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Author Topic: What do you think about multiracial children ?  (Read 139447 times)
Posts: 23


« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2005, 12:33:11 PM »

Bantu, you're so good at sizing people up.  "Be proud of our own heritage,"  you did just say that right?  You also said that Caucasions came from your race, "Blacks are the original race, from which all other races evolved."  Where does heritage begin and end for you?  And where ever that is, can you believe that someone else's might end somewhere different than your own, I'll bet you could.
     What's your ideal view of the world, without changing history?  Should all races go to their separate corners, come out fighting until only one is left, or should all the races just close their borders and forget the others exist?  That's what my Grandfather wanted, you and him might have gotten along really well.  What about love for the Human race?  In your mind is a multiracial reltionship really just some white person's ego trip?        
     Do you think Maya came here to seek your approval?  I'll bet those babies are healthy and happy what is bad about that?  Maya, sorry for sounding too sypathetic, I just thought you showed good character. Selam
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2005, 01:17:21 PM »

Hello NB ,
I was reffering to Bantu's words that I came here to make Blacks feel sorry for me and so on ... You were not too sympathetic .
I should have quoted everybody's opinions . Sorry .
Right now I cannot write more .
Peace to everybody .
Junior Member
Posts: 220

I am nothing with out my soul

« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2005, 06:52:45 PM »

Firstly  I am sorry if you class my way of asking questions and finding out things "Judgement" in your opinon.That was the furthest thing from my mind anyway.
Also why would you think i was implying your children shouldn't be born with my quote you totally took it out of context Maya, it didn't mean that and if you choose to think as it of such then rethink it again and i apologize if it made you think such but what i was trying to say in simplier terms is that you have them now and you must guide them and help them along to find acceptance in this cold world hope you understand.And even still if they father give them his "cultural background" they still have to be guided to find acceptance and who they are.


I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become reality.
Posts: 37


« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2005, 09:23:00 PM »

peace all.

i think that there is absolutely nothing problematic about a Black person, and more particularly a Black woman, asserting that she understands this current fixation on multiculturalism to be a false and dangerous paradigm. Black women and our pespectives are often silenced, excluded and abandoned when people start talking about the wonders of multiculturalism. more importantly, Black women who understand biracial progenics involving those of African descent as most often existing in relation to the projected demise of Black women's dignity, beauty and voice as the white supremacist aesthics and values are still entrenched in the minds of many people globally, should not be demonized especially in Black safe places such as this.

also Black women are wise in maintaining a discerning approach to light skinned biracial folks as it is often probable that their allegiance to Black empowerment may be unsettled and inconsistent. especially those of us sisters who are activists-by whatever definition-should be careful as not to drain ourselves with political fence sitters and spirit parasites. self honoring and self defense strategies employed by exploited people is never bigotry from this stand point. even biracial children (of Black men and non-Black women), as innocent as they may be, have often been conditioned already to relate to Black women in overly needy or disparaging ways. this can be very tiring and/or hurtful though often very subtle. this has been my experience. this is not to mention the absurdedly strained relations between Black women and the Black men engaged in relations with non-Black women. there is overwhelming silence about this pain of rejection as Black women are often pushed to appear strong and unaffected by this growing preference for white femininity by Black men. and then by extension we are the bitchy ones when we express our feelings and our analysis of this trope of white supremacy.

as a woman of the African diaspora i am quite aware that most of us Black folks on this side of the Atlantic have European, Native, Latino etc foreparents. however, my everyday life as a darkskinned woman does not reflect the creolization of my bloodlines nor serve me any priviledges as marked by the color hierarchy. whatever the case, this (often forced) hybridity may not be case for other peoples who lived outside the brutal chaos of the slave trade that shaped the so called New World. thus i can not speak for the genetic makeup of Africans on the continent especially when most of my information would come from Western sources infected with their own agendas. instead of thinking that we can always school African peoples on their his/herstory perhaps we should consider how in step we are with white supremacy in assuming their ignorance and when we do not question and deconstruct the knowledge of the West.


justice for Ayiti!
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Posts: 417


« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2005, 10:56:49 PM »

As a 'multiracial' ex-child (and always a child at heart) I think that 'multiracial' children are children whose parents come from two different social groupings defined as 'races' by the societies in which we live.
That's about the only thing I could think about multiracial children in general, any further query as to opinion, would have to be about a specific child, multiracial or otherwise.
I do think that all children are beautiful regardless of race or multi-race.
That's my answer to the question without having read the rest of the thread.
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Posts: 417


« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2005, 11:06:29 PM »

Having read a couple more entries in this thread:
Maya, the more Black people who your youths grow up around the better.
Right now it sounds like an unhealthy environment that they are growing up in if they are being subjected to those kinds of things.
It is very important for those of us who are born as Black people in this time (black skinned and brown skinned Black people) to know who we are, where we stand and how to survive and progress, this is something you will not be able to fully teach your youths no matter how much you love them (no disrespect, just a fact).
It's better if they grow up around plenty Black people.
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Posts: 2063

« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2005, 12:19:10 AM »

I agree with sista Erzulie it is about time black women speak up and defend our people from the whitest of white who consider themselves the blackest of black. It is amazingly ridiculous...

