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AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« on: January 31, 2008, 12:34:08 PM »


The term Colonialism of colonisation is not an easy to give it a defination . However, it is a term I would prefer to say is an issue in close relation to the people of Africa. The backbone of colonialism for Africa started with slave trade and slavery in Africa. with its starting date from 1440 AD, it went up 1840 AD.

This is where the Black people were taken to go and work in America, Europe and the Middle East. That is really the background of colonization much talked of in the vworld .

The true colonisation started from 1850, where the people of Africa were colonised by Europe. The objects were three, one was the so – called Civilization of the Africans of which Africans are regarded to have no civilisation , the second was Christianization, to make Africans Christianian followers , the third was the Commerce, the trade of which Africans are considered ignorant . So if you are Civilized and Christian, inotherwords then you have Ttrade. This was called the three C ' s`and was the background of Colonization of Africa .

The reason of introducing the " 3 C ' s " was simple and that was because the Africans fought hard against Slave trade. It wasn't an easy issue, simply picking the Africans. It involved war, destroying villages, catching the victims or selling them, taking them to the coast and later taking them by Ship to America . But European Historians would love to write that the Africans were the ones who sold their own people to the Arabs and to the Eurpeans to be taken to Middle East , Europe and to the Americas . And through this direction of wrong information in the European Mentor schools purposely created in African soil was / is the idea to mislead the young African generations , thus making believe that their or our forefathers were nothing but of a Human living beings with mind formation of Brutality to their own people , the Blacks . This according to me has been a created behind philosophy of re - educating the Africans in changing the real History events / or of what happened in Africa in the first moment of the contacts of Arabs and Europeans with the Africans from 1850 .

The truth to say which the Arabs and the Europeans can not say is that so may Africans died, out of 10 slaves caught, nine of them died on the continent of Africa in the war fightings . And out of all on the boat taken to America in particular, from West Africa, half of them died at sea, because the conditions were terribly bad. Therefore Slave trade was found Uneconomic, around about 1815, so the Pretext that Slave trade was a bad thing Started and this had to be Replaced by Enslaving the black people on / or in their continent Africa .

Thus, and this is how the idea of colonization was developed by the Europeans , which was termed in the meeting in Paris 1875, called the " Tterra Nullius Resolution " dated 3rd August 1875 , .Whereby the European Powers said, the Land of Africa is empty or must be considered empty and it does not belong to the people of Africa, the black people, so it has to be taken over .

The meaning in Latin, Terra nullius, nullius means nothing. So they , Europeans were not taking Land from a people, as we , Africans did not exist for them but only in their philosophy that, black people had been Enslaved to them, the Europeans for 400 years, probable by the Divine Power : Tthe Continent Africa did not belong to anybody, not even the blacks . So , what was wrong to introduce in this name of Divine Power and through to the African Peoples in the concept of a European Religion organistion to propagate of the European Mentor ?

This Paris resolution of 3rd August 1875 set the base for colonization and to establish the Laws, how to divide the African land among the European powers, a conference which came to be known as the conference of Berlin was designed . It took place in Berlin, in Germany. It started on 15th November 1884 up to 25th febuary 1885.

What was called the General Acts of Berlin or the Treaty of Berlin was signed on the 26th of February 1885. This is the Law, the charter that granted the power to the European powers to take any Land in Africa and divide it among themselves. Colonisation was born in 1885 and continued up to approximately, we can say, up to 1960 , where the philosophy of decolonization started after the Second World War 1945.

So in brief we should say how do we define colonization? Colonization is depriving a people of their basic human rights, their political rights, taking away their freedom and enslaving and oppressing them to work, even without pay. Taking away all their rights and depriving them even of their culture, their language and all that humanity can think of. Coming to the question of Civilization, it means the African way of life is considered primitive; therefore it doesn't deserve to be retained.

Thus Europeans gave power to themselves, to destroy African culture, to destroy African existing governments. Chiefs were taken , executed, deported and everything was set, so that the new future African Blacks are Black Europeans. Behave like white Europeans, eat like them, do everything like them and speak their language. So, this is what is called the Colonization of Africa.

To be frank , what is being said by Europeans or present educated Black Europeans ( because these Black Europeans eat like them , do everything like them and speak their language ) is the protracted Policy of colonisation of Africa ( Re - colonisation of Africa ) through what is generally called Education only by the Western Europeans is applicable in the Continent of Africa . The term Education does not mean this anyway .

