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Author Topic: African Delegates Agree to Form "United States of Africa"  (Read 40128 times)
Posts: 17

« on: October 12, 2006, 01:25:49 PM »

African Delegates Agree to Form "United States of Africa"
Delegates from throughout the African continent and diaspora met in London from October 7-9, 2006 and laid out a program for building a single international organisation to forge a continent-wide "United States of Africa".
The group will be known as the African Socialist International (ASI), a worldwide organization dedicated to uniting the countries of Africa into a single nation under the leadership of the African working class in alliance with the poor peasantry. Its Founding Congress was set to be held in March of 2008 in Senegal.
Signing on to the effort were African participants from South Africa, Sierra Leone, Congo, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Cameroon, Uganda, Guyana, Belgium, Sweden, the U.K and the U.S.
One after another, delegates denounced the borders that were imposed within the African continent by European colonial powers at the Berlin Conference of 1884-5 as the primary impediment to African development and well-being.
ASI Interim Committee Secretary General Luwezi Kinshasa declared, "For so long, African riches and talents have shaped, against our own will, every aspect of modern civilisation in the hands of our oppressors. With all of the scattered fronts of the African liberation movement united into a single fighting revolutionary organisation, the world will be changed forever."
The ASI Interim Committee adopted the task of bringing Africans from around the world to participate in the organisation's Founding Congress in 2008. They also agreed to support and participate in the International Tribunal on Reparations for African People scheduled for June 2007 in Berlin.
Sbusiso Xaba, President of the Pan Africanist Youth Congress (PAYCO) of Azania (South Africa) called for the quantification of the reparations owed by white countries and corporations to African people worldwide, to include the materials, labor and development time lost during colonialism and slavery.
PAYCO is the youth branch of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, the group led by Mangaliso Sobukwe, which inspired the mass movement forcing an end to apartheid in South Africa. Speaking to delegates, Xaba reported that the conditions facing the indigenous population have not improved under the current ANC regime. "African workers have lost 20% in real earnings since 1995, many living on $2 per day." Conference participants denounced the continuing white settler occupation of 80% of the land of South Africa.
Also participating from South Africa was Nkrumah Kgagudi, Secretary General of that country's 25,000-member Metal and Electrical Workers' Union. Kgagudi pledged his support for and participation in the ASI based on the group's main resolution, which is posted on www.asiuhuru.org. He will lead the ASI's initiative to build an International African Labor Union.
Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, former child soldier and journalist, reaffirmed his committment to the ASI, representing the more than 70,000 members of the Africanist Movement that he founded and leads. He noted, "Our membership, spanning the countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, is larger than the armies of the three countries combined."
Other leaders of the Africanist Movement including the national coordinators from Guinea and Liberia were unable to attend because they were denied visas. British authorities also blocked delegates from Barbados, Nigeria and Ghana from entering the country to participate in the London Conference.
Conference convener, African People's Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela noted with outrage, the irony that Africans from Barbados and other parts of the Caribbean were encouraged by the British to "come home" to rebuild Britain's industrial infrastructure after WWII, but are denied entry when coming to organise in their own interests. 

In addition to setting the date for the Founding Congress of the ASI and pledging participation in the Reparations Tribunal, Conference delegates also passed resolutions to:

o   Actively support and participate from their respective countries to share publishing and electronic media resources through the Burning Spear Newspaper and UhuruRadio.com and to establish internet cafes in African countries and communities with limited internet access
o   Support the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania in its electoral and revolutionary activities in South Africa
o   Build a sustainable electricity and clean water infrastructure in West Africa, to include micro electrical dams and rain water harvesting

In closing the Conference, APSP Chairman Omali Yeshitela declared, "The struggle now has an entirely new configuration. We no longer work in isolation. We can share the human and natural resources of Africa to free our people!"
For more information on the African Socialist International, visit http://www.asiuhuru.org, telephone (0) 208 265 1731, or email to: uhuruasi@aol.com.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 04:49:24 AM »

Thank you very much for informing us.  we are fully with the organisation
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 10:02:16 AM »

Thank you very much for informing us.  we are fully with the organisation

I guess it being a priority , if Africans sit down , re - organise their History facts and to place it to the future generations to come to know the real facts of what has been long going on in Africa . What will be so different from the times of Pan Africanism Association  ( PAA ) , Organisation of African Unit , and the shortly change to African Union ? What is this madness of changing names to be called United States of Africa -  ( USA ) of Africa ?  Why don't we first of all talk of the failure view points of the so termed PAA , OAU AND AU ?  Lets see for example such naked truth about Africa which feels ashamed to talk of :   

