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Author Topic: Panafricanism and the role Lado kingdom in africa ..  (Read 41705 times)
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2008, 06:47:34 AM »

Thanks for your inside - out wide and apart and most rational argument comment forwarded here . I believe too to receive your comments on Lado issue Independence in future on this forum  .  Shortly , in time to come  , I will put here the Lime line Political and Dipolmatic History of Lado  " Discussion of Lado Independence " .







Lado Needs International Recognition as a Sovereign State

Since Lado was never Colonised, it has never handed over the Nation's Sovereignty to any Foreign Power. However, as an ' Occupied Territory ' Lado is denied the Right to a Seat and to a Voice in the United Nations General Assembly and must Struggle in Silence while the Lado People are being Butchered within their own Borders. In any case , Lado people are Defending their Borders, their Land, their Natural Resources and their People as best they can, which is their Right under the UN Charter of 26 June 1945, Article 1, Article 51 and Article 73, including all the relevant instruments of United Nations and International Law. But since there is a Lack of International Recognition of the State of Lado as an Independent Sovereign State ( Lado ), and because of the Negligence of the International Community, and of the UN, anyone feels free to Loot and Kill in Lado ( Africa ) . The British, who have been sharing the Occupation of Lado with Belgium since 1947, are doing everything in their Power, and are using their Position in International Affairs and in the UN Security Council, to kill the State of Lado, and they are using their former African Colonies, their African Protectorates and their African Territories . Just to do that , Monkey Tricks ( Diplomacy ) are costantly being invented using a skilled language pattern to confuse some African leaders and not knowing that they are being simply manupilated in carrying out what was already set up by their present still Colonial Masters . Such is in example , the failure to see and realise that -- The Europeans have in short , created African Union ( AU ) and is imposed on African Countries as Europeans imposed Artificial Borders on the Continent of Africa by the Berlin Treaty ( General Acts ) of 26 February 1885 The present British Government through its controlled African countries has created the ' Africa Commission ' and so set in motion with the main objective to finish off and Annihilate the State of Lado and to erase all trace of the Lado People from World Records . The Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Nigeria have been chosen to spearhead this initiative, and in this capacity , The Republic of South Africa and The Republic of Nigeria have been appointed Britain's African Commissioners for NEPAD. By doing so, ' This British Conspiracy ' under the Cloak of African Affairs, and pretending that the Slaughter of a Nation and an Entire People - the Nation State of Lado and the People of Lado - are merely an ' African Affair ' to be dealt with solely by the African Union ( AU ) . This Foreign Created Institution, the AU, is nothing but a copy of the EU, and Lado does not want to be a part of that AU The EU and the European Countries, who Colonised and Raped the Ancient African Kingdoms and operated their profitable Slave Trade, are Responsible for the present Chaos and Conflict raging on the African Continent because the Colonialisation of Africa has never ended till today. Old Crimes never Die, and Yesterday's Hero is Today's War Criminal .

Lado Petition to UN : No Peace without Justce

The World cries out for Justice like never before in the History of Man, and the Masses are pressing on for their Leaders to correct the Wrongdoings committed by States, Regimes, and Satanic Leaders of the Past and Present . In fact many are those who, had they been alive today, would be facing charges for Crimes against Humanity, Genocide, and Ethnic Cleansing. Every Country and each Continent have their War Criminals ( W.C.'s ) . Some come from within the ranks of their own Countrymen, others can be found within the Foreign Occupation Forces . Just so with Africa, the Continent that probably would come in on the first place as concerns Suffering in the W.C. ( War Criminal ) Competition As if this is not only enough to look at , The British have made / are making a sharp to shrill tone over the Petition for Independence since the Agofe / King and the Lado Provisional Government sent their Petition forIndependence to the UN Security Council's Permanent Members on 1 January 2002 . This direct Approach has so Angered the British and their Allies, who are Opposing any Attempts to Pass the Question of Lado for Voting in the UN General Assembly where there would most certainly be a Majority Vote in Favour of Independence as there would be if there was a Vote for an Independent Palestinean State.

But why is Lado of so much Importance to the British ?

Well, apart from being Rich on Natural Resources and Fertile Agricultural Soil, Lado is so Strategically placed on the African Continent, that the Former British saying about Poland in the Heart of Europe: " Who now holds the Leash on Poland " may be very appropriate on Lado . Lado serves as Ecleon to control Africa and beyond . Therefore the African Politicians keep their Sponsors happy . " The Elected Politicians must make sure to keep their Sponsors happy so not to arouse the Discontent of the Powerful Oil and Mining Lobby and their Affiliated Companies in the Weaponry and Pharmaceutical Industry ". The Weapons Vendors have vested enormous Interests in establishing an African Echelon in Lado which is the Perfect Spot to place the Gigantic Mushrooms and Listening Devices of the Foreign Powers ( such in one is NSA, National Security Authority ). With such Installations in the mountainous Lado, the NSA, who Operate the '" Echelon System " in close Cooperation with the Countries in the Anglo - Saxon Axis of the British Commonwealth, will have the Optimal Opportunity to listen in on every Phone Conversation and to read each and every E-mail and Telefax being Communicated in the African Continent and Beyond.

The New World's Obsession with Control of the African Resources have resulted in a new kind of War which is to Enforce all Nations to adopt the Anglo - American Prescription of Government: Democracy and Market Economy ( Market Reforms ) which usually means a US Puppet Government or a British Commonwealth Sattellite State which will be Favourable to the US and the British Business Corporations and not necessarily will Serve the Interests of the Nations' own Populations. It is well known that Wars are started and Regimes are Toppled where the Big Corporations and their Governments are Eying either Oil, Gas, Uranium, Gold, Diamond Supplies or Land. They have an Interest in using the Terrority as a Military Base, and as a Throughfare for Transportation and/or Oil and Gas Pipelines.

