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Author Topic: The UNIFICATION OF THE BLACK RACE WORLDWIDE  (Read 17937 times)
Service Member
Posts: 2063

« on: April 28, 2004, 05:38:46 AM »

It is my belief that African-Americans and the Caribbean Blacks are psychologically "European" Africans and there are many differences between African-American and Caribbean Blacks and Black Africans. It seems that the majority of Black worldwide cannot escape the charm of Western ideologies and the European God anyway. But it is still true that many African-Americans and Caribbean Blacks know nothing about Africa apart from the negatives. The majority of them behave as though Africans are mean uneducated fools living in mud huts and all are walking carriers of the AIDS virus. As a native African woman I am not upset at African-Americans and Caribbean Blacks because I know their scorn is largely due to the fact that a lot of propaganda had been poured on them to think of themselves as better human beings than those in the motherland. That is why I see that there is a necessity of dialogue between us due to many misconceptions on our parts, and neither of us knows the other well enough to form truly enlightened opinions about each other.

I hear many Haitians' resentment agaisnt Africans past and current conducts towards Diaspora Blacks, but how these Haitians assume for instance that the leaders in Africa could have prevented the mess in Haiti and the kidnapping of Jean Bertrand Aristide when most Black leaders defend their own pockets as well as the interest of their masters? Also, who in the Caribbean tried to prevent the massacre and genocide of Congolese people under pretext of the Tutsi genocide? How many Blacks in the Diaspora protested against this tragedy? It's notorious that many Black leaders around the world have false leaders infiltrators working for the invaders. Their governments appointed by Washington are not there to care of our people. We think we are independent but it is a lie. We are free but never are we independent. We no longer have great leaders such as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Steve BIKO and Patrice Lumumba only because they are either murdered or deposed from office with the backing of the C.I.A. So, we must understand, there will never be fair and stable governmental systems in Black nations, as long as dictators will rule them, as long as Washington appoints our puppets leaders.

We the conscious and proud Black people who love our countries very much, despite the injustices that occur, must have the intelligence, power and determination to do the work of BLACK NATIONALISM AND THE UNIFICATION OF THE BLACK RACE WORLDWIDE seeing us as part of the whole black race because we have one history, we have one common enemy, we suffer from disunity, disorganization and ideological confusion only to benefit the "divide and rule" tactic of White men, which hinder our economic, cultural and social progress worldwide. Can't we see that the progressing nations of the world are nations where people know where they came from, where people have pride and an identity, where people are not attached to small countries, governments and lifestyles but rather identifies themselves as one big alliance in history, trade, commerce, wealth and money. If we Black people remain in denial to the imperative of our unity and instead follow the division commands of the bushmen in the white house who continues to look at us as slaves, we will continue to be Black nations weak and vulnerable while the White men they themselves unite for strength with people of their own race.

Lastly, I'm not advocating for African-Americans and Caribbean Blacks to seek a new identity abroad, but for those among them who intend to utilize their brain I ask them to understand the most important priorities of Blacks worldwide today that is Black Unity, Equal Black Strength and Survival!

Bantu Kelani.

We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Posts: 13


« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2004, 01:08:43 PM »

Greetings Bantu_Kelani,
    This is indeed the topic that deserves our attention. That is if we are serious about unity. it is so easy to speak of unity yet the Black Americans are experiencing dis-unity. Sista, you've touched on so many truths about the call. The call for the Unification of the Black Race Worldwide.Quote: "It seems that the majority of Black worldwide cannot escape the charmof Western ideologies. That charm is like a moth to a flame that gets burned by the fiya. There is no America. Who is from the desolate land? No culture, no spirituality, no history. When I was in grade school they called it a melting pot. Yeah its melting alright into the Iverlasting Fiya!!. I truely agree. Don't the Black people of the world see that we have no home in America. China for the Chinese, India for the Indians, Russia for the Russians.. Africa-America for the African-Americans Laugh [smiley=laugh.gif]Yeah Right. Babylon is a great whore and she has tempted all to bow down in her wicked queendom. It is sad that the youth, who are the future are being led into disunity. There is no unity. The same ol' slave massa mentality is being reproduced over and over. In this web of confusion even our "Black leaders" are caught up. Is there even a such one as a "Black Leader"? It seems as if Black America hates our home: Africa.   We are all the same!!!!!!! People are afraid of Black unity and rightfully so because that power that we possess is soooooo massive. The whole mentality of White is Right has got to end. My mother is an educator and frowns her dark face upon teaching at an all black school. She'd rather drive 45min. to the white side of town to educate their youth. Fiya!! Yes!!! What is it that we, the conscious and proud Black people must do ? What is the first step? Do we move forwards without our brothers and sisters or do we work endlessly to liberate us all? The call is serious.
"Afica for the Africans" our survival is dependant upon the wakeup of Blacks worldwide. Give Thanks for igniting the Fire.
Posts: 68