A British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891. The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor- General of Nigeria and Major Selim Matera , a Citizen of Lado It was him Governor - General. Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called The Dual Mandate ( Indirect Rule ), which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide-and-Rule System with the Queen / King on top, and under the Sovereign Head are the British Administrators, and below them the Local African Chiefs. The only difference today is that the British Administrators are replaced by the African Presidents who are operating as Governor - Generals dancing to the tune of Remote Control These British Commonwealth African Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers rule in the firm belief that they are the True Sovereign Heads of their Countries. But in actual fact they have been reduced to mere Governor - Generals / Administrators ( International Public Law ). In Reality then this explains why the many different Indiginous Peoples of Africa, consisting of four Main Social Entities - " Races " ( Bantus, Hamitics, Sudanics and Nilotics ) believe they are Independent . That is also the reason behind the savage Conflicts going on in Africa  ----

Lado .

« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2006, 11:17:57 PM »

A "united states of Afrika" !
It doesn't sound right to me "united states", Afrika is too big. it would be better, we have a Federation or a union similar to the European Union where member states still sovereign but conform to some common law and forward Afro lingua & social-political-economic developments. And most of all, some national boundaries reviewed and changes made according to ethnic closeness & similarities which were not considered by the colonialists. 

A "united states of Afrika" is just far away from reality and the chances of that happening will remain slim as long as we still have puppet prime ministers & presidents (or govern generals like brother lado said), they are always going to the west to ask for fish we can catch ourselves and food we can grow in our vast fertile & mineral rich land. WHAT A SHAME TO ALL OF US, AFRIKANS.
We need a big change in Afrika, before that can happen. Change from colonially designed pyramidical constitutions with most of the powers with the presidents who are often puppets. To the old and again colonial education system meant to enslave us and make us educated fools, hating our own history and appreciating the Greeks and the Romans. Whats wrong with shaka/ Timbuktu/ Nubia/ Pianki/ chetawayo/ Kush/ Axum/ Shabaka/ Lalibela/ Zimbabwe/ Ghana/ ityopya/ moorish conquest, and many more of our great history ? Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction.


AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 06:10:14 AM »

A "united states of Afrika" !
It doesn't sound right to me "united states", Afrika is too big. it would be better, we have a Federation or a union similar to the European Union where member states still sovereign but conform to some common law and forward Afro lingua & social-political-economic developments. And most of all, some national boundaries reviewed and changes made according to ethnic closeness & similarities which were not considered by the colonialists. 

A "united states of Afrika" is just far away from reality and the chances of that happening will remain slim as long as we still have puppet prime ministers & presidents (or govern generals like brother lado said), they are always going to the west to ask for fish we can catch ourselves and food we can grow in our vast fertile & mineral rich land. WHAT A SHAME TO ALL OF US, AFRIKANS.


If only Africans take heed of what you have said  " Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction. " My compliments for your just keen observation for this on this forum


We need a big change in Afrika, before that can happen. Change from colonially designed pyramidical constitutions with most of the powers with the presidents who are often puppets. To the old and again colonial education system meant to enslave us and make us educated fools, hating our own history and appreciating the Greeks and the Romans. Whats wrong with shaka/ Timbuktu/ Nubia/ Pianki/ chetawayo/ Kush/ Axum/ Shabaka/ Lalibela/ Zimbabwe/ Ghana/ ityopya/ moorish conquest, and many more of our great history ? Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction.



AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2006, 07:39:40 AM »


If only Africans take heed of what you have said  " Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction. " My compliments for your just keen observation for this on this forum . Welcome my friend   Please , may you pick on reading of what I have put down on this forum the Topic : WHY IS AFRICA HIDING / KEEPING SILENT OVER THE INDEPENDENCE ISSUE OF LADO STATE ?

My contact :  Ladostate@yahoo.com

 AS  LADO   ( User Name ) .

« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2006, 04:08:22 PM »

A "united states of Afrika" !
It doesn't sound right to me "united states", Afrika is too big. it would be better, we have a Federation or a union similar to the European Union where member states still sovereign but conform to some common law and forward Afro lingua & social-political-economic developments. And most of all, some national boundaries reviewed and changes made according to ethnic closeness & similarities which were not considered by the colonialists. 