The new ' War on Terror ' is an Ideal Cloak for such Enterprises and under these conditions Petitions for Sovereignty and Independence are not Welcome. The Independence of Lado is long overdue, and concerned People are wondering why the UN Resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, 43/47 and Article 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 have not already been Implemented so that the Lado People can have their Rightful Chance to run their own Affairs as a State.

Today's Colonisers are getting their Objectives by creating Chaos, and Instability through Finansing and Training the various Government Troops and Rebel Groups who are used to make War against the People and on behalf of the Business Vendors to drive the Civilians away from their Homes to make way for the Bulldozers of the Developers, the Oil Rigs and the Gold Mines. Practically seen . The Rebel Forces and the Kenyan and Ugandan Troops operating in Lado carry out the same Massacres and Atrocities that the Colonial Troops of Governor - General Sir John Maffey did with success in Quelling the Resistance in North-West India ( today Pakistan ) for the British Empire

Through the 'Divide and Rule Policy , Governor - General Sir Maffey had kept the fighting going between the Hindu and the Muslim Populations, which finally ended with the formation of the State of Pakistan in 1947, which was later split into two States with the Birth of Bangladesh in 1972. But in reality, the fighting never stopped since Kashmir had not been included in the Pakistan State in spite of the fact that the Overwhelming Majority of the Population was and still is Muslim ( 80% ) and belonging to the Pashtun Tribe. It was no Coincidence that Kashmir was left as an Indian Province with a certain amount of Autonomy under the Watchful Eye of the Indian Military presence. This presence had been built up massively since 1947 and so has been the Forced Transfer of hundreds of Hindu families who are now Settled in Kashmir and Jamu. This was all part of a British Plan to Utilise the vast Energy Resources ( Oil ) in the mountainous Kashmir which in future may even be laid out as the next Asian ' Echelon Centre ' - just as is the case with Lado on the Continent of Africa. Exactly The American ( Virginia Colony ) / Angolo - Saxon are rumming the same Blue - Print to creat their own STATE to exist on the LADO territory now to be called SOUTHERN SUDAN STATE for the South Sudan Christians to seperate from the Moslem / Islam of North Sudan people . But the whole world knows that such old monkey trick using Religion is a desperate last attempts these Super World powers are opting for to destroy THE STATE / KINGDOM OF LADO .

Under all circumstances Kashmir - as is the case with Lado in Central Africa - is an ideal Strategic Location for the Control of Asia and the surrounding Countries. History and the Events in the World today show that the Decisions made one or even two Centuries ago have a Heavy Impact on the Policies and the Wars carried out in our Millennium today ( 2000 - 3000 A.D ).

But the Difference on the World then and today is that there is a Growing Concern for the Sufferings and the Injustices that hit the Common People anywhere in the World - whether it be Men, Women or Children in the West, in the Balcans, in Russia or Chechnya, in the Americas, in Asia or in Africa including Lado.

War Criminals must Face Justice :

Political Leaders or Commanders, who have Committed or Ordered Crimes against Humanity, are rounded up and brought to Justice - that is if they are not Members of the G7 Club, the WTO, the EU, or the Bilderberg Group who hold the real Power of the World and so far have been Beyond Reproach. A New Age had / has Emerged with the Attempts to Prosecute Dictators and Leaders such as the former US backed General Pinochet of Chile and President Milosovic of Yugoslavia who had refused to Play Ball with the Rich and the Powerful of the West. However, such Offenders as from US and Britain plus others, may still be allowed to roam about until the Next Generation makes them face their Victims.

Governor - General Sir John Maffey still today is a Bright Star within the Ranks of the Pro-Colonialists of the British Empire. But had he lived today, he would have been sitting in the Dock of a War Crimes Tribunal to face Charges for his Deeds in North-West India and in Lado where his Version of 'Maffey's Law' left a Generation of Innocent Killed and Maimed . Justice cannot only be reserved for the Rich and the Mighty. The Weak and the Poor must be given the Protection that only an International Court for Crimes against Humanity like the ICC can provide to All . The Role of such an ICC Tribunal is to act as a Bolster to prevent the Violations and the Killings by the most Powerful and best Armed . Unfortunately the World's most Powerful Country, the US, refuses to sign the ICC Treaty, and so far has been granted immunity, as they demand that their Soldiers, as the only ones, must be Excempt from Repercussion. This sends a Wrong Signal to the rest of the World and is probably the most striking example of the Double Standards and two - tongued talk of the Mighty who still adopt the Pre - historic Attitude of 'Might is Right . Who says of a Modern World !!!

Lado Independence and Sovereignty will Prevent Atrocities

There is only one way to End and Prevent Injustice and Atrocities like those still being Committed against the Lado People, and that is to end the Unlawful Occupation of Lado and to Implement the UN Resolutions 1514, 43/47 and UN Charter Art. 1 and 73 that give Lado the Right to Sovereignty and Independence. Lado must be an Independent and Sovereign Nation State in Africa and in the World.

The Question of Lado was raised for the first time in the United Nations at a UN Con-ference lasting from 28 April to 15 May 1947 by the then Soviet Permanent Representative to the U.N., Andrei A. Gromyko, who later became the Foreign Minister of the USSR.

On this Conference, which incidentally was called by Britain, three Key Issues were discussed, i.e. the Palestine Question, the creation of the new State of Israel, and the Independence of Lado.

