced a tribe of half Negroid-half Latin called, 'Taino." The Taino were invaded by another tribe called 'Caribs' who were sadistic cannibals. The Caribs migrated to an island what is now known as 'Caribbean.' The other group of Olmecs traveled North and settled into Southeast America and became known as 'Washo' which means, "Raccoon People." These people settled into areas of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia. The Washo mixed with the Malian Moors of Africa who had also come over. The result of this mixing was a tribe of pure blooded black Native Americans called 'Yamasee' (yaa-mass-e or yama-see). The Yamasee resided in Georgia and were the mother tribe of all dark Southeastern and Eastern tribes. Are you saying that the Yamasee is the mother tribe of all Southeastern and Eastern tribes, and that they were black? The Yamasee is a direct descendant of the Olmecs through the Washitaw Moors. The Washitaw is a derivative of the term 'Wichita' who are known as 'Kitikitish' which means, "Raccoon eyes," which referred to the black Native Americans because of their black faces, thus the term 'Coons' was used to identify a black person. The Yamasee lived in Georgia on the Ocmulgee River near Macon, Georgia and where early Yamasee mounds were discovered. Today, Macon is also the home of the Harriet Tubman African-American Museum. The Yamasse is the mother tribe of the Creeks, Seminoles, Apalachees, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Catawbas, and Cherokee. In the 1700's, the British, French, and Spaniards mixed into many of these tribes. In 1715, the Yamasee rose in rebellion against the English and allied with the Spaniards. Some of the Yamasee-Creeks migrated to what is now known as Savannah Georgia and became outlaws under the tribal name of Yamacraw. When the British began taking women and children into slavery, many black Native American men mixed in with runaway African slaves. A war broke our between the Yamasee and the British in 1715, 'The Yamasee Uprising.' Throughout the 1700's, many tribes were slaughtered. Remnants of these tribes banded together to create an alliance. These newly formed tribes of Yamasee, Coosah, Chowan and Congaree were known as 'Catawbas.' The Catawbas spoke a dialect of the ancient Cushite language, which was bits and pieces of the original Olmec-African language. The Catawba lived in South Carolina and were the enemies of the Shawnee and Iroquois who were tribes that had mixed in with the French and became almost full blood European. Some of the Catawba joined the Alabama Creeks and mixed in with the Spaniards, and loosing much of their African traits. After the Yamasee Uprising, Native American power collapsed in Georgia and Alabama. Many of the Yamasee escaped to Florida where they joined runaway African slaves to form what would later be called "Runaways" or 'Seminole.' Other tribes, which came from this union, were the Oconee and the Hitchiti. The Oconee relocated from the Oconee River and moved westward to the Chattahootchie where they mixed in with the Lower Creeks, which resided in the areas of Pensacola and Tallahassee Florida. All of these tribes were originally black tribes of the Yamasee. Mary C. York A Yamasee Native American and descendant of Ben York You mentioned that some of the Yamasee mixed in with African slaves, could you explain a little more? The Yamasee scattered throughout the Southeast and East, however a large number of Yamasee escaped from Alabama. The Yamasee and African runaways had a few things in common: 1. Both were of the same ethnic background; 2. Both were able to blend in with each other; and 3. Both had a hatred for the British. Throughout slavery, thousands of African slaves escaped the plantations and sought refuge with neighboring Native American tribes. The natives had an incredible knowledge of outdoor survival and location. It is often believed that Harriet Tubman, who freed slaves via the Underground Railroad, was herself a black Native American because of her knowledge of paths and terrain. Many African slaves and Native Americans mixed. Even the red tribes took in African slaves. Some tribes even owned African slaves, however, unlike the European, Africans were mostly considered indentured servants and treated as human beings by their Native American slave owners. Today there are red Seminoles and black Seminoles, red Creeks and black Creeks, red Cherokee and black Cherokee. Didn't the Seminoles oppose slavery of Africans? Yes. The U.S. Army persecuted the Seminoles because they opposed slavery. The Seminoles realized that the people who were being sold into slavery were a faction of them, distant cousins, relatives in a way. The black Seminoles was the only tribe at that time that opposed slavery. U.S. slave holders tried to cause tension between the red Seminoles and the black Seminoles; thus a war erupted between the Seminoles and the U.S. slave holders. Seminoles and African slaves joined together and attacked slave plantations. General Andrew Jackson prepared to wipe out the Seminole. Jackson gathered Creek tribes along with U.S. soldiers to destroy the Seminole. This war lasted for decades and extended all throughout Florida. By 1826, wealthy