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Author Topic: Jesus can’t be the blood line of kind David  (Read 50178 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 203


« on: March 30, 2005, 10:42:27 AM »

How can Jesus be the blood line of king David? Through marys maybe he could be within one of the twelve tribes of ISRAELITES. Its impossible Jesus direct ancestor can’t be King David? I mean no disrespect because I do not know much of the Rastafarian bible but I know where the bible came from and how it reached into black hands in the time of suffering.

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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2005, 08:34:57 AM »

Jesus AKA Susej is white a full blooded Jew. He did have a lot of things to teach not preach but YOU WILL only find 2 percent of what he was teaching not preaching within the bible.

The bible is a preaching tool it tells you Jesus walked on water but not how, Jesus healed the blind and the sick but not how, Jesus raised the dead, Jesus cast away evil spirits but never ever do they tell you how. He was a teacher not preacher he never cared about how long it would take him to finish a parable or how long it would take him to teach his disciples, so that they could teach not preach to others. Every thing he did he had to explain how he did it but the bible wont.

When I introduce my self I will say (I am Kanga Mpawo ona Mpanzu a batetela from the Ana mongo tribe my lineage is Mpanzu and I am from katiopia) that’s how people in afrika and Israel and china introduce themselves, in the days when our culture was alive, don’t forget all races on earth have learned and lived with Nubians once.

So when Jesus would have introduced himself, he would have first stated his clan SON OF JOSEPH and then his Lineage JUDAH and then his tribe ISRAEL.
Then the person who he was speaking to would know everything about him. Jesus only said he was from the tribe of Judah because it was a custom. For Israelites you have to be an Israelite before you was welcomed into their house.


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« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 10:43:07 PM »

Yashua aka Isa aka Jesus was a black man....
stay off the drugs
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Posts: 203


« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2005, 05:42:42 AM »

 Hotep Brother Micah el layl

Was Mohamed of the Koran black? Were mosses of the bible black, Elijah or Samuel of the bible black?

By saying Jesus was black you are denying israelites their heritage and their way of life.
Jews or Israelites can’t have a prophet, they can’t have a god, and they can’t have a way of life. Do we believe that there is a most high? If we do then we should know that the same most high we Nubians know within our way of life is the same most high the Jews or Israelites knew and worshiped.

Nobody has the rights to claim somebody else’s saviour as their own, nobody on the planet earth has the rights to say this person has no soul or the most high only knows and loves the colour black.

We gave the Israelites a language a way of life and the most high did the rest, we must respect other people’s prophet’s geniuses and angels or supervisors.
We can’t try to identify our self’s in some other people way of life.

We have our own prophet our own geniuses and our own angels or supervisors; all we must do is look for the right path.

Jesus did not care about colour or race he only came to accomplish his mission which was to tell the Israelites the laws and to explain how nature works before the earth comes to a period of judgement.

 The most high can never come to this existence or we will seas to exist. Jesus was not a direct descendent to king David it’s impossible.


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« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2005, 11:40:37 AM »

Yeshu' bar-Yosef of Nazareth is of the bloodline from Abraham.
Here is a link to explain this in the language spoken in Yashua's time. Also the original text of Matthew is in Aramaic.


Also check


Love is the Light
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Posts: 203


« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2005, 12:03:38 PM »


Yashua AKA saviour is in his words not of this world, people say he is of the tribe of Judah because his father was a descendent of King David.

So what happen to Immaculate Conception if such a thing is possible?

He could not have been black 2000 years ago Israel was populated by whites not blacks at list that’s what the Europeans say.


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Posts: 8


« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2005, 03:41:18 PM »


So what happen to Immaculate Conception if such a thing is possible?

He could not have been black 2000 years ago Israel was populated by whites not blacks at list that’s what the Europeans say.

Firstly, are not all things possible in/by Jah? Jah hates sin so, it must also be overstood that Mary had to be redeemed of sin before concieving the only One without Sin.
What vision of Jerusalem 2000 years ago do the Europeans have? Is this something you have been conned to believe? [or is this a statement to test my witness] ?
This topic is not about skin colour but blood. Did you sight the story of the little girl in South Africa that was allowed to school with white children till 5 yrs later it was found both her parents were not white and she was expelled because of the little ones blood. What is overstood by the words of H.I.M. ?
If we are joined in Inity by the blood or by colour, race or religions but, there is no way for each of us to trace our blood, colour or faith back to Adam, what are we left with ?
Come together in Jah trInity.

Love is the Light
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Posts: 203


« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2005, 04:14:43 AM »

Hotep Amonrah

Within the bible only the god of the bible can break his own laws.

If a men sleeps with a women or a women sleeps with a men before marriage its deemed as a sin in the bible.

If a men sleeps with a married women then he is committing a sin the same law applies with a women.

If a women is a virgin and that women gets married to men and she has sexual intercourse with that men as long as she sleeps with the same men as long she is alive she stays a virgin this in an afrikan tradition which we gave to the world.

The god of the bible H.I.M took somebody else’s wife and made her pregnant, he broke his own law and he made her a none virgin.

The earth goes around the sun that’s a law that god cannot break a man is born a baby then he grows to become a man this is an unbreakable law.

For the god of the bible to set laws that we cannot break and then he breaks them himself no wonder we are all just like him.

If a king is cruel and undisciplined his people will be likewise take a look at Hitler and other kings because they all have royal blood.

It’s also a law that before any spirit becomes a soul a men and a women must procreate to bring them into the world.

If the is no seamen from the male and no eggs from the female there is no life that is another law created by the most high.