Lado was Cheated :

The decision at the U.N. was to grant all three parties Independence, but as everyone knows, only one of these decisions was implemented with the realisation of the State of Israel in 1948.

A lot of bloodshed, anger, pain and millions of displaced and stateless persons have up to now been the result of the lack of implementation of the Palestine and Lado Questions. By now there remains to be granted Independence to eighteen countries in the World, of which the five are the Palestine, East Timor, Western Sahara, Lado and St. Helena.

Lado Understands , when the Young generations of today of the West European Citizens express their Views of not Knowing anything about the existence of Lado and Lado People on this Earth --------- ? Relief Agencies Also Misinform .

This presentation of the Lado tragedy is also given in press releases from the relief agencies and Church Missionary Societies / Groups who are even present in the area, and who, by the way, also get much of their benevolence from the Western countries who stand to gain from the control of Lado. No doubt these Agencies / Missionaries are under heavy pressure to keep the lid on the truth by government censorship for the situation is the exact opposite - as it is the Lado People who are being the victims of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing by the hands of Angolo / American trained Rebel troops ( SPLM from Sudan , LRA from Uganda , Skilled Military well paid Soldier Mercenaries ) Ugandan troops and other contigent troops from Kenya Rwanda and South Africa and others are being sent across the border with the intent to create muddy waters and so much havoc and terror that Lado will not succeed in gaining the independence which has otherwise been in the process through the UN . The worst still , The relief Agencies are unable to get essential supplies through to Lado as they are being prevented from landing their planes in Bunia Airport by the Ugandan troops .

The Hopes of Independence for Lado Lies in The Battle for the Mind

It is just a matter of time before the name Lado will be on everybody's lips and in the Medias around the World, and the Politicians in Africa and in Europe will have to answer questions from the Public about their Secrecy and Pussyfooting Policies on the Issue of Lado. Lado has long been a Burning Issue on the International Arena, but the Name and the Issue has been largely unknown to the general public in the Countries of Europe ( the Western World ).

Lado was Hidden but not Forgotten :

To the average African the Existence of Lado is no Secret, though no African outside the Lado Territory in Central Africa and the Nile - Congo Watershed would dare mention the name Lado for fear of serious reprisals against himself and his family . However , This is a Brand New Millenium (3000 A.D.), and a Time in the Human History when we are Liberating Ourselves from the Common Consciousness and will be Individuals who are Responsible for our own Actions , and even more importantly, Responsible for our Failure to Act .

The Blame cannot be Pushed :

That is why Lado people can no longer push the Blame for Injustice and Atrocities on to our Leaders alone, whether they be National or Worldwide on our Globalised Planet . Man has a Task to do for Justice and Man is no longer Blind-Minded . Whether the Individual be African, Asian or European , Black , Yellow or White , a Christian a Moslem or an Oriba the Issue is the same : There is no ' cop - out ', no Escape from taking a Stand and Act or Speak up against Injustice or Oppression once you know the Truth and the Facts in this Age of Information and Communication . As JESUS said : " When two People Act in the name of God, then God Listens and Blesses . " So the Individual should not be afraid . FREEDOM BE FOR LADO PLEASE !!





Abbe Gudenkauf lays to rest the notion that a Lado cover is always identified by Congo stamps with a manuscript Lado cancellation and the Khartoum Retta. He examines the 15 types of Lado covers, including the majority of Lado covers which bear Sudan stamps and were carried on Khartoum steamers. Sections include the postal history of the
Lado Enclave:

via the Congo

via Uganda

via the Nile with Congo stamps

via the Nile with Sudan stamps

Mixed frankings from the Uele District via the Nile to the Enclave.

Every aspect of the postal history is dealt with. There are many illustrations of the postmarks, covers, postal stationery etc., also maps and tables. Highly recommended. In fine condition one can ask for the literature from :

Click below


AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2008, 06:53:08 AM »

Thanks for your inside - out wide and apart and most rational argument comment forwarded here . I believe too to receive your comments on Lado issue Independence in future on this forum  .  Shortly , in time to come  , I will put here the Lime line Political and Dipolmatic History of Lado  " Discussion of Lado Independence " .







Remnants of Colonialism in Africa today .

The many Wars and Armed Conflicts raging on the African Continent, in Congo-Zaire, in Sierra Leone, Liberia and between Ethiopia and Eritrea are Remnants of the European Partitioning of the African Continent splitting Kingdoms, States and People regardless of their Cultural or Ancestral Background, The present National Entities and their Borderlines are not Natural but have instead resulted in a number of Artificially Created States inhabited by People of Different National and Cultural Heritage. Within these Nations, ( Modern Created States as such by the Western / Europeans in Africa ) , the African People have been forced to Subordinate to a Common and Artificial Nationality with no relation to their own Heritage. This is the real Tragedy of Africa and the
Main Cause for the Endless Armed Conflicts, Rebel Movements, Genocides and Refugee Crisises.