A "united states of Afrika" is just far away from reality and the chances of that happening will remain slim as long as we still have puppet prime ministers & presidents (or govern generals like brother lado said), they are always going to the west to ask for fish we can catch ourselves and food we can grow in our vast fertile & mineral rich land. WHAT A SHAME TO ALL OF US, AFRIKANS.
We need a big change in Afrika, before that can happen. Change from colonially designed pyramidical constitutions with most of the powers with the presidents who are often puppets. To the old and again colonial education system meant to enslave us and make us educated fools, hating our own history and appreciating the Greeks and the Romans. Whats wrong with shaka/ Timbuktu/ Nubia/ Pianki/ chetawayo/ Kush/ Axum/ Shabaka/ Lalibela/ Zimbabwe/ Ghana/ ityopya/ moorish conquest, and many more of our great history ? Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction.



Brother I want to say this. Africa must be united as one state at least brown Africa (the one you call black) because the borders were put in place by the whites and they divided it in a racist and evil way, dividing the same people speaking the same language into different countries, making the same family foreign to each other cause they were placed into different countries, Africa will always have problems as long has we do not free ourselves from whites, peace will only come once whites are unwelcome in Africa, the Unity of Africa as one state can be achieved and it is not as hard as you may think, because we have one very important element witch is we never divided Africa, the enemy did and placed our people into different countries to control  us, all we are going to do is to  remove those borders and reunite the people back into one united Africa, the only challenge will be to prevent and if necessary defeat whites attempt to foil the great vision. Africa peoples do not have a problem with the unity of the continent, the threat is from whites.

You said Africa must stay like the European union with some borders readjusted to put same ethnic according to ethnic closeness, I disagree with that idea, because we have to be able to do what we want without whites interference, we have to reach a level where we can do as we really want, not do things cause our enemy do not want it that way, Africa never was divided by us and it will be a natural thing to reunite it, the only threat is whites, we have to defeat the system they imposed in Africa and we will achieve our goal.
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2006, 04:39:51 PM »

Let’s not be influenced by whites propaganda that say Africa is too big and cannot survive united, African use to be one before the whites invasion and deliberately dividing it, different communities use to live in harmony and there were never borders as the whites put it, ethnic group use to live in harmony sharing the land, so it will be only natural for Africa to be reunited the way it use to be, I am convinced that all the problems

of Africa are created by whites, not a single one by us, many may not agree with me simply cause they do not see the picture the way I see it, how do you want Africa to have a smooth ride toward totally  freeing itself when whites are the main sponsors of coup d’etat in Africa, whites control the world media, they control the world financial system that they use to destroy leaders who want free Africa, one example is Zimbabwe where they failed to remove president mugabe despite all their vicious propaganda against him and attempt to finance a rebellion in the country have failed, they now using sanction as a

way to collapse the government of president mugabe, as long as whites neo-colonialism system is not defeated we are in for big trouble, and that is not a reason for cutting short our goal, real fighters keep the  fight on until we achieve what we planed, Africa has achieved success in the fight against whites domination and that has to be recognized, if we have achieved such success that mean we can defeat the system of neo-colonialism and the jail like financial system the whites put us in. whites have failed to achieve their

objective in Zimbabwe to remove president mugabe by force, that mean we can achieve our objectives of uniting Africa as one state, South Africa is another of our achievement
Now our people are running the country, we have come a long way, we still have a long road to take but it doesn’t mean we have to do as the enemy want because they want to keep

Us divided, failing to unite Africa as one state will be a success for our enemy and a failure for our people, the only obstacle to that unity is the whites race, why should we leave our enemy succeed in their dirty goal. You also must not forget that keeping Africa scatted the way it is, will keep Africa weak and easily manipulable by the whites.
So uniting it as one state is the answer. 
Posts: 97

« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2006, 03:07:41 PM »

A "united states of Afrika" !
It doesn't sound right to me "united states", Afrika is too big. it would be better, we have a Federation or a union similar to the European Union where member states still sovereign but conform to some common law and forward Afro lingua & social-political-economic developments. And most of all, some national boundaries reviewed and changes made according to ethnic closeness & similarities which were not considered by the colonialists. 

A "united states of Afrika" is just far away from reality and the chances of that happening will remain slim as long as we still have puppet prime ministers & presidents (or govern generals like brother lado said), they are always going to the west to ask for fish we can catch ourselves and food we can grow in our vast fertile & mineral rich land. WHAT A SHAME TO ALL OF US, AFRIKANS.
We need a big change in Afrika, before that can happen. Change from colonially designed pyramidical constitutions with most of the powers with the presidents who are often puppets. To the old and again colonial education system meant to enslave us and make us educated fools, hating our own history and appreciating the Greeks and the Romans. Whats wrong with shaka/ Timbuktu/ Nubia/ Pianki/ chetawayo/ Kush/ Axum/ Shabaka/ Lalibela/ Zimbabwe/ Ghana/ ityopya/ moorish conquest, and many more of our great history ? Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction.