Creeks who also owned African slaves were sent to persuade the Seminole to join in the slave trade, when the Seminole once again refused, Seminoles were kidnapped and sold on the Southern slave markets. The U.S. Army was also trying to push the red Seminoles out of Florida onto reserved Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. The Army was faced with much opposition with the resistance of the Seminole who were guided by the red Seminole chief Osceola. The red Seminole knew that the whites would not follow after them for their fear of alligators and snakes. The black Seminoles remained in Texas and moved out into Oklahoma, Idaho, and mixed in with Blackfeet, Comanchee, Kiowa, Apache, Mandan, Omaha, Osage, Pawnee, Arikara, and their closest relatives, the Wichita. Is it true that the tribe 'Blackfoot' got their name because they were black Native Americans? Not necessarily so. The Blackfoot Indians got their name because they would stain their moccasins with burnt ashes. The Blackfoot tribe was, at one time, Saskatchewan Native Americans who relocated to Montana in search for buffalo. The Blackfoot or Blackfeet consist of three divisions: 1. Siksika, 2. Kainah, and 3. Piegan. The entire group is known as Bloods and are descendants of the Washitaw Yamasee Moors. If you look closely at many of the Native American tribes, you can still see the African traits. Are there any pure black tribes left? There is a woman named Verdiacee Washitaw-Turner Goston El-Bey, and she is the legal heir by blood to the Maison Rouge land grants that were willed to her great-great-grandfather, Henry Turner. Verdiacee's land is the district of Louisiana which is named after her great-great-great- grandfather's friend Louis Boullingny, who sold the land to Joseph De Maison Rouge in 1795. Joseph had a daughter named Annie in which the land went to her. Annie named the land Louisiana after 'Louis' and 'Annie.' In 1848 the U.S. government took the Turners to court to take the district of Louisiana, however the government lost and the land was granted to the heirs of Henry Turner. Verdaicee has set up a Sovereign Nation of Washitaw Moors that is recognized by the U.S. Government. The Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Working Groups on Indigenous Populations recognized the Washitaw as the oldest indigenous people on earth. The U.S. government does not own the district of Louisiana, as we may believe. Also, the state of Georgia is also owned by the Yamasee, it's documented! Many Native Americans signed treaties with the U.S. government, but never actually sold any of the land over. Technically the land still belongs to the so-called Indians, not the Federal Government. So you're saying that out of the 550 some Native American tribes, all descended from blacks? I am saying that all so-called American Indians descended from the Mexican Olmecs and the various African and Asian mixtures throughout. How does that make other Native Americans feel, especially today's Red Indian? It is important that we as Americans understand the origin of the so-called American Indian and it is more important that we accept that truth. Black Indians are no more Native than the so-called "Red Man" in culture. The culture and religion that is practiced today by Native Americans is the natural (non-theological) concepts of the Malian Moors of Africa, the Olmecs and Aztecs of Mexico, as well as the early concepts of the Mound Builders. There are various Indian tribes today that will admit to their African ancestry. The Hopis, Apache, Aztec, Zuni, Nez Perce, Miami, Blackfoot, Catawba, Seminole all possess knowledge of African ancestry. What's more important is not the feelings concerning Indigenous people, but more so the truthful data and the validity and acceptance of that data. Why do red Native Americans believe that they were the first? Many red Native Americans that I have run into are well aware of the information that I have just presented to you, some are not aware. Tribes like Hopi, Aztec, Apache, Pueblo, Seminole, Creek, Tuscarora, Susquehanna, have documents in their possession that tells of the stories of the black Gods who gave birth to them. In fact, the Hopi book of the stars that was given to them by the Dogons tells that when the forefathers (Africans) reclaim their throne, the black and red tribes will join together and kill all of the whites. There is a similar parable in most Native American cultures that speaks of the white eagle who captured the red eagle until the black eagle freed the red eagle. The white eagle retreated in the caves from which he came. Look this story up, it's an actual story in Native American culture. It is just as important for red Native Americans to understand true history as it is for blacks in America. Blacks have been convinced that they are all ex-African slaves, of course this is a lie! There had been blacks in this country for thousand of years before the first Europeans. There are millions of blacks in America who, if they traced their family heritage, will not find any African slavery in their family. Many blacks are children of Yamasee, Seminole, Creek, Cherokee, Blackfoot, Shoshoni, etc. However, the U.S. Government in order