Blessings. INI posted this in another site where I was discussing the length of the creative days. The I thought some here may be interested so here is:
Genesis 1:1-5, Day One
Highlights: light created, division of darkness and light, morning and first day, earth formed & "watery deep"
Conclusions possible: Stars created, earth formed
Solar system creation 7-8 byo; Universe estimated 15 byo
Therefore, the length of day one can be roughly 7-8 billion years, by far the longest days.
Genesis 1:6-8, Day Two
Highlights: waters and firmament separated
Conclusion possible: formation of Earth's atmosphere and accumulation of O2 & O3 (g)
Atmosphere formation known to be tied in with earliest events of Earth, but the planet here is still under formation, thus dating the end of the second day at earth's full formation and the beginning of day two at the end of the solar system formation (the "light created"). 7-8 byo through 4.5 byo to 3.5 byo
Genesis 1:9-13, Day Three
Highlights: Earth and sea formation, vegetation sprouts, grass also, trees
Conclusion: This covers the appearance of photosynthetic algae all the way through the first sporophytes & saphrophytes. Plant morphology has changed little to none since these first plants, interestingly enough.
3.5 byo - 1.5byo
Genesis 1:14-19, Day four
Highlights: Atmosphere clears and stars appear in night sky (v14), moon & sun...
Conclusion: Because these were likely PRODUCED on day one (see: light being made), we can conclude this is when the atmosphere cleared. I think this is probably one of the most interesting revelations of Genesis. Some people find it redundant to say that the luminaries appeared on day four when the light was created on day one, but this is missing the point of the events that occur here...
AND: it places day four at about 1.5 byo thru 750 myo
moving along...
Genesis 1:20-23, day five
Highlights: Finally fauna! Seacreatures, "sea monsters" ///
Conclusions: Interesting thing I read in HG Wells Outline of History: some of the first sea animals included giant water scorpions and the precursors of these multicellular seacreatures were indeed "Sea monsters" AND still primitive. We also see "winged creatures." I like to point out here that these, at first, are NOT birds. Remember the pterodactyl? Thus, when I see pictoral accounts of the creation, I find it ironic that these beasts of the sky (up to fourty foot wing spans) are usually no where to be found, but we see little hummingbirds fluttering by hibiscus flowers! Interesting, no?
So at this point we have sea creatures and the first creatures of the sky, but no perminently land dwelling fauna. Evolutionists even agree with this, that land life emerged from the sea. Whlie I don't completely agree with this, it's obvious that sea life was a predecessor of land life.
750 myo - 250 myo
Genesis 1:24-31, Six...
The last CREATIVE day. Domestic animals appear "according to their kinds," as is so often pointed out. Man made "in our image." People take this too literally. Since we know God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24) we're obviously not saying he made us with 2 legs, 2 arms, and a head and the whole 9 because that is how he looks. Nor is it comparing us to the Savior who is to come later. Gorillas are scarely different topically, in terms of anatomy. We know this refers to our spirit, our free will, and our large cephalic zone...perhaps to our detriment there - I criticized Xtians often for overly glorifying man because of this one bite in the Bible, but it is significant to us as Christians. We are held to a higher standard than the animal world. I'm digressing. Lineage dates mankind at 6500-7000 yo. Carbon dating says more along the lines of 50,000...homo erectus 6.2 MYO...So the dates get muddled. Let's trust JAH?
250 myo - 6,000 - present day.
We're said to be currently in the seventh day.
"But he answered them, "My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working." -Jn 5:17