Amonrah said

What vision of Jerusalem 2000 years ago do the Europeans have? Is this something you have been conned to believe? [or is this a statement to test my witness] ?

Jemba said

I have never seen an afrikan name in the bible, Israel was populated by us Nubians along time ago, Jesus or yashua is not who the Jews claim him to be
But the Muslims are correct in saying he was just another prophet.    

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Posts: 8


« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2005, 06:56:19 AM »

I do not judge you, may you one day come to a better overstanding of the statements you have made.
  "Within the bible only the god of the bible can break his own laws."
  "The god of the bible H.I.M took somebody else's wife and made her pregnant, he broke his own law and he made her a none virgin."
  " I have never seen an afrikan name in the bible"
  "Muslims are correct in saying he was just another prophet"


Love is the Light
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2005, 09:47:51 AM »

PEACE jemba,

Let I say first, that it is very unlikely that Jesus was not a man of colur.  And let next, I ask a question.  Are you a Rasta?  It does not sound that way to I. Are you a person not of colur?   Iyaman not trying to incriminate you just asking a question.

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Posts: 203


« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2005, 12:25:43 PM »

Hotep raskemo

Peace I man not Rastafarian I am a Nubian from Kongo, I posted this topic because I was speaking to a Rastafarian brother and him tell me that he was a Israelite.

The ekipata or egipata or egiptian Bantu people had the Israelites in bondage many years ago in the time of the half white half black ancestor maza or moses.

But at this time when the Bantu supposedly had the fake jews in bondage, the people of kana or Israel where already in Israel and they where Nubians they spoke exactly the same language as the people of ekipata or Egypt.

So the is ra el or the Israelites where given a piece of land in kana away from katiopa or afrika which was called the sun of the world or the light of the world referring to serius b.

They where also given one of our own a person with half Nubian blood maza or mosses because his mother was a person of colour he was of our tribe.

Moses was initiated into the mysteries of  the Bantu people and given a task and the deity of fire not (the most high) gave him and his people the whites or Europeans commandments.

You give people who are intelligence and respectful laws but to people who are unorganized and much undisciplined no matter what you teach them you have to give commandments.

Just read the story again from a different angle and you will see how stupid the Europeans where that’s why they where cast out of our lands.

So the isarelites never existed until they settled in kana and they where given a language and a land and laws follow.  

Their great ancestor brought them into ekipata or egipata or Egypt was Abraham who was a European and we initiated him into our mysteries.

The first white ever to be initiated into Bantu mysteries.

So if Jesus or yashua’s blood line is from here he is white and again his people destroyed him us they destroyed all their prophets so if a person call themselves a Israelite they should know that they have been a plague on humanity since their beginning just read the bible those or these people need commandments because they cant fallow laws.

Yenge or peace


Jesus the lion of judah but he was not from the tribe of juda, always called these people babes why was he not born in afrika to teach instead he was taught in egipta.


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« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2005, 02:22:49 PM »

Iyaman think that all of the world at one time was Afika.  There was only one mass of land.  I also still believe that "white" people were very few or nonexistant in bible times. Iyaman have white people in I blood line, but Iyaman not white.  I think everything deserves reasoning.  I'm not stating my views as facts, just simply that, my view.  I think your view of the Europeans with regards to Moses is a good idea. I don't necessarly agree.  Could you explain more?

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Posts: 203


« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2005, 06:58:03 AM »

The Europeans have had many saviours who we Bantus have given to them, from King Abraham who’s name was abra before our great nabi gave him a suitable name even king Davida was an initiate all the way down to Jesus himself, but they never tell us this. Read the bible again and you will realise that every time a prophet speaks to god they are really speaking to a men, god would never get involved directly with our affairs.  

Abraham was the first European to initiated by one of our NABI or HIGH PRIEST
He was initiated with political and spirituality wisdom to rule, the Jews spoke our language and lived in our land until they started breaking our laws and mixing with our lineages.

Every single one of their prophet received initiation, they where never born with mystical knowledge and most of the teachers (I say teacher because anyone can prophesise if their taught how to) where black Nubians sent by us to organize there land, either from kana which is now Israel or Ekipata which is now Egypt.


Think Clear BE Clear>>>>Always Analyze never Dismiss We all are here to learn>>>>> this earth is a BIG class Room
Posts: 8

« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2006, 03:28:01 AM »

Greeting to the Most High Jah- Ras Tafari
Matthew 1:1-17 explains the geneology of Jesus through Joseph, Luke3:23-38 also describes Jesus' lineage through Mary.

We can reason back and forth about this matter of Jesus' lineage.  These are two interpretation giving life to what his life was about.. Close reading of the scroll Acts 13:22-23 will demonstrated this.....

Blessed be the Peacemakers....
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Posts: 316

« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2006, 03:05:54 PM »

ackaaba,mojuba! jemba!

greetings bantu man,indeed rastafarism is deeply rooted in christianity or what i called christ insanity,jesus neva existed and jesus was myth,even enoch the ethiopian said somethings about him as well,the myth of the holy trnity comes from isis,osiris and horus and they turned around in to jesus and the holly ghost bullcrap,ya know,the paut neteru is the most ancient books of all time,the book of dead,the people from the nile valley civilzation was pretty much advanced and they didnt need no B.I.B.L.E!
 people need to read about ankheburan jemba way before the dawn of christianity and the dawn of islam,
lotta of stuff came out from kemet and ancient ethiopia way before that jesus myth started,created by the indo europeans to confuse people with their indo european religions. good read is pre colonial black africa
by cheik anta diop as he speaks about the origins of wolof and other afrikan languages.@jemba
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