to protect their best interest, has kept most of us from true history. The U.S. has also convinced us to classify ourselves as a title that the European political system created in order to place us in a certain social bracket, "African American." As an African American, we have no inalienable or indigenous rights under the Constitution, even worse, as an African American Christian, we dig an even deeper hole for ourselves. As black Christians we have admitted to two things: 1. We are former slaves by calling ourselves African and 2. We are former slaves who converted to the slave owner's religion, thus we sever any connection to Sovereignty or self-identity. As African American Christians, we literally become dependent on the Government and relinquish all indigenous and self-governing classifications, thus we throw ourselves on the mercy of the U.S. Judicial system. Native Americans have what is called 'Autonomy' or 'Self Government' similar to Diplomatic Immunity. As Indigenous people, we have the right to set up our own sovereign nations where we govern our own Judicial, Legislative and Penal system. As an African American, we wave the right of self government and indigenous rights by admitting that we are immigrants (came over from somewhere else), and not indigenous. EuroMyths Terminology American: The term "American" according to U.S. history was supposedly taken from the Italian navigator, Amerigo Vespucci. The truth is that the term, "America" is a two part word (Amer) taken from the French word, "Moor" which were the inhabitants of West Africa (Morocco, Mali). These Africans were also referred to as, "Muur, Mor" and "Morenos" in Spain to mean, "Black." The term, "Moor" is the root word of the Latin term, "Amor" which means, "Beloved" and was the term used in reference to the Moroccan kings who sailed via Spain and became religious leaders of the Vatican. The original Vatican priesthood was African! (Catholic = Cat Holistic or "Holy Cat" of Egypt symbolized by the Sphinx.) The Moroccan priesthood oversaw the Papal government. The term, "Rica" derived from the Middle English word "Ric" to mean "Power realm." Power was determined by bloodline and by wealth, thus the term, "Rich" or "Reich," and referred to the wealthy Moroccans that was depicted in the films, "Casablanca" and "The King and I". The term "American" literally refers to the early inhabitants of this land who wore gold in their noses. The Black Madonna and Egyptian Sphinx Indian: The term "Indian" was first coined by Christopher Columbus during his first journey in 1492. Columbus was under the impression that when he arrived in the Bahamas, he was in the East Indies. When Columbus encountered Arawaks, he referred to them as "Indians" because their skin color and hair texture was similar to that of Hindu people of Asia. The term, "Indian" only applies to inhabitants of the country India, not the Indigenous people of America. Today, the term "Indian" is officially used as a term of determination by the United States Federal Government. However, there is really no clear and concise definition for the term when it deals with classification and tribal eligibility. For the sake of arguement, the term will appear in various parts of this website. Indian Hindu women / Native American Native American: The term "Native" is from the Middle English word "natif" which means, "belonging to a particular place by birth." It is a misconception that the term, "Native American" refers to the so-called, American Indian. The truth is that anyone born in America is a Native American, but not necessarily an American Indian. Indigenous: The term "Indigenous" means "Native" coming from the Latin word "Indigena." The difference between "Indigenous" and "Native" is that Native refers to residence while Indigenous refers directly to ethnicity. Within the word "Indigenous" is the word "Gene" which means to "give birth" or "free born." American Citizen: The term "American Citizen" refers to person or inhabitant of a city or town who is entitled to the rights and privileges of a free man. American Citizens must be "entitled" or granted the various rights of the nation but not necessarily the same rights as an indigenous or native. These people must become "members" of the United States and in most cases withdraw their "membership" with their birth nation. Illegal Alien: The term "Illegal Alien" refers to the persons of another country who is not "naturalized" or granted citizenship while living in America. Europeans are true Illegal Aliens! The Europeans migrated to America and proclaimed themselves as "Americans" and did not go through the legal government process of naturalization. They simply "took" their citizenship by force. Black Chinese Africans mix with Chinese How exactly did the Africans and the Chinese mix to produce the Red Indian and were there Blacks in China as well? Yes there were indeed Blacks in ancient China. The skeletal remains from southern China are predominately Negroid. The people practiced single burials which is an African ritual. In northern China the blacks founded many civilizations. The three major empires of China were the Xia Dynasty (c.2205-1766 B.C), Shang/ Yin Dynasty (c.1700-1050 