The History Books bring Numerous Accounts of War - lords and their Armies who have Robbed and Raped, taken the Spoils of a Conquered Country and Enslaved or Deported its Inhabitants. Africa remains a Living Example of Modern Day Imperialism and Slavery. The vast Majority of the Natural Resources and the good Farmland are in Foreign Hands in the former Colonial Possessions of Africa, owned by the Powerful Transnational Organisations who graciously let the Africans work as Unskilled Labourers for a Pittance since the Unemployment Figures in these Countries are Immense, there is no Choice but to take whatever Work is offered. Naturally, it is the Hardest, the Dirtiest and the most Unhealthy resulting in many Premature Deaths and Health Damages. In spite of such Conditions, there are no Standards, no Unions to speak for the Workers and no Government Bodies who care to or dare to Protect them. It is Impossible for the Ordinary African to buy Land to Farm profitably, to set up Businesses or Production Outlets or even to finance an Elementary Education. They don't even have a Chance of geting a Loan from the Bank. Truely the British Commonwealth Reaps the Harvest This is a Sure Recipe for keeping People in Poverty, Fear and Ignorance and in Bondage to the Almighty Employers, to the Relief Agencies, the " Donor Countries " and not least the British Commonwealth . The Commonwealth and the British Crown keep their Realm in a Tight Grip. From their fifty four Members, plus their Old Colony the United States of America, whom they hold in the Family through the old British " The Virginia Company ", the British Crown Scores Neat Percentages of all Goods Sold through their Affiliated Companies and Institutions, the British Crown, which is at the Top of the Pyramid in the British Commonwealth, getting the Major Part of whatever is Exported to the Markets of the Rich World. ThIs is why the African Commonwealth Family Members are Cultivating Vast Farmlands to growing Luxury Goods, such as Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa, Bananas, Cotton, etc., in order to Stock the Shelves of the Shops and the Supermarkets in the West. All the while the Africans and their Children are forced to work like Slaves with Hungry Bellies and no Rights. Not even the Rights to their own Land and its Resources. Those who have not been Fortunate enough to find Slave Labour are Lucky if they can Survive on Hand-outs donated by the Relief Agencies who are Competing to Provide for the Hungry and Needy Masses in the Third World, whose Children they can use as Guinea Pigs in their " Mass Innoculation Programs ". Africa is a Giant Laboratory for this purpose . Along with the findings of Minerals and Precious Stones, Cheap Labour is in high demand on the African Soil which is to be Mined and Cultivated for the growth of Luxury Commodities, Foodstuffs, Cash Crops and Plantations for European and American Consumption. The Aim of Colonialism was to create New Markets in Africa, taking the African Raw Materials ( Minerals and Agricultural Produce ) and shipping them to Western Europe and America for manufacture whereupon the Manufactured Goods were sold in the New Markets in Africa at an Overprice . This chain of events has chained the African Population in Perpetual Poverty, e.g. the Foreign Debt to African Independent Countries which is the modern and authorised form of Slavery. In one form the three Big C's were introduced into the African Nations : Civilisation, Christianity and Commerce. With this Hidden Agenda, which is still in force for Africa today, was covered by a Front " The British Anti-Slavery Society " which was ironically established in 1839 to campaign for an end to the Inhumane Slavery . Yet this was a supported Colonial Rules Enforced by Military Slavery transforming it into Colonialisation starting with the Dismantling of the existing African Kingdoms and Nations, drawing Colonial Borders and bringing in the Military to enforce the Colonial Rules over the African People, all of which was formalised in August 1875 at the Paris Conference . Ten years later, at the Berlin Conference, 15 November 1884 to 26 February 1885, the Slave Masters took the next step, splitting the Cake by partitioning Africa amongst themselves, and this time the Partners included the USA, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and Imperial Russia . The Today's so called Independent African Countries are Remnants of the " Split Cake " ( African Partition ), which are ruled by Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers who are only loyal to their former Colonial Masters .


A British Imperial Army ( King's African Rifles ) was established in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891. The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor- General of Nigeria and Major Selim Matera , a Citizen of Lado

It was him Governor - .General. Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called The Dual Mandate ( Indirect Rule ), which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide-and-Rule System with the Queen / King on top, and under the Sovereign Head are the British Administrators, and below them the Local African Chiefs. The only difference today is that the British Administrators are replaced by the African Presidents who are operating as Governor - Generals dancing to the tune of Remote Control These British Commonwealth African Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers rule in the firm belief that they are the True Sovereign Heads of their Countries. But in actual fact they have been reduced to mere Governor - Generals / Administrators ( International Public Law ). In Reality then this explains why the many different Indiginous Peoples of Africa, consisting of four Main Social Entities - " Races " ( Bantus, Hamitics, Sudanics and Nilotics ) believe they are Independent . That is also the reason behind the Conflict between the Tutsis ( Hamitics ) and the Hutus ( Bantus ) in Rwanda and Burundi. However, few people realise that the Real Owners of Rwanda and Burundi are the Indigenous People, the Twa People ( Batua ) , who are close counsins of the Pygmies. Rwanda and Burundi ( formerly Urundi ) used to be one Country, along with Tanganyika, before the First World War. The Territory belonged to Germany and was known as German East Africa.

In Colonial Legacy ---

When the First World War ended, Rwanda - Urundi ( Burundi ) was given to Belgium, and Tanganyika to the British under the Versailles Treaty of 28 June 1919. To this , today's Conflict between the Tutsis and the Hutus is a direct result of the Division of the former German Colonies into two parts, one for Britain (Tanganyika) and one for Belgium ( Rwanda -Urundi ). . But for the Deliberate Discrimination The Belgians chose to rule by appointing the Minority Tutsis " Most Favored Ethnic Group ", which carried them forward as the African Intelligentsia Class or the Ruling Elite, who as the new Slave Masters were used to suppress all the other Ethnic Groups. This is the Root of the Problem, and unless that is recognised and a Political Solution is found, there will be no end to the Bloodshed and Genocide in Central Africa ( which the Western / Europeans see it best lying within for their interest ) . This similar situation is what actually the British / Belgium ( 1947 ) long stated over Lado but they still have not succeded -----

