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Author Topic: African Delegates Agree to Form "United States of Africa"  (Read 40123 times)
Posts: 97

« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2007, 11:00:44 AM »

peace and hotep,


would you agree that the ideas of New World Order or One World Government has been sponsered by the old world order of White Supremacy?

I'm not sure what you mean by Old World Order, because no one has been successful so far in having complete sovereignty on the entire planet. The United Nations was an attempt, The Council on Foreign Relations, another attempt. Hitler's Nazi Germany was also an attempt on World Domination, but they were trying to get rid of Jews as well, so it's obvious they were not a part of the Illuminati conspiracy.

if so, where does people who have been classified as non'white' fit in to illuminati intentions? if not, what do you think about non'white' participating in "The New World Order"?

Non-white people and white people as well have no "part" in the The New World Order. If you are not part of the secret societies, you're just a slave. That's why white folks all of a sudden wanna become "allies". I've seen non-white freemasons, but i'm sure that they are on the lower levels where there isn't much light(knowledge). That's probably just a front considering the freemasons are mostly Jews.

from your view, should africans at home or abroad unite for any common goal or just 'justice'?


I think we Afrikan at home AND Abroad should unite for ALL common goals, not just ' justice. Besides I don't believe that there will be justice, until we focus on JUST-US (non-whites).
Posts: 97

« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2007, 11:11:08 AM »

peace and hotep,


would you agree that the ideas of New World Order or One World Government has been sponsered by the old world order of White Supremacy?

I think I understand, now. You want to know if New World Order was sponsored by the System of White Supremacy. NO. The Illuminati conspiracy is centuries old. Almost all, if not all American presidents were part of, or became apart of the secret societies(Illuminati). If they tried to expose this conspiracy, according to an oath they take at initiation, they must die. JFK is a prime example.
Posts: 13

« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2007, 02:39:08 PM »

Even so, I am not sure if uniting politically will do much for crime rates, education, poor economy and all that, until the we, ourselves are willing to group and do something about how things affect us directly, and right now. I highly doubt that such political efforts are necessary at this moment in time. Even with Powell and Rice having/had government positions, it doesn't stop black people killing each other for gangs, drugs, or stealing for daily survival. The government doesn't make a difference to them, I think, and I don't see how Africa becoming one political force will help someone eat or get a better education right now. But, what do I know, right. If it happens, it happens. Whatever.
Posts: 97

« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2007, 03:08:39 PM »

Even so, I am not sure if uniting politically will do much for crime rates, education, poor economy and all that, until the we, ourselves are willing to group and do something about how things affect us directly, and right now. I highly doubt that such political efforts are necessary at this moment in time. Even with Powell and Rice having/had government positions, it doesn't stop black people killing each other for gangs, drugs, or stealing for daily survival. The government doesn't make a difference to them, I think, and I don't see how Africa becoming one political force will help someone eat or get a better education right now. But, what do I know, right. If it happens, it happens. Whatever.

I don't understand....I was agreeing with you. Only thing I disagreed with was that there is no North American Union. U.S. of Africa, European Union and North American Union is part of an attempt to form a One World Government, a New World Order. New World Order is not a good thing, neither is U.S. of Africa. The european countries that are apart of the E.U. don't even have power to make their own laws much less govern themselves.

PLEASE. click on the link I gave you in the last post, view all the videos, then reply with what you learnt.

Posts: 13

« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2007, 03:44:08 PM »

Ooooh... okay. My fault. I'm sorry.  Cool
When it comes to the government, there is a 90% chance that I won't have anything nice to say, because I'm so ignorant on these issues Grin. I see what you're saying now. But I don't have faith that any of this stuff will actually come into fruition, as of right now, because some personal reasons and because I didn't watch the video yet. I'll read your thread and comment.
Posts: 97

« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2007, 10:41:08 PM »

This is the thread on The North American Union check it out and reply after you watch the videos:


If you ever want to reason with I you can find me on yahoo messenger, Ras_Nevoe

Posts: 13

if u dont stand 4 somthing u will fall 4 anything

« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2007, 05:28:40 PM »

I smell babylon, unu smell it?
smell like swine.