B.C) and the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou dynasty was the first dynasty founded by the Mongoloid people in China called Hua (Who-aa). The founders of Xia and Shang came from the Fertile African Crescent by way of Iran. Chinese civilization began along the Yellow river . Here the soil was fertile and black Chinese farmers grew millet 4000 years ago, and later soybeans. They also raised pigs and cattle. By 3500 B.C., the blacks in China were raising silkworms and making silk. The culture hero Huang Di is a direct link of Africa. His name was pronounced in old Chinese Yuhai Huandi or "Hu Nak Kunte." He was supposed to have arrived in China from the west in 2282 B.C., and settled along the banks of the Loh River in Shanxi. This transliteration of Huandgi, to Hu Nak Kunte is interesting because Kunte is a common clan name among the Manding speakers. The Africans or blacks that founded civilization in China were often called Li Min "black headed people" by the Zhou dynasts. This term has affinity to the Sumero-Akkadian term Sag- Gig-Ga "Black Headed People". These Li Min are associated with the Chinese cultural hero Yao. We know very little about the sounds of ancient Chinese because Ancient Chinese was different from Old Chinese and Middle Chinese and the modern Chinese dialects. This results from the fact that the Chinese dynasties were founded by diverse ethnic groups e.g., Xia and Shang Li (i.e., Black Shang) were founded by Dravidian and Manding speakers. Shang-Yin was founded by classical Mongoloids, and the Zhou by the contemporary Chinese. ) This explains the difference in pronunciation for Ancient Chinese spoken by the Xia and Shang peoples and Old and Middle Chinese or a variant there of, which was spoken by the Zhou people. The Shang characters compare favorably to the ancient Proto- Saharan script used by the Harappans in the Indus Valley and the Manding script used in the ancient Sahara and Crete . Clyde Winters outlined the spread of the Proto-Saharan script to Harappa, and throughout Saharan Africa and Asia by the Dravidians and Manding. Evidence of Chinese writing first appears around 2000 B.C. as pottery marks. The shell-and-bone characters represented writing they were not pictures but wedges similar to African Cuneiform. The Shang symbols compare favorably with ancient Manding symbols as well. Although their are different contemporary pronunciations for these symbols they have the same meaning and shape. This suggest a genetic relationship between these scripts because we know that the present pronunciation of the Chinese symbols probably has little relationship to the ancient pronunciation of Chinese spoken in Xia and Shang times when these characters were first used. This cognation of scripts supports the proposed Dravidian and Manding migration and settlement of ancient China during Xia times. The identification of the first hero of China, Hu Nak Kunte as a member of the Kunte clan of the Manding speakers of Africa is supported by the close relationship between the Manding languages and Chinese. Even though we do not know the ancient pronunciation of many Chinese signs many Chinese and Manding words share analogy and suggest a Manding substratum for Chinese. You mentioned the Black Shang, can you explain that further? There were two Shang empires. The first Shang Dynasty was the Shang-Li (Black Shang) it was ruled by the Li-Qiang "Black Qiang". For the last 273 years of the Shang empire the capital was situated at Anyang. The Shang empire based at Anyang was founded by the Yin nationality. We call this empire Shang-Yin. Thus we have the Shang-Li empire and the Shang-Yin empire. The Yin were classical Mongoloid people related to the Thai and other small Mongoloid Austronesian speaking peoples situated in Southeast Asia. The use of the "black bird", as the father of Xieh, relates to the "black bird" as a popular totem of black ethnic groups in China. This passage indicates that the founders of Shang were of mixed origin. The fact that the bird myths such as the one above are mainly centered on the east coast of China also suggest a black origin for the Shang since this area was the heartland of ancient China. Both the ancient Chinese and Africans had similar naming practices. As in Africa the Shang child had both a day name and regular name. The Shang child was named according to the days of the sun, on which he was born. There were ten days in each sun. These days are called the ten celestial signs. In the Mulberry Tree tradition one day ten suns rose from a mulberry and the Archer Yi, shot down nine of them. These suns in reality were birds. This bird myth refers to the "black birds" that founded the Shang Dynasty. The fact that only one of the ten birds survived the arrows of the Archer Yi, may relate to the unification of the ten clans into the Shang dynasty. The references to "black birds" in the Chinese literature relate to the African origin of the Shang rulers. The use of the term "Black Bird" relates to the fact that these blacks had a bird as their totem. There is a similar account in Native American history where the black bird rescues the red bird from the white bird which retreats back into the caves. This