AfricaSpeaks.co m

« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2004, 07:24:27 PM »

As a native African woman I am not upset at African-Americans and Caribbean Blacks because I know their scorn is largely due to the fact that a lot of propaganda had been poured on them to think of themselves as better human beings than those in the motherland.

Oy, this is such a good point. InI can neva eva unite if there is so much hatred and distrust between people from Caribbean, and people born in America and people born in Africa. If InI keep recycling this infighting, nottin get done.

If we Black people remain in denial to the imperative of our unity and instead follow the division commands of the bushmen in the white house who continues to look at us as slaves, we will continue to be Black nations weak and vulnerable while the White men they themselves unite for strength with people of their own race.

This is true in all nations, including America. InI are so reluctant to get togetha and work togetha...we have been encouraged to fight among one anotha and tear down. This makes it easier for the White man to insert any stereotype, any goal, any way of life into InI culture and InI will adapt to it because InI are distracted fightin with one anotha to see what happ'n.

I'm not advocating for African-Americans and Caribbean Blacks to seek a new identity abroad, but for those among them who intend to utilize their brain I ask them to understand the most important priorities of Blacks worldwide today that is Black Unity, Equal Black Strength and Survival!  

Again, i agree with ya Bantu_Kelani. The way I see it, InI should be accepting of where InI from. Ya canna change where ya are born, seen? But ya don't have to accept the mindset of the place ya have been born. Those 3 priorities that ya have mentioned I intend to spend my life trying to achieve in America.

as for tryin to unite the people (in response to ya question Jahse) music is one of the keys. Jah Marley did so much to unite the downtrodden. Until people see that there is a problem, they will not be inclined to change. Music can be used to increase awareness of the problem and unite people in the cause. ->>>what ya seh about black leaders i don't think is so true. Are you sure there are no longer black leaders? there are smaller scale leaders around in communities, doing what they can. Just because the white media does not promote them, does not mean that they are not around.

Incredible, powerful post, Bantu_Kelani. Selah, sistren!!!
Powerful reasonings as well, Jahse!!

one love,

InI I hang on in there....InI I no leggo!!!! (So JAH Seh)
Service Member
Posts: 2063

« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2004, 06:04:34 AM »


Yes, there are some people in the community giving their time and money out there, but the minute they "moved on up" they turn their backs on the community..Then they go criticizing Black folks and telling us why they can't get along with Black people anymore despite the fact that we can't afford to be divided as a race..To me, the most detestable  are the house slave politicians because with the stroke of a pen they can and do adversely affect millions of Black citizens. Black leaders really need re-education into the importance of working toward political and economic independence. It's high time we face the fact that we live in a world of White Nationalism.. so, we all need to look out for our own with the political philosophy of Black Nationalism. Period.

To answer your question regarding how we could uplift our communities in meaningful ways, I say we should learn and teach, talk to friends and family about what is going on, educate ourselves and others about the rich history of Black cultures, get more involved in our communities joining organizations whose position and views corresponds with ours and that support Africa and the Black Diaspora, buying products from Black nations which will help strengthen Black economy, voting for candidates that promises Black people the best "deal", volunteering for campaigns, running for office ourselves, etc. are all things that can empower us in our communities and positively change our lives. Ignoring those things makes no sense to me, particularly in absence of sound strategy to improve our lives by selfish Black preachers, leaders and politicians out there.

-Ras Legacy,

I agree with you, Music + Pro-Black Messages = Power! Music is very powerful that could be used successfully to unify and uplift Black people as long as Blacks musicians don't grab their crotches, show their breasts, do hootchie dances in thongs and disrespect our elders destroying the young Black minds in the same breath. Glorifying violence, sex, and immorality has a grave consequence on us but education, unity and sacrifice uplift African people! Personally, I get my daily musical uplift via African & Caribbean roots and culture music and some Pro-Black Hip Hop too is the tonic we need..

