Hello My People!
I am back from this website. It has been ahile for me since the last time I'd wrote anything. It is always good to be back on this website.
Many, many, many years ago, I had begun searching for my family tree. Right now, I had thought about taking the Ancestry DNA to trace me back to Africa. Being a proud African who is from all over the world should always accept whom he or she really is. I am from America, but I am also a proud African. I will found out what tribe that I belong to and the country, and I will come back on the same topic to tell you all the good news in about six weeks, and if you want to go and search for your roots.
Then I would recommend anyone from African decent to do it.
Go visit the country afterwards once knowing your own identity.
I am so excited about doing this, and it would not be possible for me if my ancestors were brought to the America.
Here is the webiste address:
http://www.africanancestry.com Any comments?
Queen Samiya