analogy is reference to the Negroid releasing the Red Indian from the clutches of the European colonialism. We know that birds do not live in caves. The cave is in reference to the mountains of Europe "Caucas Mountains." Cuneiform - Ancient African Writing - Chinese Oracle Bone You mentioned that the Shangs spoke Dravidian? The Dravidian speakers originally came from Nubia. They were related to the C-Group people. The Shang culture was founded by the Kushites thus the name Yi "Great Bowmen", thus corresponding to Steu, the name for the founders of Ta-Seti the first monarchy in history. The Yi seem to have lived in both north and south China. Fu Ssu-nien, in Yi Hsis Tunghsi Shuo, makes it clear that the Shang culture bearers remained allied to the rest of the Yi people who lived in southern China. The founders of Xia are usually referred to as Yueh, as opposed to Yi. It would appear that most of Yi were Dravidian speakers while the Yueh were Manding speakers. The first Shang king was Xuan Wang, 'Black King' (Xuan means black). He was also called the Xuan Di ,"Black Emperor". The founder of the Shang Dynasty was called Xuan Niao "Black Bird"; another Shang king was called Xuan Mu "Black Oxen". Are there Black Chinese in Asia today? Yes, many Africans and Chinese mixed and moved far north into Tibet where they became known as "Nomads," and lived a life very similar to the Africans of Kenya. Tibetan Chinese Nomad and African Zulu Tibetan Chinese Nomads Chinese Shang Dynasty Vessel art (Jade) - Jade Olmec Jaguar Olmec mask depicting Chinese involvement - Chinese mask The Hopi Indians Kachina doll "Ka-China" holding Coup stick - Egyptian God Osiris holding Crook Black Seminoles The Resistance You mentioned earlier the tribe called Washitaw Moor. Was this a Native American tribe and where are they now? The Washitaw were direct descendants of the Olmecs who mixed in with the Malian Moors. The name "Washitaw" comes from the Washita River which flows along Northwest Texas and Oklahoma to the Red River, where the Cheyenne Native Americans lived with the Chawasha, meaning "Racoon People" . The Washo were a tribe of Negroids who lived above the New Orleans Bayou and were of Tunican linguistic stock. The name "Washitaw" is a derivative of the term "Ouachita" or what is now "Wichita". The term is a Choctaw term which means "Big Arbor" which represented the Grass thatched arbor homes that the people lived in. The Washitaw was originally from lower Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama (named after Nubian-Sudanese Ali Baba). The tribe was officially named "Wichita" by the U.S. Government in the Camp Holmes Treaty of 1835. This tribe were unmistakably a Negroid tribe! The Wichita were also known as "Paniwassaha" or by the French "Panioussa" which means "Black Pawnee." French traders from Illinois called them "Pani Pique" which means "Tattooed Pawnee." The Washitaw or "Racoon People" were called Racoons because of their black faces. When describing the Washitaw, the French describes the blacks who lived in large grass houses. The Washitaw called themselves "Kitikitish" which is an interpretation of "Raccoon Eyed." The term was later shortened to "Coon" which became a term used in reference to blacks in America. The Washitaw were an offshoot of the Pawnee Confederation. When the Moors came to America, they mixed in with the Washitaw Native Americans and became known as "Washo." So the Washitaw Moors are the so-called "Lost" tribe of Indians that are spoken of in the history books? Yes! They are the hidden tribe that were the descendants of the Olmecs and Toltecs of Mexico. The Washitaw tribe are also the ancestors to such tribes as Pawnee, Osage, Creek, Seminole, Cherokee, Catawba, Comanche, Nez Perce, Tuscarora, Gingaskin, Mattaponi, Powhatten, Micmac, Lumbi, Mandan, Blackfoot, Natchez, Chickasaw, and many more tribes. left to right: Cherokee woman, Rampo woman, Seminole woman, Mantincock man Photos by Louis B Myers courtesy of African Native Americans - We are still here Were the Black Indians ever sold into slavery? The misconception is that Black Indians were never taken into slavery. This is not the case. Black Indians were also captured and sold into slavery along with their African cousins. The land of the Black Indians were taken. Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Illinois, Florida, Delaware, Tennessee, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana all belonged to the Washitaw Moors. The land was invaded by the French and British. The women were sold as sex slaves and the men were sold into slavery as "Negros." The U.S. Government even persuaded the red Indian tribes to own slaves. The Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, and Chickasaw tribes all agreed to slave holding of black Indians and Africans. The only tribe to resist the idea of slavery was the Seminole tribe. The Seminoles rejected the idea because they were the descendants of African explorers who settled in Florida and mixed with Muskogee refugees who had mixed in with the Spanish. They called themselves "Runaways." These black Seminoles who settled in the swampy terrain of Florida established cultivation methods that were identical to that