The Displaced Persons, the Stateless Persons and the Internal Refugee Problem, among them the Nubians ( the Lado Muslim Community ) who are being held mainly in Uganda and Kenya as Prisoners in Reservations, the so called Restricted Settlements ( Bombo, Soroti and Gulu in Uganda and Kibira near Nairobi in Kenya ) was started by the British since 1897 . These People are always referred to simply as " The Nubians " though they are Muslims of Lado origin ( Luu and Lui People ) who were removed by the British Colonial Authority because of their Mutiny the same year 1897 when they were ordered to go and fight against their own People in Lado . ( East African History Books writen ) The leaders were executed in Uganda including their Military Commander, Bilal Amin, the Grandfather of Idi Amin ( The Sudanese Mutiny of 1897 ) The British have never forgotten nor forgiven the Lado Muslims for this Breach of Discipline, which explains why these displaced People referred to as " The Nubians in East Africa ", are still being punished as " Unwanted Persons." Apart from being held in the Special Settlements as Prisoners, the Lado Muslims ( Nubians ) are being heavily discriminated against, very much like the American Indians were treated by the European Invaders one hundred years ago . ----


Disciples of the New World Order are waging Secret War for Return to Slavery .............

As the World is holding its breath waiting for the next bugle call for War or the next bombing raid, the Disciples of the New World Order are exercising frantic activity to destroy the World with objective to total Control, i.e. Centralisation of Power which means that all the World's natural resources, its technology, scientific research and knowledge will be gathered on all in a few hands. Most probably all this must happen before when UN Resolution 43/47 of 1988 steps into force, as the UN is obliged to grant all countries and peoples Freedom, Sovereinty and indepedence . That explains the hectic stepping up of military activity in those parts of the World where there is not concensus to submit into the New World Order (NWO) system . This is a Secret War for return to Slavery . And for the Ladoans ( Lado people ) it is a case of fight or die as all other options have been exhausted after decades of endless diplomatic talks, hundreds of letters to the UN and Government Leaders and fruitless attempts to interest the international media in the plight of Lado, the country which was supposed to be the '" Forgotten Kingdom of Africa "'. But the Heart of Africa is refusing to die and give in to the overmight , struggling all alone for her Independence and Sovereinty becomes a reality. The Provisional Government of the State of Lado has a blueprint ready for the entire infrastructure of Lado involving all aspects of government, be it administration, the legal system, defence, education, health, family, production of food and the basic needs of the Population, Culture, Communication, Finance and Currency and not least International Relations. Though Lado is occupied by foreign troops deployed by Britain in the shape of soldiers from the King's African Rifles from Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, SPLM Rebels , the Ladoans manage to run their own infrastructure through their ' Dicastries ' administered by Religious Bishops under whose Authority all Educational Institutions are placed, and through the local Chiefs who are the central and uniting figures for the Tribes and Families who make up the backbone of the State of Lado.

Lado is synonymous with Freedom and Liberty

As the only country in Africa, Lado has never been colonised, and as such Lado's role is symbolic for the hopes and Spirit of Freedom for the rest of the Continent , the Heart of Africa, or even the Heart of the Planet Earth with Lado's central position at the Equator and with the life giving force of the Nile as its main Artery. Really it is important to understand that if you kill the Heart, you kill the Body, and this is what the NWO Conspirators or Trustees are about to do when they are trying to get a stranglehold on Lado and annihilate Lado and all Lado People in secrecy while the World's attention is diverted to an explosive situation elsewhere, in Kosovo in Yugoslavia , Checheny , Sierraleone , Liberia , Ethiopia - Eritrea , Uganda , D R Congo , State of Sudan , and Chad . But Lado is not alone anymore. Five other countries are fighting around us against the Anglo-American Trustees and their willing henchmen: Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda . Congo / Zaire, Sudan . Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia have joined the struggle to free Africa of the remnants of Colonisation and future Enslavement of the powerful Transnational Companies, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ). Lado wants a New World Order, but not the World Order dictated by the Disciples of the New World Order who among their numbers count the absolute Elite within Finance, Business and Politics and whose Religion is money and by the means of Money the total Control of all Countries, Leaders and Peoples . These ' Shadow Governments ' of the World, who have never been elected, know all too well that Lado is the key to the Liberation of Africa, and the rest of the Humanity, Spiritually, Morally and Physically. A genuine Liberation from Poverty and Slavery . However, as the quest for total Global Control and Centralisation of Power, Finances and Resources is intensifying, the situation of the Lado People is becoming absolutely desperate. Inside Lado itself there is intense fighting by every man, woman and child to defend their ancestral land, and to resist being dragged to camps in the so called ' Protected Villages ', which the Ugandan troops are operating all over Lado with the expertice of British and American Officers aided by an effective team of hardneck mercenaries. Throughout Uganda, the approx. 200,000 Ladoans, who live and work there, are rounded up, given in by neighbours who easily point out the tall, lanky and darkskinned Ladoans to the Ugandan Security Forces - Uganda National Liberation Army since from 1979 , earlier still to remember of . Sometimes these Innocent Ladoans were / are refered to as the Sudanese - Nubians whole families, are hurled off from their homes and taken to internment camps where they wait to be killed at a time. Recent incidences in year 2005 against Lendu people and Killings at Ariwara , Yei on Ladoland are of a few to mention . Their only Crime is being Ladoan and as such living proofs of the country which refuses to die and vanish into oblivion with its non - existence on the World Map. Part of the Anglo - American Plan is to eradicate the Leaders of Lado, and through the years there have been several assassinations just by the same Conspirators in April 1948 the King of Lado was gunned down infront of his house before he was going to address the UN General Assembly in New York on the issue of the Independence and Sovereignty for Lado.

