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Author Topic: the REAL reason for christmas  (Read 12468 times)
Posts: 39


« on: December 10, 2004, 12:06:41 AM »

The sun is born out of the constellation Virgo, the virgin. This happens in the 9th month, September . According to the scriptures Jesus is born of a Virgin.


December 21st, the shortest day of the year, the Sun apparently moves to it's most southerly point in Capricorn. The ancients attached it's southernmost position to Crux, the constellation the Southern Cross located in the most southerly position, Thus the sun was considered crucified on December 21st, the shortest day. The day with more darkness then any other. According to the scriptures, Jesus is crucified.

The sun is then entombed in the bowels of the earth,3 days and 3 nights, December 22, 23, and 24. It is the winter solstice. Scripture says Jesus was in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights.


The sun is then reborn out of the solstice on December 25th. Tradition celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 25th.

Thirty days after December 25th the sun moves into the sign of the waterman Aquarius. Thirty years after his birth Jesus enters the water of the waterman John.


The sun them moves into the sign of the fish, Pisces. Jesus selects his disciples from among the fishermen.


The sun then moves into the sign of the Ram Aries that takes away the cold of the winter. Scripture calls Jesus the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world

In the Northern Hemisphere the sun moves to the Eastern sky or the right side and summer comes. It is called astronomically, celestial right ascension. Scripture says that Jesus ascends to sit at the right hand of the father.

The sun concludes its journey in August in the sign of Leo the Lion. Jesus concludes his journey in the book of Revelation as he is called the Lion of Judah.
So who is the Sun and who is his father .


Enter into this House,sons and dawtas of Ra-sta
your works will be weighed and then InI will go
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natural blacks
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Blackheart Man

« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2004, 09:33:43 PM »

Interesting...  Thinking

History has shown that it is the inaction of those who could’ve acted; the indifference of those who should’ve known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph. - EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE I
Posts: 39


« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2004, 04:24:09 PM »

Yes Preach, Give thankhs to Ra!

Enter into this House,sons and dawtas of Ra-sta
your works will be weighed and then InI will go
to Higher Heights!
Posts: 37


« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2005, 11:19:01 PM »

I began to study these things after reading the KEBRA and saw that in the ancient texts Son was written as sun.  This, I am sure, lead to many people calling the ancient peoples of Ethiopis pagans because of this spelling.  But isn't it interesting how the SON"s live and very existance, follows that of the SUN's!
MISGANA!  for the insightful post

All Lion & King -- walk tall, stand firm
All Lioness & Empress -- be sweet in spirit, humble, gentle and wise  
All -- know thyself and your divine position in creation.
Misgana always & YAH Bless
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