When bob said Afrika Unite, trust his idea was not United States of Africa. Trust InI on that.
Yes Iyah...dat nuh sound right....a betta dem seh United Africa and done or United Countries of Africa

We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules,regulations and rituals created by humans,which were supposed to help
people grow spiritualy.Due to human imperfection religion has become currupt,political,divisive and a tool for power struggle
Posts: 97

« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2007, 07:22:09 PM »

I smell babylon, unu smell it?
smell like swine.

When bob said Afrika Unite, trust his idea was not United States of Africa. Trust InI on that.
Yes Iyah...dat nuh sound right....a betta dem seh United Africa and done or United Countries of Africa

Africa no need no United States of Africa. Dem already have di African Union, U.S. of Africa sound like a babylon thing dat, "yo si mi?" Babylon think like if dem mek one Africa dem only haffi deal with one puppet government.
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2008, 12:10:57 PM »

A "united states of Afrika" !

It doesn't sound right to me "united states", Afrika is too big. it would be better, we have a Federation or a union similar to the European Union where member states still sovereign but conform to some common law and forward Afro lingua & social-political-economic developments. And most of all, some national boundaries reviewed and changes made according to ethnic closeness & similarities which were not considered by the colonialists. 

A "united states of Afrika" is just far away from reality and the chances of that happening will remain slim as long as we still have puppet prime ministers & presidents (or govern generals like brother lado said), they are always going to the west to ask for fish we can catch ourselves and food we can grow in our vast fertile & mineral rich land. WHAT A SHAME TO ALL OF US, AFRIKANS.
We need a big change in Afrika, before that can happen. Change from colonially designed pyramidical constitutions with most of the powers with the presidents who are often puppets. To the old and again colonial education system meant to enslave us and make us educated fools, hating our own history and appreciating the Greeks and the Romans. Whats wrong with shaka/ Timbuktu/ Nubia/ Pianki/ chetawayo/ Kush/ Axum/ Shabaka/ Lalibela/ Zimbabwe/ Ghana/ ityopya/ moorish conquest, and many more of our great history ? Our development is as much connected to our history as our race direction.



I do agree with you on such important insight view you are giving to us and may I add to tell to our brother Africans and Sisters  not to forget of the Western civilisation is based on the most Lethal Weapon ever used and still in use which has blinded the African mind and left Africa to be robbed of Her well being  :


Of all the disguises the colonialists have used and still use, the most lethal is that of the holy man. Hiding behind the image of charity, brotherly love and a blonde and blue eyed Jesus – a counterfeit version of Yehoshua or Yeshua ( that what he was really called ) – missionaries, preachers and churches became some of the most culturally destructive agents ever to walk the African continent. 

Counterfeit Christianity is of course not the only culprit in the art of theological trickery and race based anti-spirituality. Practitioners of other religions have at various times unleashed the same sort of nonsense and justified their destruction of the ways of life of other peoples - in our case the Africans - with the reasoning that they were and are doing, the primitives a favour: saving them from their heathen and unenlightened selves. 

It is without a doubt though, that the damage inflicted on the African Psyche, the self loathing, the inferiority complexes and the shameless refusal to accept anything inherently African as having merit or value stems from a mindset propagated by the agents of counterfeit Christianity. 

Like a biblical plague of locusts, the missionaries descended upon our societies, bringing a forged version of the teachings of Yeshua the Nazarene. This lie they sold to us through the brand name of Christianity introduced a guilt ridden, self defeating, shame based venom to the African mind, disguised as the teachings of the supposed one and only Son of God. 

The young African was delivered into the hands of these merchants of mental death through the colonial education system. Colonial state and colonial church worked hand in hand to ensure the oppressed lost all knowledge of self and sense of human dignity. 

Lets set a few facts straight for those still clamouring to a slave mentality disguised as Christianity. The religion which you believe in, just to take one example, believes you to be less than human and cursed by God. Already I can hear the screams of disbelief and the accusations of blasphemy but bear with me for a moment and all shall be revealed. 

The root of this thinking is thousands of years of old. It is a thought system that can be traced to the older religious beliefs, from which the Christianity preached by missionaries sprang. 

It contains what came to be a basic corner stone in the justification of the oppression of Africans over the past millennia: The Curse of Canaan. 