Lado is stepping out of the shadows ------

Lado is finally through with the "shadow boxing", which has been the prerogative for the Lado enclave in the heart of Central Africa for close to one hundred years. The fight to regain the freedom of the Lado people and to re - establish the State of Lado will now have to be performed in the open air arena, and in this day and age the stage will be set in the UN General Assembly. It has been a long and tough struggle to get to this point, and the greatest obstacle has been just to get the issue out of the UN Security Council, which has been sitting on the Lado issue for fifty years. Lado is now about to be put back on the map of the African continent, as the UN Security Council has now accepted Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and Article 1 as well as the Resolution 1514 (XVXIV) of 14 December 1960. These two articles and the resolution cancel the UN usage of Article 12, which was used against Lado. So far the British have obstructed the Independence and more so the Sovereignty of the Lado Enclave, which they succeeded in hiding away in the Shadows of " Equatoria " (Nile Congo Watershed) ever since Lado became Occupied Territory by the violent assasination of the then Sovereign Head of the State of Lado, in 1948. The occupation was jointly administered by Britain and Belgium, but in fact none of these countries ever managed to conquer Lado till this day although they manage to administer Lado affairs through their former colonies bordering Lado territory ( Congo State, Sudan State and Uganda State ). The reason why Lado managed to break through the UN locker, was that Lado managed to bring forward the Rights and the Legality of the existing Council of Chiefs, and the Agofe of Lado, which have been reserved by Article 6 and the right of people in Article 15 of the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 . Article 15 says that the Rights of the Tribal people must be protected, and no Agofe of Lado has ever signed a paper to hand over these Rights.

All other chiefs in the continent of Africa had either been conned or forced at gunpoint into signing a blank piece of paper, which handed over the rights of their Territories and People to the particular European Colonial Power. This Article 15 gave the European Colonizers the Legal Right to own the Land and the People and enabled the 400 year-old slave trade (1440-1840) to continue in a modern-day modified system of slavery.

These proud old African Kingdoms were in fact transformed into Slave States, and still today they are kept in the stranglehold of Colonial Power. Some of these powers are Britain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and even Denmark who formerly occupied Ghana and later sold it to Britain. The legality of the Berlin Treaty was derived from the Paris Conference which was concluded on 3 August 1875, the aim of which it was to enslave the Africans in their own continent under the pretext that slave trade was inhuman, the European and American leaders came to an understanding and concluded that it would be more profitable to enslave the Africans in their own African continent under European administration who would bring the " blessings " of civilization, Christianity and commerce to the " backward " African souls. This concept was termed " Terra Nullus ", in short the land of the continent of Africa belonged to the European and American Masters, and not to the Rightful Owners, the African People. The procedure for the practical implementation was laid down in the Berlin Conference which started 15 November 1884 and was concluded by signing the Berlin Treaty on 26 February 1885. In fact the Charter of the OAU ( Organization of African Union ) of 25 May 1963 was drawn up in such a way as to keep and maintain the Legal Validity of the Paris Conference of 1875 enshrined in the Berlin Treaty in 1885. This ingenious way of controlling the African people is surpassed only by the Spanish conquestadoros almost five hundred years ago who enslaved the Indian civilizations of Latin and South America and the Carribean Islands, including Cuba. The control is made complete by imposing the language of the Colonizers, i.e. Culture through the instrument of the education system, religion ( Christianity and later Islam ) as well as currency and military. However, that control has never been possible in the State of Lado, which is the real reason why Lado was punished and removed from the world map. Till this day the Lado Agofe / King who was imprisoned by the British in Luzira Upper Prison outside Kampala, where he was badly beaten and tortured because of his refusal to sign a document to hand over the Sovereignty of the State of Lado to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the British Empire is till alive In the following years there have been numerous attempts on his life which is why he and his family have  been forced to live in exile for thirty-six years away from their beloved Lado and African soil. But it will not be long before the King will finally be able to set foot on Lado ground and reclaim his rightful Kingdom, the Legal State of Lado which was recognised in 1871 by the former Oppressors the Ottoman Empire ( todays Turkey ) . Then the name Lado was changed into Equatoria When the British and Belgians later occupied Lado, the British attempted to divide the country into first two parts, one part, the western Ituri / Uele in the North east Zaire ( Congo ) controlled by the Belgians. The British controlled part of Lado was named Nile / Equatoria, the latter now appearing to be the North western part of Uganda ( West Nile District ) and the Southern part of Sudan State ( Equatoria ) . The British Divide and Rule Policy, which has worked so perfectly in other parts of the world, has always been a total failure in Lado due to the strong feeling of Independence and Sovereignty of the State of Lado ( Central Africa ) where the Colonial Powers have never managed to subdue the people of Lado. Of all these the old Colonial Masters are not going to give up easily, but at least the Belgians are sympathetic to the quest for Sovereignty of Lado . My people have suffered for three hundred years, first from the slave trade and then from the hands of the Colonial oppressors who attempted to divide Lado between Uganda, Zaire and Sudan, and today the enemies of Lado are the Multinationals who are ready to let thousands of people die just to get control over the vast natural resources in central Africa, and not least to keep up the holy consumerism in the European Union . The big game is money which is waiting in abundance in the African underground. Rebel leader Laurent Kabila immediately started to sell out of the concessions to Zaire's diamond mines and when he gains full control of the rest of Zaire, the multinationals will have won the rights to excavate the diamond, copper and gold mines. In Lado the Ladoan people and the Lado Defence Forces are still holding a brave stance against massive Ugandan troops, and the SPLM Army ( Sudan People Liberal Movement Army ) of Col. John Garang, who have been in Lado for months in a vain attempt to quell resistance. Hundreds of Ladoans have died in the defence of their country and their freedom to choose the future for themselves and thousands more will perish if the foreign troops are not withdrawn May be it's up to the Americans whether they care enough to save the thousands of Africans who become homeless and destitute because of the war of money that the Old Super powers are waging on African soil .The refugees are used as hostages like a human shield behind which massacres on civilians are performed, and They say " The district is sealed off because of military activities " . Mass graves and new stories are spoken out by refugees. The West looks on through their television screens content to know that the blood is not spilled in their own backyard and unaware that the African holocaust is on a scale as the World War two ( WW2 ) holocaust. But who cares, as long as the raw materials to secure the high standard of living in the West keeps on flowing ....... Lado has to struggle to exist and towards Liberty . -------

