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Author Topic: Black Americans suspect HIV plot  (Read 9919 times)
Posts: 1531

« on: January 26, 2005, 06:28:41 AM »

Gary Younge in New York
Wednesday January 26, 2005
The Guardian

Almost half of all African-Americans believe that HIV, the virus that causes Aids, is man-made, more than a quarter believe it was produced in a government laboratory and one in eight think it was created and spread by the CIA, according to a study released by Rand Corporation and the University of Oregon.

The paper's authors say these views are obstructing efforts to prevent the spread of HIV among African-Americans, the racial group most likely to contract the virus.

"The findings are striking, and a wake-up call to the prevention community," Laura Bogart, a behavioural scientist who co-authored the study, told the Washington Post.

"The prevention community has not addressed conspiracy beliefs in the context of prevention. I think that a lot of people involved in prevention may not be from the community where they are trying to prevent HIV."

African-Americans are 13% of the US population but account for 50% of new HIV infections, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

African-American women constituted 73% of new female HIV cases in 2003.

The study, which was supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, also revealed a slight majority believe a cure for Aids is being withheld from the poor; 44% think the people who take the new medicines for HIV are being used as government guinea pigs, and 15% believe Aids is a form of genocide against black people. The responses barely fluctuated according to age, income, gender or education level.

Na'im Akbar, a professor of psychology at Florida State University who specialises in African-American behaviour, stressed that these views are grounded in experience.

Between 1932 and 1972 the federal government conducted experiments on 400 African-Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama. They were told they were being treated for syphilis but were allowed to sicken and die, and in some cases were actively denied treatment, until the experiment was exposed in 1972.

"This is not a bunch of crazy people running around saying they're out to get us," he said.

However, others, including Phil Wilson, executive director of the Black Aids Institute, insist that African-Americans must come to terms with this past if they are to overcome belief in conspiracy theories and the obstacles they present to effective prevention.

"The syphilis study was real, but it happened 40 years ago, and holding on to it is killing us," he said.


Also check out this link...
Posts: 58


« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2005, 06:09:42 PM »

The question regarding the cause of AIDS is not relevent to the preventitive measures we all must take to prevent its spread.  Why is this connection made?  It is disengenous.  Why would the suspicion of AIDS being a bio-weapon introduced into the black and gay population of the UsA and through vaccine programs in AFrica that occured simultaneously cuase people not to take precautions?.  The logic is not there at all.

Why would trying to find out the truth about the origin of AIDS, which has been the subject of repeated and provable lies by govt sponsored scientists since the outbreak began in the eighties, end up "killing" those demanding transparency in bio-weapons research as it relates to AIDS?  

The issue is one of ongoing and continual bio warfare research and probable implementation across a wide spectrum of humanity deemed
Undesirable or in the way somehow .   The syphillus experiments are only one example.  Who are these people threatening death to those who suspect the worst about AIDS and the Western Industrial Countries clear potential for spawning it?   the referenced article does not make sense .

Indeed if you accept the "conspiracy beleifs" (see my post to general forum today) based on the sound research and investigations by many qualified people, it would have the effect to cuase a person to be extra careful, not less so about risky behaviour!!!! P.7
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