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What do you think about multiracial children ?
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Topic: What do you think about multiracial children ? (Read 139380 times)
What do you think about multiracial children ?
January 28, 2005, 08:45:26 AM »
Hello ,
I'm a new person on this forum . After being only a reader for a long time I decided to write and start a new topic .
English is not my native language and I don't live in an english speaking country so please , excuse my mistakes .
As a mother of two biracial children I would like to know what do you think about multiracial and / or biracial babies and toddlers .
I believe that we are all human beings . Although I am not religious in a conventional way and I believe in spiritual world existing around us - I believe we are the children of One God .
What do you think ?
Maya and two
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #1 on:
January 28, 2005, 09:32:33 AM »
Greetings welcome to this community. You will have plenty of opportunity to have your question answered. They are many posters here who gave birth to multiracial children. Personally I don’t like multiracialism but I've found out parents of mixed raced kids have things to say. They should feel free.
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #2 on:
January 28, 2005, 10:06:43 AM »
Thank you Bantu Kelani .
I'm happy there are mothers in the same situation here .
Maya ...
Posts: 8
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #3 on:
January 28, 2005, 02:29:23 PM »
Hi Maya,
I come from Congo but when I was 14 years old, my dad got a job in an english country. Today, I can read french with no problem, speak a little bit but when it comes to writting I am having serious problems...When I want to intervene in a debate on a congolese site, I can 't do it in french. Some people think I am trying to show off when I write in English..There is always a misunderstanding and that really hurts me.
Understand yourself in order to to better understand others
Posts: 8
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #4 on:
January 28, 2005, 02:43:39 PM »
Sorry!I am not yet done
I will graduate soon from an USA university, so I don't think working back home will be easy for me. That really stresses me coz I am tired of having to deal with Immigration requirements...
Somehow, I feel like for multiracial children this will be very difficult because they are only 50-50. I don't speak Lingala(language spoken in Kinshasa, the capitalCity) and for that some say I am not a Congolese girl. I just can't put myself in the shoes of a mutiracial kid! It must be rough for them
Please don't get me wrong!I don't hate them but I feel they won't be able to be comfortable in any of their parents countries. There will always be that feeling of rejection which is hard to swallow!
Understand yourself in order to to better understand others
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #5 on:
January 28, 2005, 05:24:24 PM »
I add that a black person can not live in this world without being constantly bombarded by multiculturalism, and multiracialism to a large extent. All blacks are exposed to this psychological abuse, and thus many of our people have neglected their blood ancestry and their race as a people. Thus, the blood of black people has been intentionally diluted (whether it is others diluting it, or blacks themselves).
I'm not trying to hijack the thread but I need to ask Beyonce..
Do you know Luzolo? He is from Congo-Brazza and you seem similar to the American girl from Congo he often talks to me about.
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #6 on:
January 29, 2005, 12:07:04 PM »
I add that a black person can not live in this world without being constantly bombarded by multiculturalism, and multiracialism to a large extent. All blacks are exposed to this psychological abuse, and thus many of our people have neglected their blood ancestry and their race as a people. Thus, the blood of black people has been intentionally diluted (whether it is others diluting it, or blacks themselves)."
I'm very sorry about that .
I consider multicultural education as not violent , not aggressive and not abusing action that creates understanding between people with different ethnic background . In the same time those people shouldn't neglect their own history
( facts not fiction ). They should respect the others and have a great respect to their own community , culture and religion so it will not only be " back " but " ground ". If one of the group is made refusing her own history and culture it is not real multiculturalism but just a " multi - culti thing "and educators are getting in the wrong dirrections .
I come from the country which basicly was Russian , Austrian and German colony from 1791 until 1989 . Right now , some people call us the 51 State which means our politicians support Bush and if Bush asked them : " Jump into the fire " they would do it without any hesitation .
For 200 years my country was isolated from the others .
For many years we couldn't speak our own language and have our native names . For just a one act of lack of loyality there were macabric repressions by the foreign government , public execusions and so on . My country was sold to Russians after the Second World War . We were behind the Iron Curtain or however they call this thing until 1989 . We couldn't travel anywhere but Russian occupied countries . After those years we are so called " free nation " . People from different countries can easy come and stay here , we can travel everywhere not only in Eastern Europe . We need visa nad permition to come to the US and stay there for many reasons though . . .