of the methods of Sierre Leone in Africa. Georgia slave holders were soon invading Florida looking for runaway slaves and were soon met with opposition with Seminoles. The Seminoles tried to live a peaceful life in their own territory but Georgia militias were preparing to raid Florida looking for African slaves (many whom had already sought refuge with the Seminoles and blended in perfectly since both Africans and Seminoles were black.) The Seminoles, African runaways, and the Spanish all aligned with each other to fight off the slave holders. In 1739 slave fugitives in St. Augustine built a fort to protect themselves and the British. Black Seminoles led the coalition against slavery in the North. Black Seminoles even planted "spies" posing as African slaves being sold by Creeks to the British just to gather information. Eventually the red Seminoles began to join the resistance. This is when the U.S. Government became worried. The government never anticipated the well working relationship between the reds and blacks. Georgia slave holders soon realized that the Seminole Nation could put an end to slavery. This caused the first Seminole War. Seminoles struck U.S. slave plantations. When the St. Augustine blacks joined in the Seminole raids were destructive and the Seminoles could not be stopped. General Andrew Jackson of the U.S. Military vowed to wipe out the Seminoles. The Seminoles took control of a British fortress and re-named it "Fort Negro" which was manned by black Seminole officers. The Seminole army consisted of 300 Seminole men in which only 34 were red Indians. African slaves began to join the army the Seminoles seemed indestructible. With General Andrew Jackson's rank on the line, he gathered U.S. troops, Marines and sought the assistance of 500 Creek Indians. Jackson's orders were to kill the Seminoles, blow up the fort and restore the Africans to their rightful owners. A war erupted after the Seminoles refused surrender and a cannon ball was fired into the Fort Negro's ammunition barracks which blew up the fort. In the ruins, 270 Seminoles were dead, 64 were fatally wounded and the leader of the Seminole resistance, Garcia was captured alive and then executed. General Jackson kept this incident a secret from the public for 20 years because Jackson never had an official declaration of war signed, therefore it was considered murder, not war. However, this massacre was only the beginning of the Seminole resistance and was only the first of three Seminole wars that would carry on for years. The remaining black Seminoles relocated to the Tampa Bay area where they nursed their wounds and prepared for the next battle. The Seminoles this time joined forced with Chief Billy Bowlegs. Without the U.S. Congress knowledge, Andrew Jackson went on a rampage throughout Florida burning black Seminole villages of Fowltown. When James Monroe took the U.S. Presidency in 1817, Jackson proposed a secret plan to take Florida from the Seminoles who at the time owned certain territories of Florida. Jackson soon captured Pensacola and without a declaration of war, Florida passed into U.S. hands! Another state owned by blacks that the U.S. captured. Since Florida was officially Spanish territory, the U.S. paid Spain $5 million for Florida, making Jackson's illegal seizure appear as a real estate purchase. The U.S. then tried to separate the black and red Seminoles by trying to convince the Seminole leader King Hatchy to turn over anyone who had black skin. King Hatchy replied that he would use force if any government tried to pass through the Seminole territory and he would not hand over any black Seminoles. To disrupt racial alliance between blacks and reds, the U.S. promoted slavery among the Seminoles and tried to convince them that the other "Indian" nations were also interested in slavery. The Seminoles rejected. The U.S. then sent in wealthy Creek Indians who owned slaves to persuade their tribal cousin the red Seminoles to become slave holders. Whites and Creek Indians were encouraged to raid black Seminole villages for slaves. Free Seminole men, women, and children were carried off and sold in southern slave markets as "Negros." Many black Seminoles relocated further into the swamps and became known as "Maroon." Other black Seminoles agreed to be taken into slavery as long as they were able to own their own cattle, horses, hogs, and were treated like family rather than like their African cousins. These black Seminoles had equal liberty with whites. These Seminoles were not considered slaves but they were considered Seminoles who maintained their African names, dressed in fine Seminole clothing, and turbans. The remaining Seminoles migrated to Mexico for 20 years and others migrated to Texas and mixed in with the black tribes of the Washitaw. Black Seminoles American Moors Our True Identity You state that the Olmecs were of Mali. Doesn't that make them Moors? Absolutely! The Olmecs were indeed Malian Moors. The Mayans were descendants of the Malian Moors and were often referred to as "Black Mexicans" or Quetzacoatl. There are ancient Mexican wall paintings that depicts these "Negroid" kings and rulers as unmistakably African. Black Mayans in Pre-Columbian