I agree with this brother wholeheartedly, he hit the nail directly on the head. For afrika to prosper and the rest of the the world for that matter, the power must be given back to the people. And as far as a "United Africa" WAKE UP my people, can't you see that this is just politricks. To give power to a state which governs the entire continent, is the same as giving BABYLON access and control over the entire continent without any opposition, Believe that.
Posts: 18

« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 05:40:55 PM »

Ain't that just a system spreading onto Afrikan Continent? I agree with Afro Muntu, "united states" sounds a little suspicious  Undecided Here is some info I've read some time ago, not very fresh but I think worth attention.

Posts: 13

if u dont stand 4 somthing u will fall 4 anything

« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2007, 04:56:04 PM »

Artist: Bob Marley
Title: Africa Unite

Ziya-po ya-ya, pa-pa-ya-pa!
Ti-da-lee, na po-po pu-du-loo!
Ste-na-peh na-na po po-ro po!
Africa unite:
'Cause we're moving right out of Babylon,
And we're going to our Father's land, yea-ea.

How good and how pleasant it would be before God and man, yea-eah! -
To see the unification of all Africans, yeah! -
As it's been said a'ready, let it be done, yeah!
We are the children of the Rastaman;
We are the children of the Iyaman.

So-o, Africa unite:
'Cause the children (Africa unite) wanna come home.
Africa unite:
'Cause we're moving right out of Babylon, yea,
And we're grooving to our Father's land, yea-ea.

How good and how pleasant it would be before God and man
To see the unification of all Rastaman, yeah.
As it's been said a'ready, let it be done!
I tell you who we are under the sun:
We are the children of the Rastaman;
We are the children of the Iyaman.

So-o: Africa unite,
Afri - Africa unite, yeah!
Unite for the benefit (Africa unite) for the benefit of your people!
Unite for it's later (Africa unite) than you think!
Unite for the benefit (Africa unite) of my children!
Unite for it's later (Africa uniting) than you think!
Africa awaits (Africa unite) its creators!
Africa awaiting (Africa uniting) its Creator!
Africa, you're my (Africa unite) forefather cornerstone!
Unite for the Africans (Africa uniting) abroad!
Unite for the Africans (Africa unite) a yard!

We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules,regulations and rituals created by humans,which were supposed to help
people grow spiritualy.Due to human imperfection religion has become currupt,political,divisive and a tool for power struggle
Posts: 97

« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2007, 08:41:26 PM »

I smell babylon, unu smell it?
smell like swine.

When bob said Afrika Unite, trust his idea was not United States of Africa. Trust InI on that.
Posts: 13

« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2007, 12:11:56 AM »

United States of Africa? Not another USA.  Angry NO. No, no, no. No. Too many names: the N word(s), colored, black, negro, Afro-American, African-American, the United States of African (that was a joke) .... not necessary. I think there should be more focus on helping black people out rather than on how we should be referred to. The United States of America is one country/nation, and it has what, 50 states?  Africa is a freakin' continent. The second largest one, in fact. Isn't it? Well, whether it is or not the name now is fine.
I'm personally for uniting black people as a people first... Brazil, the rest of South America, the Caribbean, and Africa, and have us working together to increase the self-love. Handling our diversity would be a big jump IMO. The problems in black communities in America won't go away because of any of this until we get to the roots of the problems.
I'd love to see a nation like that where we're all happy and proud of our different yet incredibly diverse cultures, but to become a force politically? Those from the Far East and South East are Asian and certainly have similarities, but are too different to have a united political force. Hence North and South Korea, and all that. The US, Canada and Mexico are all part of North America, but does North America have one government?
 As long as we talk about Africa uniting politically, I'm going to have to go with "It's too big". I believe that true unity for Africans involves getting 'your hands dirty' and working to help black people on an individual/small community basis, and then when it snowballs, watch out. Cool I'll worry about the rest later.
I didn't answer the question well, did I? Well, I did, somewhat.
Posts: 97

« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2007, 01:25:21 AM »

The US, Canada and Mexico are all part of North America, but does North America have one government?

The answer to that question is yes. It is part of the push for the One World Government. I agree with most of the points that you made, but I think you should do some research on words like: Globalization, New World Order, Illuminati, etc.

I did a thread on The North American Union check it out and reply after you watch the videos:
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2007, 09:31:49 AM »

peace and hotep,


would you agree that the ideas of New World Order or One World Government has been sponsered by the old world order of White Supremacy? if so, where does people who have been classified as non'white' fit in to illuminati intentions? if not, what do you think about non'white' participating in "The New World Order"?

from your view, should africans at home or abroad unite for any common goal or just 'justice'?

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