N . B --- Next views reading information to come will be to tell you how still Lado is being played around with by the Slave Masters of the World out of fear of the existence of the Kingdom State of Lado in the Heart of Africa by the Western ( European , Anglo - American Nation Powers ) .






N . B : -   

contact mail with the Government in Exile of the KAARI ( KINGDOM STATE ) of LADO : 





personal office contact with Chief Advisor to the Agofe " King " of Lado   :  okuonzir@gmail.com



Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2008, 06:00:27 PM »

synchronistic and curious I should be reading this now.  between 1978 and 1980, Luo's from Kenya became family friends mostly with my late mother.  While I was in college studying, among other things, AFrican history, she was an early contributor to expanding tourism into east africa from California USA.  She became familiar with ethnic groups in some of the regions you describe. I have some artwork right now that may be from Lado.  I see, though, that from your perspective, the political geography manipulations typical of Roman and British Imperialism resulted in the internecine warfare models so familiar to historians that study the subject.  My entire life has been turned upside down from all this and trajedy visited upon friends family and colleagues, seeming to never end.

 Draw up the political boundaries with the express purpose to keep the vassal states fighting among themselves.  This policy of supporting weakness in others to create gain for one's self results in catastrophe for all - part of the uncivilized and cretinous policy of imperial eugenics.

In the balance (from your historical overview): "Britain being quite aware and till todate tried and tries to push out any other foreign powers to establish and exercise any rule authority directly or indirectly over the Land territories through which the Nile - water flows .. Just look look at maps , and you will find out that the bulk of the source of the Nile flow is the bolt - hold of the source by Lake Ombizako which the British named Lake Albert . Lado is the strategic Land to be under the supervision of Britain as she had already secreetly occupied Egypt in 1882 "

My friend, perhaps your regional homeland is what is called a "key log".  The "key log" referrs to a raft of logs floating down a river that would become jammed on their way to the saw mill.  A specialist would  be called in to walk the raft of logs(extremely dangerous) and determine the one log that must be removed (the key log) to free up the jam and for the raft to once again move toward its destination.  The jam in Africa might be considered advantageous to the principles of the UNATO alliance and the AU, the logs stuck in the raft are the aspirations of the AFrican people currently jammed up , the final destination - liberty and self determination.

Lado the key log removed from the jam rides with the rest toward this goal .  The aspirations of the OAU are possibly realized. This is just a euphamism, certainly there are many key logs in Africa. 

I cannot for the life of me communicate the historical dynamic you chronicle to supposedly educated white or Asian people.  to them, there is only a comfortable vacume of the present, but very quickly the vacume is being filled by the repurcussions of this dynamic and the comfort is fast fleeting.  They blame other sinister groupings of white people for the consequences of policy that rewards weakness and not strengths.

  ....that we may all enjoy a quality of civilized life "superior" to the technological fascist polic states with TV and wrecked environments we live in now.....is that an unreal goal?  Why do people work like demons to amass riches so that they may travel to Africa, ironically, to witness for a time something they secretly long for but are afraid to admit?  To them, an AFrica without Africans (WWF) is a lovely park distinct from the self destructive impulses they themselves employ to eventual ruin of everything!  They equate military technology and social isolation that is made possible by it as "advanced civilization"  .  I know these people.  They are as dull as doornobs and only hyperaccentuate their primitive minds to focus on compartmentalized efforts at creating machines that have no function except to cause misery and pain for others.  To create weakness (supporting weakness) for momentary gluttony derived from it, soon overwhelmed by thier own dubious creations. 
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 112

« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2008, 06:17:03 AM »

synchronistic and curious I should be reading this now.  between 1978 and 1980, Luo's from Kenya became family friends mostly with my late mother.  While I was in college studying, among other things, AFrican history, she was an early contributor to expanding tourism into east africa from California .

 Draw up the political boundaries with the express purpose to keep the vassal states fighting among themselves.  This policy of supporting weakness in others to create gain for one's self results in catastrophe for all - part of the uncivilized and cretinous policy of imperial eugenics.

In the balance (from your historical overview): "Britain being quite aware and till todate tried and tries to push out any other foreign powers to establish and exercise any rule authority directly or indirectly over the Land territories through which the Nile - water flows .. Just look look at maps , and you will find out that the bulk of the source of the Nile flow is the bolt - hold of the source by Lake Ombizako which the British named Lake Albert . Lado is the strategic Land to be under the supervision of Britain as she had already secreetly occupied Egypt in 1882 "

My friend, perhaps your regional homeland is what is called a "key log".  The "key log" referrs to a raft of logs floating down a river that would become jammed on their way to the saw mill.  A specialist would  be called in to walk the raft of logs(extremely dangerous) and determine the one log that must be removed (the key log) to free up the jam and for the raft to once again move toward its destination.  The jam in Africa might be considered advantageous to  ----------

Lado the key log removed from the jam rides with the rest toward this goal .  The aspirations of the OAU are possibly realized. This is just a euphamism, certainly there are many key logs in Africa. 