After so many years of isolation , I think my country could do with a little bit of multicultural education in a positive and non violent way . In big cities you can see some foreigners but in small villages there is none of them . Some people are affraid of strangers , some are curious . Some become aggresive .
Those who can afford to travel , travel around the world and come back with new experiences . Some of them come back with negative stereotypes about Black people from so called western Europe and America .
My acquuitance ( white ) used to live in Berlin , Germany with her Nigerian husband . Although they are loving family with 5 children , she was called all derogatory names on the street from perfect strangers who didn't know her nor her husband .
While she was shopping and holding her youngest baby plus having her twins in the carriage , some people called her : "N-word B.. ..tch "and " white s....t" . Many times she was called that names and her children too . My country is not that ignorant but still I get some of these negative reactions and my little children too ( " monkey babies " and so on ). White priviledge for mixed children ? Where and when ? I don't think so .
Plus , there are many negative stereotypes about mixed couples . One of them is that Black man have relationship with a White woman to make himself looking better than the others . Excuse me , but what kind of crap is that ?
Well , my children are waking up from day time sleep so I cannot write any more .
I didn't want to hurt anybody's feeling . Sometimes my English is just not accurate .
I asked that question because I would love to move to Africa . I wondered how my children would be accepted there ?
Thank you for sharing your opinion .
With respect to everybody .
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #7 on:
January 29, 2005, 04:18:57 PM »
I am a Nationalist black African woman and every time this multiracialism topic will come up, I still will tell black people to not believe the lie that it is for our own good. It has never been beneficial for us to live near white people.
On a daily basis I hear things like what you are saying. Do you seriously think we should favor your people for our dark people? Here you have people who thrive to regain their collective independence but you claim multiracialism is good for our unity ancestry! Most of our people don't know their origin, our ancestral languages and cultures are dying because black people are encouraged to uphold multiracialism, whereas white people are encourage maintaining their blood pure only wanting their men to avoid marrying women of color. What people like you are doing is widening our culture and racial separatism. The thing that tickles me the most is that you actually don't realize how you offend black Nationalists like me. You already accomplished the goal of life matting with a black man. Do you think that makes you part of the black race? It’s too late for you to seek the opinion of black people you helped yourself already. No Black Nationalist I know will ever support you, and you don't care anyway.
I am straightforward in my talking I always try to be honest without name calling do you understand? I choose to express myself so do you, in any case you can ignore the substance of what I said.
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #8 on:
January 29, 2005, 05:58:48 PM »
B.K [/quote]
I thought I was clear . Again , sorry for my English .
First , no , I do not consider myself as being part of the Black race .
Why do you think so ? Only because I would love to move to Africa ? I'm 24 and have already changed places of living and continents where I used to live many times . I found Black people , especially Africans very friendly . One of my good friends , Eric , lawyer and artist , refugee from Congo living near my place , said my family would be welcomed in Africa .
Oh well ... what can I say ...
I'm not sure if when both of us are thinking
" multiculturalism " , we think about the same thing . Did I say muliticulturalism is good for your people and for your unity ancestry ?
No , I said my country , poor Eastern European country that everybody is affraid to visit , country isolated for more than 200 years from all kind of different cultures beside Germans Nazists and Russian Communist , could do with a little bit of multiculural education . I don't know , if you met any people from my homeland . There are many stereotypes about us .
For some people we drink alcohol all the time and are Caltholics . For many people we are all stupid , with a very low IQ , we do not have any technology and transportation around our country . We are poor so we steal and cheat . Living in France , Germany or the US you can hear these opinions about us .
What I mean by multicultural education is a non violence actions in kindergardens , schools , universities , in media and art , teaching people from my country about different cultures ( not only Black peoples' culture ). Caucasians culture too . By Caucasians I mean people
who live
in Caucas . They are NOT WHITE , English term is confusing . By multicultural education I mean fighting with stereotypes about different ethinc groups than ours .
So , what should we do with biracial and multiracial human beings ? Exterminate them in death camps because they are not a pure race , not light enough and not dark enough too ? I live quite near death camp built by Nazist Germans , Auschwitz - Birkenau , two hours by train from my place . I'm not a Jew but some of my relatives were killed there .