Bantu, you're so good at sizing people up.  "Be proud of our own heritage,"  you did just say that right?  You also said that Caucasions came from your race, "Blacks are the original race, from which all other races evolved."  Where does heritage begin and end for you?  And where ever that is, can you believe that someone else's might end somewhere different than your own, I'll bet you could.
     What's your ideal view of the world, without changing history?  Should all races go to their separate corners, come out fighting until only one is left, or should all the races just close their borders and forget the others exist?  That's what my Grandfather wanted, you and him might have gotten along really well.  What about love for the Human race?  In your mind is a multiracial reltionship really just some white person's ego trip?        
     Do you think Maya came here to seek your approval?  I'll bet those babies are healthy and happy what is bad about that?  Maya, sorry for sounding too sypathetic, I just thought you showed good character. Selam

Grin Grin Grin

I am not ashamed to be a Black Nationalist! There is nothing wrong with me favoring the interests of blacks and opposing all peoples who try to ruin our group, intelligence, and dignity! It is only your assumption to claim I want to exterminate all white men on this planet. But know I am not ill of mind. I am not ruled by evil spirits of dissatisfaction that initially sprang up among your peoples in the Eurasian caves and plains 90,000 years ago, and their passion to be the greatest stumbling block in race harmony in this world. Because of that no black who is truly informed is unforgiving to your peoples. I feel no guilt to hurt your feelings because it happens to the members of my race all their lives that make us tough.  

I think your argument you are "African" come out of shame for how vicious white peoples are as a whole. You believe that somehow if you can make babies with blacks, and IDENTIFY yourself as "Africans" it can somehow make a difference for us. Well it simply can't! You have NO African blood although you claim to be "AFRICAN". You and your mulatto sons help to build a color superiority or prejudice. We don’t want you in Bantu Africa to believe you are "black" to crush our blood like it has been done in South Africa and some part of the West Indies.

I am RPOUD to be a black African- African is MY heritage! But your claim is ridiculous that Whites are "African," while themselves just say they are WHITE. They never claim they are "African." Their ancestors are "European" look how they are imposing racial classifications! It is truly amazing you ignore this fact. I repeat your peoples have NO African blood, your mixed raced children partially. They can call themselves "African" because they are. But look at yourself do you look African? Just look at yourself! You have a different appearance, culture, and identity separate from us. So do not attempt to pacify us with your crap!

You white liberals so-called "Afrocentrists" sticking your nose in our affairs will meet the toughest of us blacks since you show time and time again you are not here to fix our problems! I see how you have a problem with being white. I personally believe it is up to you to solve this problem not the black peoples with little knowledge of your ability to fool them causing all these interracial matings, self-hatred, and colonialism unrest. I wish you would go to your kind and leave us alone. However it will never happen apparently your lives are meaningless without us.


We should first show solidarity with each other. We are Africans. We are black. Our first priority is ourselves.
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2005, 11:36:17 AM »

peace all.

"i think that there is absolutely nothing problematic about a Black person, and more particularly a Black woman, asserting that she understands this current fixation on multiculturalism to be a false and dangerous paradigm. Black women and our pespectives are often silenced, excluded and abandoned when people start talking about the wonders of multiculturalism. more importantly, Black women who understand biracial progenics involving those of African descent as most often existing in relation to the projected demise of Black women's dignity, beauty and voice as the white supremacist aesthics and values are still entrenched in the minds of many people globally, should not be demonized especially in Black safe places such as this. "

Good morning ,

Erzulie , After I read your post and some old threads on Africaspeaks and Bantu Kelani forum about Black Women situation , I think I began to understand your point of view .

Being a woman and mother of " women-to-be " (I have baby - girls ) give me the opportunity to " see " intuitively what you mean and what is your point  .
Of course , it does not give me full understanding of the problem , simply because I did not experience that situation and I am not one of you . That's clear . There is no consealed rascism in my statement .

I cannot write more right now because I'm on the time constance .

Erzulie and Everybody here ,
Thank you for sharing your opinion .
maya ...

Posts: 8


« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2005, 11:39:07 PM »

I always get a kick out of individuals that say "Your black because of the infamous 1/8 rule, so you should accept that you are black because thats the way society looks at you". What horseshit. First off, there are scientifically proven physiological and genetic differences between mono-racial blacks and bi/multiracial persons. Also, the very rule that you idiotic and prejudiced black (or white for that matter) people ascribe to is the same one (And this is for you ms. black nationalist) that emphatically indicates that black women are nothing more than animalistic savages that seduce white men. So when you buy into this stupid mythology you need to understand that you are also buying into the old white slavemaster's mentality. Wake up. Secondly, as a proud and biracial male I believe that we are are own race and that too much time and energy from mono-racial people is expended in trying to understand or evaluate us. What I say to all, speaking for myself and countless other bi/multiracial persons, is that the majority of us don't have racial identity problems and are happy and productive members of society. I guess i can't completely denouce your idiotic ideology on the one eighth rule born out of white supremacist thinking, because I feel disgusted and questioning of why people of mixed heritage are pursued relentless by mono-racial people. If we're so screwed up please stay away from us and allow us to grow within our own construct.
Posts: 8


« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2005, 04:12:22 AM »

Nice reply. How intelligent is it to throw out racial epitaths? You appear to be not only ignorant, but apparently can't read. Nowhere in my reply did I say anything about "wanting to be with white women or white culture". So where the hell did you get that? It sounds to me like you simply are so caught up in your "black nationalism" that you fail to see any other point(s) besides your own. And just a little f.y.i. why don't you mono-racial blacks stop LUSTING after our women and whatever your name is, why don't you go find yourself a nice dark skinned, kinky haired, thick lipped "sistah" instead of poisoning our gene pool. And yes this means you Kunta Kinte. I find it extremely funny that you criticize me yet the majority of you "black nationalists" have mulatta women as your significant others. Not only is that disgusting to me as a biracial person...It's the farthest thing from appropriate. You want to argue my point(s). Please feel free. I love a good, and by the looks of your comments, simple argument.
Junior Member
Posts: 220

I am nothing with out my soul

« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2005, 08:17:53 AM »

Mr.Exoticmxml, greetings to you,I dont know if it my place to say this or not but i am going to say it anyway.I dont know whether your intentions or good or bad but on this board and forum we come in peace and we dont not dwell into the fact of attacking one another with racial statements and other judgements.

Blessings and Hotep

I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become reality.
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Posts: 417


« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2005, 08:35:11 AM »

Mr. Exotic
Seems like you think multiracial people are a "different" and (apparently from your comments) "superior" race? You don't want "monoracial" Black people "messing up your gene pool"Huh You sound like a sad case BROTHA.
I guess you must have gotten a lot of ish from "monoracial" Black people for you to talk so bitterly about them. I guess I can't relate cos I never really had no problems from Black people for being mixed... just from white people for being Black.
Whatever your personal experience might have been, get over it and look at the big picture. As a next "multiracial" person I just wanted to state clearly that your experience is apparently far from mine.
Do you live in the U.S. or U.K. or one of them countries? Do you notice that you get stopped more often by the police than your white buddies? Why do you think that is so? Because they see you as "multiracial" or because they see you as a NIGGER?
Posts: 8


« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2005, 08:52:41 AM »

First of all Gman i'm interested in knowing how you identify yourself? black or multiracial? Secondly, the very fact that you think my opinion is that multiracial people are a "superior race" is sad in and of itself. My experience hasn't been horrible from either mono-racial blacks or whites and for your information i don't have any "white buddies". My friends are bi/multiracial people who are very conscious of the prejudice that exists from both monoracial blacks and whites etc. It is you that is the sad case as you apparently, and maybe i shouldn't assume, think because the white majority defines you as "black" that you are monoracially black. I am not your "brotha" nor am i you homey or what ever psuedo syllogisms you chose to define someone other than yourself. Also, if you think being proud of one's race (White, Black, Native, Asian, Hispanic (Not a race and ethnic group(s)) and wanting to see your race established, marrying inside your own race etc., is having a "superior attitude" then you got me. You know it's interesting (And this is for you to princess) that you have "Black nationalists" that spout of and attack a woman with children of mixed heritage and none of you monoracial or even pathetically uneducated and very self denying bi/multiracial (yeah you gman) say boo, however, when a racially conscious person stands up for their beliefs and hopefully attracts the attention of other racially conscious bi/multiracial people you get yourself worked up. Again, i feel sorry for you because to deny the basic foundation for which your existance is based on is truly saddening and ultimately a travesty of justice. I'm American by the way. Lastly, i have a ? for you Gman. Have you ever seriously taken into consideration the fact that by marrying someone other than your own racial makeup (As i'm sure you date many monoracial black women) could inadvertantly have devastating effects on the propagation of our, bi/multiracial race.?
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Posts: 634

Ayanna's Roots

« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2005, 08:57:54 AM »

I removed a post from Kelani that was before exoticmxml's response:

Nice reply. How intelligent is it to throw out racial epitaths? You appear to be not only ignorant, but apparently can't read."

in which she used certain terms for whites that were unacceptable.

exoticmxml's post is in response to Kelani's post that was removed.

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Posts: 417


« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2005, 12:01:15 PM »

Exotic dude, I'll respond to you later *BROTHA*
Yan, I have to ask so I know, what terms for whites are unacceptable on here?
Here are some terms I know of, which ones can I not say under any circumstances?:
As I'm sure you're aware I'm not 'racist' towards white people but as long as the white supremacist system is in place I don't think they have a right to complain about anything any Black person (or other colonized group) might decide to call em, it's only words. Besides I think some of those words are quite poetic, humorous (to me) and apply very well to CERTAIN white people.
Not trying to challenge the rules of the house, I have no prob respecting the rules, just need clarification as to exactly what they are.
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