  ....that we may all enjoy a quality of civilized life "superior" to the technological fascist polic states with TV and wrecked environments we live in now.....is that an unreal goal?  Why do people work like demons to amass riches so that they may travel to Africa, ironically, to witness for a time something they secretly long for but are afraid to admit?  To them, an AFrica without Africans (WWF) is a lovely park distinct from the self destructive impulses they themselves employ to eventual ruin of everything!  They equate military technology and social isolation that is made possible by it as "advanced civilization"  .  I know these people.  They are as dull as doornobs and only hyperaccentuate their primitive minds to focus on compartmentalized efforts at creating machines that have no function except to cause misery and pain for others.  To create weakness (supporting weakness) for momentary gluttony derived from it, soon overwhelmed by thier own dubious creations. 


Perfectly you are Right in the quotes above and really the African Mind is blocked on that as a defeated Human being who can not do anything for himself or by himself if not at least to face the Truth that for example when He / She is awarded a Degree title of learning a wrong History taught to him without a minimum thought given to their own Stories . That is why Lado keeps blaming these said African elites who are perpetually sinster now . And it would be wise at least to know that not all Africans are in the same pot just as there are some whites / Asians who are aware of what is taking place in Africa . The times for fools come to an end always but the string to talk about it must be kept on which Lado is doing and keeping in contact with all the well wishers . I do know that the cowards of the African Governments  in the United Nations circles are only there not to do anything ------- and must I at least be in contact with them to know and for knowledge purposes :

To establish a good network of a true minded people and organizations, who above all share a social consciousness and awareness of their ability as creative individuals and groups, and therefore to change a social, economic, political and spiritual status quo, as well as explore alternatives of how people could live and cooperate, can only think of getting rid of the present evil that stalks our planet.

The current world structure is based on an exploitative capitalist system which is destroying indigenous cultures all over the world, as well as, perpetuating colonialism, impoverishing people and waging wars, i.e. Africa . In addition, most organized religions are blocking the individual's path to true spirituality and are merely methods of controlling the masses, serving political interests and gaining opulence. .

The majority of citizens of this planet are controlled and centered on a cycle of wage labour from which they never escape, but which allows the owners of capital to increase their wealth.

It must be noted that Africans to mention are not communists or anarchists. The individual members of the African people may have varying ideological views but the African People all in all are in agreement that the current capitalist fascism running the planet is the only ideology which today has become most intorable as it is a lethal disguise for the true sickness of current humanity fo the urge to dominate ones fellow human being.

In the history of Lado people as Africans on the African continent they have always stood and stand again in solidarity with anyone on the planet who acts based on this principle on none disguise for the urge to dominate ones fellow human being .

They , like the rest of the human beings of this planet are political activists, artists and independently thinking individuals/groups who believe that through expression arts of music, writing and other forms of cultural expression and political action, they can inspire people to move towards an equitable, humane and spiritually sound way of living. in addition of having an Africanist outlook because:

Their roots are African and they do have access to information and first hand experience about the plight of their people as African . That is why the Lado people feel of being Pan-Africanists to a certain degree, as peace and prosperity for all Africans is something they advocate, regardless of where on the planet they may find themselves.

Really If you placed mankind on a hierarchical pyramid Africans are / will be at the bottom ( socially, economically, politically etc ), meaning more attention needs to be directed to Africa rather than the rest of the world.

The Five Pillars for Africa :

Only through resurrecting the African personality, meaning restoring their cultural heritage, philosophy, science and spirituality and giving it its rightful place in the world of today, can break out the current colonial slave mentality as Africans have adopted, causing them to become faithful practitioners of the ideology of poverty.

This process can take place in the mind of the individual African, who has become aware of the inhuman activities being carried out against him / her and the self-serving policies being practiced by national and international oppressors. The process of resurrecting the African personality can only be carried out through proper education which includes research, study, reflection and the practical application of African roots and culture. In order for the Africans to understand their present and envision their future, they need to explore and restore the richness of their history and carefully look into the lessons they could learn from the past 500 years.

Only through education, self-awareness and a movement towards creating continental unity can they succeed in bringing prosperity to the beloved motherland, Africa , Thus reviving their pride and dignity. In order for the vision to become a reality, there is a great need for, cooperation amongst Africans regardless of nationality, religion, political persuasion but they must accept their ethnic diversity, while simultaneously acting in a coordinated manner.

TO BELIEVE : that unity among Africans will become a power base from which they can act to ensure the rights of all Africans on the continent and those of the Diaspora (The Americas, Europe , Asia etc.)

Finally, Africans can believe that as Africans they are instrumental in perpetuating the current global system of capitalism. Their compliance , obedience and often reverence allows today's exploitative world order, through its monopolies, to feast on the blood and bones of Mama Africa by unlawfully having control of all her natural resources ( raw materials, coltan, minerals, oil, medicinal plants, livestock, land etc) Unfortunately , too bad , nearly all present puppet Africans ( especially the present leaders or so called Presidents in Africa ) are collaborating with the destroyers of humanity, through their refusal to realize the potential as free human beings. Africa remains till todate the life support system of the global power structure since the resources and servitude are used to sustain the status quo. By continuing a slave - master relationship with the West connotated in the Union of Africa ( AU ) European Uniion ( EU ), not only does Africa undermine the work of their Ancestors who fought and sacrificed their lives for Independence but todays Africans sabotage the efforts of the rest of humanity who are working to rid themselves of " the great injustice " on this world .

By --

( Lado )

Institute of Sudanic Studies ---- I S S
Kingdom State of Lado .

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