It must be stated very clearly to starrt with that the core or the Central concept of the European Powers is that of representative as the Head of all States or of every Member State of all African Countries which they shared among themselves . One issue which confuses the Ordinary , non Political mentor / mind is the Tactical switch and Compromise of Duties and / or Functions between the Act of Technicality , Legality and Administration in any form of Organisation of a Society ( Be of a family , Tribes , Nations , States or State Kingdoms ) makes no fifference , there is a Role to play to exercise Rights and Duties which is vested , invested and Entrusted to some one who is known to have a Capacity in each and individual Society by the Society itself in the first place . In this perspective , for example , all African people and collectively as different countries fall under the European Sovereignty / Capacity Control .

This alone gives the Cultural advantage to the Europeans who so much only do to train the African and change their attitude of being African to follow and teach their own generations of their Socio - Cultural traits . We all know that African Socio - Cultural Traits are more deep and profound than what is refered to the European Traits in Humane life sense .

The Key to the European Economic interests in Africa is the control of the African Monetary and Fiscal Affairs , or Monetary System , so that the Forign Trades of Africa is controlled by the Europeans By controlling the Monetary and Fiscal Affairs of Africa , Europeans can succeed to controll the free develoment of the National Reserve Fund Buildings , on the one hand , and the Foreign Trade Expansion on the other hand . The European Economic Interests are protected in this way . Hence by forcing Africa and its peoples to produce what Europe decides to be produced and how much of it to be produced and through this , Africa be be under Europes Orgaisation , Europe is assured of all the Agricultural and Mineral resources of Africa for its own feeding Europes Industries in the European Countries . and in other Countries where found fit .

The truth is that there is a cheap Labour force avalaible in Africa to use to produce the agricultural and mineral raw materials needed for transfer to Europe . In otherwards in the Minds of the Europeans, there is avalaible in Africa a multitude of Respectable Slaves to be Exploited for the profit of the Eurpean people . Consequently , Africas Agricultural resources , Mineral resources , Labour resources , the Waters , Trees , and Mountains are to be surrendered to the Europeans . Now , on top of this , even the same Europeans turn around to insult Africans on this planet that they call the Earth " Africans do not know anything in the part of Africa . " .

Such , as an example only , is the advantage from the Memmership to be part of Commonwealth Organisation of Britain which is the Broad Day - Light Robbery of the Commonwealth African Countries ' s Natural and Human Resources for the British people to enjoy ., while the African people are left to die every day of Hunger , Poverty , Diseases . In this way , the African people are converted into a Community of Assisted men


Europeans do everything to control Africa to protect the MARKETS for the European products and for the empolyment of the European people . Africa is a favourable market for the European manufactured goods . This is known as a GOODS MARKET .

With its excellent climate variability the Africans are being converted by the European people as a Land to live in . Thus Africa is a favourable Labour Market for the empolyment of the European people to work in . Africa in addition is a favourable Service Market for the Services rendered by the European professionals of all grounds and walks of life : - Lawyers , Bankers , Traders , Importers , Accountants , Physicians , Dentits , Nurses , Teachers , Engineers , Tour Operators , etc -------

For these reasons , there is a formulated strategy in what we call Relations Establishment OfficeS with African people which in short is merely a way find out to detrermine and for the Europeans to protect their Diplomatic and Cultural , Strategic , Economic , and Commercial interests in Africa whereby , Europeans mentor is always , constantly engaged , involved in all sorts of manipulations to control their Affairs in Africa . I hope the African generations in Future get to know the truth about themselvels now . The world is not ending today . When Isaac Newton , a genius Human being , was put a question as to wether , he thinks , how the future World wars will be fought ---- In a respectiful answer , he responds ---- and I think in his Intelligence to all of us as Human beings and we should be proud of him " Man will end up by fighting each other by using still , Sticks and Stones " but will end up by not using the so called Nuclear Weapons or Strategic Head Guided Accurate Missile Sporting War devises .

Africans , you need your mind revolution formations please , to come out of this Human Sufferings inflicted on you . Give a try to that to come out of this boundage . I guess there are still , World over Human beings , who are yet intelligent to change the present World politics to suit for the survival of the one single Human race . The term race means oneness in Humanity Affairs and predictably for the Human Co - existence on this Earth , if this planet Earth will not be desroyed by any Super Power of Extra Terrastrial . Through Share of Knoweldge , there is no more room for deceits or politricks in centuaries to come to think of poverty any more . Man has acquired that Capacity already to see the politrics of the few people in the Power corner stones of yesterday and today .

Ronald . Lulua

LADO  -  Institute of Sudanic Studies - ISS
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