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Author Topic: Barack Obama for President  (Read 13019 times)
Posts: 82

« on: January 10, 2008, 06:41:44 AM »

Barack Obama

Do you think that Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States?
No one asked if America was ready to see a black man in Major League Baseball. It wasn’t–until the right man, Jackie Robinson, accepted the challenge and made the most of it, and in the process changed America forever. Nor did anyone ask if America was ready for the first black CEOs of multinational corporations such as American Express, TimeWarner, or Aetna. When the best candidates for those positions happened to be black, the way was cleared for Kenneth Chenault, Richard Parsons, and Ron Williams. Similarly, Barack Obama is the right person, in the right place, at the right time to be America’s next president. If we continue to lend credence to the idea that it can’t happen, that America as a nation is not "ready" (whatever that means), then it won’t.We have to be optimistic with unity. The proof of whether America is ready or not should be determined on Election Days,and not by political pundits or polls. Yes We Can!! Yes Barack Obama for President!!
Tell all your friends and familly who live in America to VOTE Barack Obama NOW !!.
Posts: 30

« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 09:38:56 AM »

You ask me to vote for Barack Obama...WHY because he is the best candidate or because he is Black?

Is Barack going to change/challenge foreign and/or domestic white supremacy and its destructive genocidal implementations?

Why would I want a black figurehead at the helm of the Titanic?

Posts: 91

« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 06:13:46 PM »

Barack Obama

Do you think that Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States?
No one asked if America was ready to see a black man in Major League Baseball. It wasn’t–until the right man, Jackie Robinson, accepted the challenge and made the most of it, and in the process changed America forever. Nor did anyone ask if America was ready for the first black CEOs of multinational corporations such as American Express, TimeWarner, or Aetna. When the best candidates for those positions happened to be black, the way was cleared for Kenneth Chenault, Richard Parsons, and Ron Williams. Similarly, Barack Obama is the right person, in the right place, at the right time to be America’s next president. If we continue to lend credence to the idea that it can’t happen, that America as a nation is not "ready" (whatever that means), then it won’t.We have to be optimistic with unity. The proof of whether America is ready or not should be determined on Election Days,and not by political pundits or polls. Yes We Can!! Yes Barack Obama for President!!
Tell all your friends and familly who live in America to VOTE Barack Obama NOW !!.

Ready or not, it time to vote your conscience... i've studied this man, his moves, his dreams, and his hopes; he aspires to the highest post on the planet...No Black person has even come close to sitting in that chair before, so why is he given this opportunity???

Does it speak to his abiliy as a man, and as a problem solver?Huh Or does it reek of the confidence that the EURO-centrist place's in him.. i keep asking myself, why are they so comfortable with this man?? Do they know something about him that i don't know?? Has he revealed a side of himself to them, a side that he has yet to reveal to me?Huh

Has he made secret covenants with them that i am not privie too?Huh Is he really a BLACK MAN, or is he just another  dark-skinned WHITE MAN?Huh How can i be sure??? After-all he was raised by his WHITE MOM, with-out a strong AFRICAN influence in the hose... And with-out having to endure the torture that is part of the BLACK GROWING-UP EXPERIENCE...

What i do see that is positive, is his reaching back, and out, towards both the Black & the White communities simultaneously, and promising to help heal the divide that has previously galvanized us both... If this can be effectively accomplished, then yes, i can support that...

But if on the other hand he sees this opportunity slipping away from him due to WHITE indifference, or WHITE resistance to change, and then he begins to sell-out his S O U L  just for that opportunity to serve, then what use is that to us?Huh That's self-fulfilling.. Haven't we had enough of that already?Huh

But BLACK or WHITE on the inside, he is different from the other candidates running this year, and he sounds earnest, so he deserves a chance...  A chance is a little bit BETTER than NO CHANCE isn't it?Huh And who knows, after selling his S O U L to get inside, once in, he might suddenly find it somewhere along the way and reconnect with it in a BIG WAY..

So i say Y E S... Let's give this guy a chance...  Things might  come out okay in the E N D...

But i rather doubt that any real change will happen because he's having to surround himself with them nearly every minute of every day... They'll be watching him, advising him, reporting on him, guarding him, controling him, so when is he going to get enough time to be himself; so the real BARACK OBAMA can emerge?Huh?

But yeah, i'll vote one more time before i give it up for good... i want to see what this Brotha can do.... Or can't do...