Bantu Kelani.

We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Senior Member
Posts: 605

« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2004, 08:54:19 AM »

I agree with the sentiments on this entire thread(of course)...

We need to organize the masses of our people so that their aren't any more leaders that can sell out or be taken down.

Bob Marley said "When will they stop killing our prophets?"

Since it is a question, one must answer it. They will stop killing our prophets when we stop having prophets! Prophets and leaders(in the general sense not on the grassroots level) are a product of unequal education and experience. If we had a socially/communally based economy and society, instead of a elite/capitalist one, then the masses would be educated and trained for our liberation, not just a few lucky ones. We need organization like the capitalist elite have. They have organized to oppress and exploit the masses(us). The least we can do is organize for our own liberation. So even if the head gets cut off(a leader)...the body(the masses) can regenerate another one.  

It is nice to see nationalism being discussed. So many people run from it...but like you stated Bantu Kelani, "It's high time we face the fact that we live in a world of White Nationalism.. so, we all need to look out for our own with the political philosophy of Black Nationalism. Period"

'Nuff said!

P.S. Bantu,
My home computer has a virus, so I have been out of commission unless at my place of work, will get in contact with you soon...

Forward to a united Africa!
Full Member
Posts: 417


« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2004, 10:41:32 AM »

That is exactly why Rastafari people in my country got such a fight from their own... cos Rasta identified with Africa and proudly proclaimed themselves to be African when nuff people only associated "Africa" with cannibals, etc, etc, and wanted nothing to do with Africa.
I agree with what you're saying here broadly but it's a fact that at least in the Caribbean, we have by no means been made into "European" Africans... certain sections of the population have but among the working class there is so much that is still African, even if people might not consciously identify it as such.
Roots healing, obeah (as distorted as this has become sometimes), the Cumfa religion (which I believe derives mainly from Kongo and which has almost no elements of Christianity etc.), music and language are examples of how Africa has survived in us.
In Suriname the Saramaka/Jukka people have preserved African culture almost entirely intact. They dress, plant, harvest, build, worship in a purely African manner. Their language is entirely African (the only case where language was entirely preserved in the diaspora I think). What non-African elements there may be in their culture come from the Amerindians, not whites. Of course this may be changing nowadays as more of them live in the city and so on.
Even in America Africa is very much alive, be it in hip-hop or even in Black churches which may be brainwashed with the white god concept, but the form of their ceremonies is much like "possession",etc. in the traditional African context.
When Jimi Hendrix played some guitar in front of a Vodu priest from Benin (I think it was), the priest said those are vodu rhythms you're playing, to call up a particular spirit.
Posts: 13


« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2004, 12:15:47 PM »

Quote: U.N Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1:
All human beings are born free and equal in Dignity and Rights.
 (This coming from the United Nations??? Laugh 3)

"Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa! Let us work towards the One Glorious end of a Free, Redeemed and Mighty Nation".

"Be Proud of your Race as our Fathers were in the days of Old. We have a Beautiful History and we shall create, another in the future that will Astonish the world. Let Africa be a Bright star Amoungst the Constellation of Nations."
                 Marcus Mosiah Garvey....
Won't it be BEAUTIFUL.....

Service Member
Posts: 2063

« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2004, 05:46:53 AM »


Do your homework well brother, while some societies in Surinam may have kept some of the rhythms and mannerisms of the Motherland, the majority of Caribbean and South Americans do not consider themselves "African" (actually even Africans are less and less willing to be considered "African" every day). Based on a rough extrapolation of the 2000 Census figures in South America 60% (or was it even higher) of Afro-Latinos listed themselves as "white". Thousands are mixed-raced Black folks so they don't want to be African. The one thing holding us together is our race as diluted as it might be in some parts of the Americas. I realize that it takes a great people to unify despite heterogeneous cultures but I still think the Black race can be resurrected as long as Black folks mutually and exclusively believe or desire NATIONALISM and an overall Black unity with all Black peoples in the Diaspora.

- Oshun Auset,

True, sistah we need unity and get organized! We also need to know that we have to be prepared to die when they do organize. I remember the 60's very well: the hoses, the dogs, and the assassinations. So, I challenge all conscious Black intellectuals, organizers and leaders to make that happen within their countries and then all over the globe to further our unity fights to put some ACTION TO OUR TALK! ONE BLACK LOVE!

Bantu Kelani.

We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
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