In my country that kind of ideology , ideology of one , pure race comes from right - wing , pseudo-catholic and pseudo - nationalistic party . Unfortunately , many people get those fouls serious . They are nothing else but hidden Neonazists and they have a special place in Parliament .
I believe multicultural education can help some ignorant people from my country who just have no idea about diversity of the people of the world . It does not mean everybody will mix with everybody . There is no need to mix . There is a need to live in peace . It sounds too ideal ?
To make you happy I will say - there is not a bit of any initiative of multicultural education in my country . The country is 95 % white . If somebody of colour comes here he / she gets different reactions . Very positive , curiousity plus very negative . Local skinheads bit up some people almost to death . Skinheads are recruiting themselves from unemployed , poor families . There is 20 % unemployment in my country . There is no commission of duscrimination and law agaist discrimination in my country . Only in Constitution they have some crap sentences about everybody has a right to do this and that . But it's just a theory , practice is completely different .
A friend of mine was shocked when one African guy asked her in the bus if he , a Black person , can sit near her White woman .
It is happening now - not 40 years ago in the US .
The US is obssesed with the race too .I was called once f....
Latino by one American lady because I have dark eyes
and dark hair and probably I have an accent .
I think multicultural education can help ignorant people .
Doesn't mean mixing and , as you said , diluting African blood or anybody' elses blood .
I didn't plan to have Black boyfriend . What I should have done when I loved Somebody of Colour ? Do you think mixing is well seen in my own country ?
As I wrote before , me and my children get insults almost every day . Especially from white males .
My childern have African names . I didn't change my name or surname .
Thank you for your opinion . Maybe I should just come back to the States from where I escaped .
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #9 on:
January 29, 2005, 06:09:28 PM »
One more thing ... My country didn't take a part in colonisation of Africa . We were Russian , German and Austrian colony for more than two hundred years .
Right now , we are so called free nation which of course does not mean anything .
With all respect ,
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #10 on:
January 29, 2005, 08:47:18 PM »
know that Eastern Europeans living today have the right to liberty, security, and prosperity since they are white. Everything that white people have directly or indirectly come form the brutalities of subjugation, deprivation and humiliation of black peoples. The capitalist and socialist of the Western and Eastern Europe had bloody roles in black countries crises for economic interests and this is not all in the past!
Why is that present-day whites have the right to an holocaust past and want everybody to see them as "victims" but blacks who continue to suffer from discrimination as the legacy of slavery and colonization cannot? White Jews and Eastern Europeans are successful today because the international Community took into account their claims and injustices am I lying?
But your ultra naive thinking is intricate with self-defense reaction. Nobody has ever bamboozled white peoples you don’t know that? The European oppression done to your people didn’t justify the proliferation of bigoted and unscientific racist ideas bond to have negative consequences on black people in the long run.. When Germany put millions of your people into the ovens of the Nazis it never compared to the violence and brutality of the colonialist Europeans Cecil Rhodes and King Leopold II of the Belgians who were responsible for THE MURDER OF 100 MILLIONS OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICANS IN 20 YEARS! Adolph Hitler and its Nazi at the height of their massacre of Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies never equaled them.
And, most peoples throughout Eastern Europe today haven’t been destroyed by conquest and denied their independent governance, but we black people have! You see when it comes to history the white media has developed a black hole concerning the genocidal policies of Euro-US against black people. Everyone should know all holocaust victims: the Native Americans, white Jews, Slavs, Polish, Gypsies, Japanese, and even Chinese! But we don’t know and probably will never know the precise number of Africans who died during the Middle passage when they were shipped as human cargo form Africa to the Americas, because indeed the Middle Passage had great mortality in transshipment. A huge number of the population of Africa was killed, and died of many diseases before reaching the Americas! It is essential for you, a so-called friend of black people, to not whitewash history, and to finally know that the racial, social, cultural, or political oppression of your people was never had the terrible consequences as the one of black peoples who are not only victims of yesterday but of today as well!
Moreover, you claim to want built a better white society where you are, then go tell your people about their wicked ways. Blacks don’t need people use your type of muticulturism reasoning to negate their survival point of views when they are being greatly assaulted by white people for the wealth of your nations. Instead of patronizing black people go share your viewpoints to your people! I think it’s best to educate them than us. We African people will appreciate this a lot instead of encouraging a disloyal attitude to black people to seek love in other races.