"Individuality" is a very good thing... but... "Team-Work" is way more "Better"...
Posts: 30

« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2008, 05:13:01 PM »

******i've studied this man, his moves, his dreams, and his hopes; he aspires to the highest post on the planet...No Black person has even come close to sitting in that chair before******

[[[[....and the hoooooooooooooome of thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............braaaaaaaaaaaaave....]]] (applause)


From what I have seen, the highest post on the planet was/is the throne of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I.

Why do you worship a figurehead on the pedestal of feces?  Do you really think that this person will cause leopards to change their spots?

It is unfortunate that we have those stuck in fantasyland thinking that this is truly a democracy and that there is "hope".

Sodom and Gomorrah burned to the ground.  Lot did not run for president/king.

Moses did not run for pharaoh.  He got himself and his people out of Dodge.

The last group of people that came anywhere close to "changing" the agenda/directives of this country are 6 feet underground by bullets.
not to mention leaders in Afrika, the Caribbean and South America.

I am sorry to rain on your apple pie flag waving but it is time that you woke up and looked around what is going on in the world today by the hands of Americans.

The president runs nothing but his mouth.  He is but a pawn for global domination interests.

There is no mystery that they are sticking either a woman or a black out there to visually throw us off track to what is going on.

Clinton's term in office (and the backdoor devastation done to blacks) should have made clear what the gameplan is while so-called "soul" presidents are in oval offices and oral orifices.  I knew it was a set-up the moment I saw Bill with shades on tooting his sax on Arsenio.
Posts: 2


« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2008, 07:46:14 PM »

To my Brothers and Sisters, Pls dont deceive yourself. The issue is not whether Barack Obama will be a good or a bad leader. The issue is the system itself. This must first change before Amerikkka can come off the the suicidal path its on irrespective of any figure head they elect or choose to put in.  Fari!! 
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 09:01:28 PM »

Mr. Obama is conditioned, not good or evil.  There is a rain of posts and solicitous e-mails coming from Obama for president functionaries streaming across internet land.  For those who do not fear to tread on web-sites with mixed content often objectionable to this readership, important essays on Mr. Obama's main foreign policy handler, Zbigniew Brezinsky, are available and perhaps helpful in reaching some decision about the content of Mr. Obama's character and his risky beliefs as determined by others.

What does it matter ?  The writer has studied volumes on the history of "democracy" and finds that there has rarely if ever been a "free and fair" election in modern human history.  Not that consent of the governed should be abandoned as a principal of democratic republicanism, but with computer voting now a given, these elections are ever more a rubber stamp for preordained political structure determined by those who control the  finance and technology  of this age.  No great leader will save us if we give them a chance.  To even suggest this shows and embarrasing lack of knowledge about the system of government envisioned by 18'th century intellectual founders of the republic weary of the stifling tryanny of priests, kings , queens and popes of all kinds.

Isn't it obvious that tweedle dum and tweedle dee can create a Condy Rice or a Clarency Thomas whenever it seems expedient?.  There are many more on the drawing board of life suckling at the teat of favoritism at elite schools, military academies and ivy league institutions in preparation for guiding the new serfs who will give them a chance in fake elections.

 Own land, create farms, form healthful alliances.?   Kennedy and LBJ's "great society" welfare programs were deception crumbs. The civil rights supposedly granted to blacks by these great white leaders were a long range plan to fight wars in hot climates, while barely sustaining the families at home through welfare statism based on race.  The real rights that were gained came from within and were fought for , not granted by political leader figure heads .   Obama is backed by a Kennedy.  The women and children on the home front are hostages in dozens of New Orleans's. This is the equal opportunity granted to blacks by the democratic party.  Muhammed Ali refused to be a part of it on his own will and conviction against advice from  the mainstream Nation of Islam at the time.

 this audience may find important the propaganda in news releases among Pacific Rim countries released by MSM always showing blacks in uniform being part of the huge expansion of US military bases and buildups in preparation for war in south east asia and the far east.  They make it a point to show blacks in photographs of, say, Guam, where thousands more troops will be stationed and more facilities built, including officers in charge of organizing new construction and transport shown on front pages of newspapers in Hawaii (black officers, no whites).  It's hot there.  Go ask Obama for an explanation, he'll probaly say its a proud day for African Americans to honorably and nobely serve thier country under the equality of opportunity first "acheived" in the armed forces (that is the usual line) and harken back to Truman Presidency.  It's getting hotter and hotter, better find somemore.  Perhaps as you resist these forces, the flood gates of immigration south of the border are opened ever wider for more recruits and create internicine warfare as has been the case recently as many of you know well in California.  It's all quite sinister, would Obama and Kennedy address the issues outlined in this meager essay?

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