America These Moors were the people who built the great pyramids all over South America, Peru, Canada, Alaska, and Georgia that scattered all throughout North America along the Mississippi River and it's tributaries are found mounds built out of tons and tons of earth. The people who built them were called the Mound Builders and they were the descendants of the Malian Moor Olmecs. These Moors eventually migrated to North America from Mexico and became known as Washitaw, Yamasee and the Ben-Isma-EL tribe. The Ben-Isma-EL tribe was a collection of what is now known as Lenape, Wapanoag and Nanticoke Indians who migrated to Indiana and Illinois and referred to themselves as "Moors" even though the United States Government continued to classify them as "Negroes" in order to strip them of their Indigenous rights. It is often not talked about, but the Moors had enslaved the Europeans before they enslaved blacks. Their women were sold like commodities into the harems and as concubines of wealthy Moors. This is the reason why the Moorish noble were for the most part bleached out, and became known as "tawny-moors", Turks and Arabs, which are no more than "fixed mulatto races". This also is the reason for the Moors in the coats of arms of noble Europeans family. Brit-Moor Coat of Arms / Ancient Moorish Symbol of the Morocco Shrine The so-called "Black Nobility" of Europe, and the Bilderberger group. The European nations paid tribute to the Moors well into the 18th century. In the book, "United States and Barbary Powers" the English, French, Dutch, Danes, and Swedes, and I may say all nations are tributary to them." David Macritchie in the book "Ancient and Modern Britons" says that the word "Blackmail" is the result of this tribute paid to the "Black Army", or "Black Oppressors" as the English referred to them. The Moors had control of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. This is why the Marines sing of defeating the Moors " From the halls of Montezuma (Mexico) to the shores of Tripoli", confirming in song the extent of the Moorish empire or dominions of Amexem, or Atlantis. Below is the first page of the Moroccan Treaty of 1787. It should also be noted that Shakespeare's most famous Moor, Othello, is also described as a Black African. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin worked closely with the Moors in the Continental Congress to secure this treaty. In the Bevans collection there are over 200 letters to the Bey of Morocco from the Continental Congress. There were many Moors in the Continental Congress working with the European Masons originally taught by Moors, to form a "Novus Ordo Seclorum" [ new secular order of the ages, "E Pluribus Unum" out of many peoples and nations, one]. The Moroccan Treaty is very powerful because according to the Constitution, treaties are the "Law of the Land". (Black Moor) Montezuma This treaty specifically deals with Moors. The question then may arise, " How do we know that where the treaty says Moors, that so-called "Black" people of that time is being referred to"? The Moors were considered citizens or part of "We the People" who ratified the Constitution. It says; "thus an act was passed in Massachusetts on 6th of March, 1788, forbidding any Negro not a subject of the emperor of Morocco, or a citizen of the United States, from tarrying in the Commonwealth." This for one show that those who were referred to as "Negroes" were actually Moors and that they were on the same footing or status as "State Citizens". Those who remembered that they were Moors, used the Moroccan Treaty of 1787 to secure their rights on the same footing as the state citizens without otherwise being obligated members of their "Social Equality". While those who were brainwashed into believing they were "Negroes" descendants of Africans brought here by the Europeans were unprotected by the Moroccan Treaty, as well as the articles of Confederation and the Constitution. This document says" A petition was presented to the house from sundry free Moors, subjects of the emperor of Morocco; and residents in this state, praying that in case they should commit any fault amenable to be brought to justice, that they as subjects to a prince (here in North America) in alliance with the United States of America ( via the Moroccan Treaty of 1787 ), may be tried under the same laws as the citizens of this state would be liable to be tried, and not under the Negro Act, which was received and read." Thus you had Moors back in 1789 saying what we say now; our nationality is Moorish and not Negro, colored, black etc.." Original paintings of Black Mohawk Indians in Moorish garb Moroccan Treaty of 1787

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Posts: 417


« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2004, 09:14:20 AM »

Leslie, I don't know where you got this information from but some of it is very inaccurate.
I only have a few minutes on the computer so I'll just go over a few points.
What I DO know for a fact is that the Olmecs were either Black Africans, or Black Africans lived among them or at least visited them, long before Columbus. The Olmec stone heads cannot be interpreted as depicted anyone other than Black Africans.