This myth is mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud, the Book of Genesis, the Book of Jubilees and the Haggadah – which is a collection of Jewish folk lore comprising the non legal parts of the Talmud. It states in one of its forms : 

The descendants of Ham through Canaan therefore have red eyes because Ham looked upon the nakedness of his father, they have misshapen lips because Ham spoke with his lips to his brothers about the unseemly condition of his father, they have twisted curly hair because ham turned and twisted his neck around to see the nakedness of his father and so they go about naked because Ham did not cover the nakedness of his father. Thus, he was requited, for it is the way with God to mete out punishment measure for measure. Canaan had to suffer vicariously for his father’s sin. Yet some punishment was inflicted upon him on his own account, for it had been Canaan who had drawn the attention of Ham to Noah’s revolting condition. Ham it appears was but a worthy father of such a son. The last will and testament of Canaan to his children reads as follows: speak not the truth, hold not yourselves aloof from theft, hate your master with exceeding great hate and love one another. As ham was made to suffer requital for his irreverence Shem and Japhet received a reward for the filial deferential way in which they took a garment and laid it upon their shoulders and walking backwards, with averted faces covered the nakedness of their father. Naked the descendants of Ham, the Ethiopians and Egyptians were led away captive and into exile by the King of Assyria.”   ( Louis Ginsberg, legends of the Jews 1909 ) 

Other versions of the curse claim the descendants of Ham are cursed by God to be slaves, black and some versions even attribute the shape and size of the black mans genitals to this God given retribution. 

The essence in the myth is as follows: Black folks are degenerate and God cursed them for that type of behaviour. The logical follow up to the preceding point is, that if God hates them, then we (meaning anyone non black) is fully sanctioned to unleash all manner of hell upon them or “save them” from their degenerate selves. 

At times unleashing hell and “saving the savages” became 2 sides of the same coin, at others junctions in history it was one approach over the other, but without a doubt the driving force behind any action taken was always that same sorry song: God cursed U. 

This strand of thinking has managed to infiltrate all 3 major religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam – in varying degrees. 

On top of that, it has taught the African to hate him and herself to such a degree that we have become unable to love, cherish and defend ourselves as a people. The most perverse part of it is we hate ourselves in the name of a loving God. Thought patterns, Alien to our original civilization and culture . 

The typical example of the western world mentors still continues in the wrong direction of the so called Gospel preaching of the Bible : 

The examples of hatred for the Black African, layered in so called religious traditions, which have shaped the outlook of millions through history, are abundant. Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons based his exclusion of blacks from his religious movement on the basis of the curse. The, to this day, prevalent view of the black male as an oversexed beast, ready to stick his oversized genitalia into anything that moves stems from here. 

Even something as up to date as the approach taken to the issue of AIDS: that it is a matter of changing the sexual morality of Africans and improving their hygiene is an echo of colonial missionary thinking, which viewed the Africans as diseased, dirty and sexually out of control. These missionaries were again well versed in the initial source of this thinking, the curse. 
The Catholic Church used the curse to justify its heavy involvement in the slave trade. Bishop John Brown of the Bristol Diocese was a signatory to the Asiento treaty, which agreed that Britain would export 4800 Black slaves from Africa to the Spanish Colonies in America annually. 
Islamic and Jewish salve merchants and scholars used the curse to justify the trans- Saharan slave trade. Moses Maimonedes, the famous medieval scholar and rabbi considered black people higher than apes but lower than humans, akin to irrational animals. He expounded these ideas in the text “guide to the perplexed”. 
Al Jahiz (Abu Uthman Al Jahiz), a famous Arabic scholar from Basra, who was a black African, wrote a rebuttal to the racist propaganda that had begun to flourish, as a result of a revolt which encompassed the entire southern Iraq, by black slaves as well as resident Africans in the area. In “The Essays” written circa 860 AD he states blackness is not a disfigurement or punishment sent by God. 
Religion means to reconnect, to remember, one could say to realign oneself to the source of all life. Any idea that claims that a certain people are more deserving or worthy members than others in the fellowship of life is not religion but racist Hype. 

And YOU don’t believe in Hype, do YOU ? 


Lado  - Institute of Sudanic Studies - ISS 


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