« on: August 21, 2003, 06:31:59 AM » |
The doctrine of human equality has never meant the triumph of ignorance and incompetence over intelligence and industry. It has never meant forcing those at the bottom to the top, regardless of inability or unwillingness. But it does mean that the ladder of equal opportunity should be there for everyone to rise as high as he is able to climb and willing to go. The dignity and purpose of men lies in the freedom of the human spirit which makes him more than simply a human being. This spirit must never be suppressed for exploitation by others.
Chancellor Williams Destruction of Black Civilization
The world is not yet perfect. It is in chaos; yes, in confusion and out of this confusion will come many more upheavals that will shake its very foundation. Fool not yourself that the conferences that have been held, and will be held in the future, are sufficient to settle the disgruntled state of the world, the dissatisfied condition of humanity. They have not gone down to the root of all evils that give cause to the great discontent, they will never be able to establish a permanent peace and present to us a settled world.
The history of the past teaches us that we have had many wars, each more deadly, each more catastrophic, and even as the war of 1914-1918 was the most deadly we have experienced for ages, so in the very near future we shall see the most bloody conflict ever waged by man. Whether it is to be a war of races, or of the nations, no one can tell, but so long as this injustice continues, so long as the strong continues to oppress the weak; so long s the powerful nations arrange amongst themselves to oppress the weaker ones, and to keep the more unfortunate ones in serfdom, and to rob and exploit them, so long will the cause of war be fed with the fuel of revenge, of hatred, and of discontent.
Marcus Garvey
~~~ Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph. Haile Sellasie
Do not leave your education in the hands of fools. Take responsibility for your mediums of enlightenment. Amon Hotep
"Half education is more dangerous than no education" -Chris Ukaobasi
When two Brothers fight, Strangers always reap the harvest' An Ibo saying
Only fools rush in where wise men never tread - Amen Ra
You never test the depth of a river with both feet - African Proverb
"when your God has been assigned to you by your oppressors, you are still oppressed." John Henrik Clarke
It is the fool that prefers the flattery of the wise over the counsel of the wise- TNS