It is usually whites like you who are obsessed about black people while at the same time you undermine us physically and culturally. You already know I am not a black woman who appreciates dark skin men dating/mating with white women, because I don't turn my back on the brothers and sisters for other races of men and women, it doesn’t make me a racist person. It is just that I am not ashamed of my blackness. If you have the inability or unwillingness understands that Black Nationlists want to protect themselves and their race then you are egoist. It’s naive of me to think you a white woman can ever understand anyway.
I see the black race is still under siege in a white world, and I think you are part of the whole game plan to divide the black man and black woman. I don't think you need black people opinion either, if it is really what you need then let black people educate, unify, be pride, date, and mate among themselves. When these are happening there will be no problems for blacks in this world.
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #11 on:
January 29, 2005, 09:53:10 PM »
Concerning inter-racial children, there are too many out there to reject them IMO. Some hate their African roots it is what white people did to them. Some uplift black people not willing to be separated to us, that’s cool. I accept multi-racial children if the European folk didn’t confuse their psychology, but I have the mind set inability to support interracial dating I’ve told you form the start.
But there are many posters here who support inter-racialism they might reply to you. You will be satisfied with their thoughts.
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #12 on:
January 30, 2005, 12:17:23 PM »
Good morning ,
I guess I'm one of those " Blancs " that " Noirs " cannot communicate with . Yes , I know about Black Holocaust . My boyfriend is a concious man , not a young guy , chasing white p ___". I learned from him about Black Holocaust and extermination of Africans . I wrote facts about history of my nation not to suggest that history of my postcolonial country I can compare with African People history . I didn't want to say my country people suffered as much as your people . I may sound ignorant but I'm not that ignorant to even think like this .
I do not pat anybody's hand or back . Don't want to take away your culture and tell you how to live and what to do .
Like I say , I 'm not Black , I do not feel Black on the inside and that kind of "hippie" talk do not go with me .Also , I'm not trying to be more Black than Blacks and so on .
If it comes to Auchwitz . In my country they talk only about Jewish holocaust not knowing who the Hebrew were and where Hebrew religion comes from .
White people from my country are second and third category citizens of so called Western countries . We are poors and beggers in our own country even .
Service Member
Posts: 2063
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #13 on:
January 30, 2005, 01:10:57 PM »
Like I say , I 'm not Black , I do not feel Black on the inside and that kind of "hippie" talk do not go with me .Also , I'm not trying to be more Black than Blacks and so on .
So if you have no aversion of the thought of being a white woman why are obsessed with black people and Africa? Why you had to date and mate with a black man?
White people from my country are second and third category citizens of so called Western countries . We are poors and beggers in our own country even .
What country are you from in Eastern Europe? Still you have never suffered like the many brothers and sisters in the African continent, and the West Indies. You have no clue what an intolerable living condition is. Most people know that even the impoverished and backward European nations are better off than African countries in the Southern parts of Africa where blacks live under absolute colonialism and brutal exploitation. Your complaining is so the European way, egoist and pervasive of concealed racism.
We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
Re: What do you think about multiracial children ?
Reply #14 on:
January 30, 2005, 01:51:22 PM »
Alright , so now I am a racist ?
By saying we as a nation are the second and third category citizens I meant giving everybody information and facts about my country fellows with not comparison to anybody else's situation in the world .
What is your definition of obsession with Black race ?
I am from the Eastern European country where Nazists built death camps during the Second World War .
Again , I do not try to compare history of my nation with history of Africa and tell everybody :" Hey , I know what you went through ." Not me .
We still have problems with " the right to security , prosperity and liberty "( as you said )but of course it is only our corrupted politicans ' fault . Nobody else's fault . I am aware our suffering is uncomparable with Africans' suffering . As I wrote before I didn't have intention to inform everybody :
" Hey people , I experienced your suffering . " That's not true .
If I'm not welcomed , I can dissapear from this forum as fast as I came here . No , I 'm not trying to run away . I hope I didn't offend anybody . If so , I'm sorry . By saying I'm sorry I mean I'm sorry not : " I do not care ".
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