After that whoever compiled this information veers off into wild fantasy. SOME of it may be true, for instance I know nothing about the Chinese connection, it could be true, I would have to research it more. But here are just a few things that are totally false:
The inhabitants of Haiti are not descended from Olmecs, 'Arawaks', or any other group of Native Americans, Black or otherwise (other than maybe a small amount of Native American blood in some people). The Europeans entirely wiped out the Native population of Haiti, as they did on most of the Caribbean islands. Haitians are descendants of Africans, mostly West Africans of the Yoruba, Fon and Dahomey nations, all of whom were brought to Haiti as slaves by the Spanish and later the French. Since the colonial powers kept track of the importation, buying and selling of slaves as they did any other form of 'merchandise', those records must exist somewhere to be checked if you have any doubts. Vodoun is not exclusively Yoruba in origin, Yoruba beliefs predominate but it also has elements of Fon and Dahomean beliefs. The word 'vodu' is Fon (I believe) for 'spirit-god/goddess-elemental energy', depending on how you translate it.
The Taino are not separate from the 'Arawak', they were simply a sub-group of the 'Arawak' who lived in Cuba and Jamaica. They have nothing to do with the Olmecs and they are not Black. Nor is 'Arawak' their proper name, Columbus (being the idiot that he was) called them that because he thought he was in the Indonesian islands where the SARAWAK people live. In Guyana where I am from, the 'Arawak' call themselves Lokono and they have lived there for probably 10,000 years or so. There are 8 other Amerindian (Native American) 'tribes' in Guyana, none of whom are Black (apart from individuals who have a Black parent). They have also lived there for many thousands of years. Up to this day, some of them live deep in the forest and have little contact with the outside world. It is extremely implausible, to say the least, to say that their copper-toned skin color is the result of interbreeding with Portuguese or any other Europeans.
As for the description of the Caribs as 'sadistic cannibals', I take personal offense to this as I have Carib in my family. (My mother's half-brothers and -sisters are half-Carib, half-Black. The Dominican reggae artist Nasio Fontaine is also half-Carib, take a look at a picture of him and you'll get a pretty good idea of typical Carib features). True, the Caribs were warriors and true, they did wage war on the more peaceful Lokono/Taino to take over their land. But there is no evidence that they were particularly 'sadistic'. Their culture encouraged waging war on other groups and conquering them, but I've seen no evidence that it encouraged taking pleasure in slowly torturing them or anything like that (as opposed to the European colonizers who had a thousand and one sick ways of torturing people to death). As for the cannibalism, yes, there is evidence that the Carib engaged in ritual cannibalism, as have many other cultures on every continent. This doesn't mean they went around hunting people in order to eat them, it means they would ritually eat small amounts of flesh from either respected warriors or elders of their own people when they died, or from captured enemy warriors who they considered courageous. By doing so, they thought they would absorb the positive qualities of the person whose flesh they ate. This may sound disgusting to us, but as I said it's been a part of many cultures throughout history and across the world. I dare say a future vegetarian society would look back on present-day meat consumption as just as disgusting- or even more so, since it involves torturing and killing massive amounts of animals for profit, rather than taking a small bit of flesh from a few people in the belief that it would be spiritually beneficial.
All people in every corner of the earth can trace their origin to Ithiopia-Africa, this does not mean that people haven't developed their own distinct cultures over the many hundreds of thousands of years since then. It's a disservice to Native Americans, who are just as downpressed as we are (or more so, at least in my country) to say that they have no distinct identity, that really they're all Black, or that EVERY aspect of their culture came from Black people. It would be one thing if it was true, but it just isn't.
Where did that info come from, out of curiosity?
Respeck, G-Man
Posts: 1266


« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2004, 11:04:54 AM »

thanks for you insightful views. the article was emailed to me and i thought that some of the information was contraversial but never the less interesting. i decided to post it to stimulate discussion. i apologize if you were offended but understand that these are not my ideas. in fact, i disagree with much of what was said...especially the discription of caribs as babaric. continue to share your knowledge so that the ignorant could be enlightened.
Full Member
Posts: 417


« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2004, 11:49:30 AM »

Irie, Leslie, there is no need to apologize, I understood clearly that this was an article quoted from somewhere and not your personal views.
I myself am ignorant of many things, so, each one teach one.
The reason I asked where you got the article from was that it reminded me of some of the stuff the Nuwaubians say. I think the Nuwaubian belief is very delusionary and I don't like to see Black people (or anyone) being hoodwinked by that sort of claptrap.
With that said, SOME of the stuff in the article MIGHT be true or partially true, I would have to do more research.
There's never anything wrong with presenting controversial ideas for discussion.
Bless up
Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2004, 12:15:00 PM »

 Wink G-man's quote..."they would ritually eat small amounts of flesh from either respected warriors or elders of their own people when they died, or from captured enemy warriors who they considered courageous"

Sounds like the last supper...and communion in Catholic mass...too bad racism and a Euro-centric perspective causes people not to see this.

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